The truth is that the world is not what it used to be.

In some of the fragmentary myths and legends that Yuan Lian knows, which are not sure whether they are true or false, that is, the possible normal development trajectory of the prehistoric world, the demon ancestor Luo Hou seems to be the mastermind behind the fragile relationship between the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

As a result, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn began to fight each other frequently, and the chaos in the prehistoric world continued, which eventually intensified, leading to a war among the three tribes and their decline.

During this process, Luohou's magic path not only developed rapidly, but also used the three tribes as chess pieces, causing the world to be in chaos, and killing everywhere. It can be said that the changes in the world are all under his control. Without showing any signs of success, he has already gone halfway on the road of proving the way by killing.

If it were not for the fact that Hongjun Xiandao also rose due to the chaos during this period, and exposed Luohou's various behind-the-scenes behaviors, the development of the magic path was hindered, and the struggle between Taoism and magic began, which eventually caused Luohou to fail, then Luohou would have succeeded.

But now Luohou is not focusing on the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, and he may even want to spread the magic path in Beijuluzhou. This really makes Yuanlian a little confused and a little uncomfortable.

Although Yuanlian's Taoist temple is located in only Tianlian Mountain, Yuanlian basically only lets people govern Tianlian Mountain and attach a Beidi Xianyuan, and does not have too many ideas about the entire Beijuluzhou, but who can deny that Beijuluzhou is not his Yuanlian's territory, and the entire Beijuluzhou is not under his Yuanlian's jurisdiction!

Yuanlian would not care too much if one or two preachers of the magic path, or even more preachers, went to Beijuluzhou to preach, but if Luohou, the demon ancestor, went to Beijuluzhou to spread and develop the magic path, if Yuanlian still didn't care and didn't murmur in his heart, then he was too heartless and didn't take Luohou seriously.

However, although Yuanlian's mind was full of twists and turns, and he kept murmuring in his heart, it was impossible for him not to let Luohou go to Beijuluzhou. As for what Luohou was going to do, it was even more difficult for Yuanlian to interfere.

After all, this is not only about their freedom and privacy, but they have also asked for their opinions, which is considered to be giving enough face to Yuanlian, the nominal landlord of Beijuluzhou. If Yuanlian talks about other things, or even takes things that haven't happened as a subjective guide, then it's Yuanlian's own problem.

Therefore, after Yuanlian pondered for a moment, he transmitted his voice across the air: "Although the prehistoric land is divided into four continents, it is ultimately the prehistoric land opened up by Pangu. There is no distinction between each other, and there is no distinction between east, west, south, and north. If you want to go to Beijuluzhou, you don't need to ask my opinion, just go by yourself."

"Hahaha...hahaha...good...very good...good one, no distinction between each other, good one, no distinction between east, west, south, and north. Your words are really good, Luohou is taught!"

It is unknown what Yuanlian's relatively polite words made Luohou think of, and what specific impact they had. After listening to Yuanlian's words, Luohou suddenly became energetic, as if he had completely understood something. While bowing to Buzhou Mountain, he laughed out loud, moved lightly, entered the boundary river sea area, and headed towards Beijuluzhou.

"Tell that little monkey, don't think that you can speak nonsense and make comments on the magic path of this demon ancestor just because you have a good talent. If it weren't for you, Qinglianzi, protecting him, anyone else would have caused karma with one word. Even if he didn't die, he would have to suffer. Either he would repay the karma with his body and go to the West to join my magic path, or he would have abolished his talent to serve as a warning to others..."

Luo Hou had already gone far away, but the cold and ruthless words kept exploding above Qinglianzi's head, showing the power of the demon ancestor.

Qinglianzi didn't care about what he said, but Liu'er, who had just woken up, felt endless fear and fainted again, which made Qinglianzi helpless.

At this moment, Yuanlian, who was at the bottom of Buzhou Mountain and near Pangu Temple, didn't pay attention to the situation of Qinglianzi and Liu'er, because he was confused by Luo Hou's sudden laughter.

What does it mean to be taught? Could it be that my casual and polite words just now have given Luohou a special effect of "opening up the Ren and Du meridians" and "enlightenment"?

But... but he was really just being polite!

"Could it be that this guy hasn't actually thought about the next step or the specific direction to go, and my casual and polite words just now have touched him and made him have some general and specific ideas?"

The more Yuanlian thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, especially when Yuanlian thought of dragons, phoenixes,

The three Qilin tribes are basically still in a state of recuperation and preparation, and have not yet begun to fully display their ambitions. When Luohou's eyes are not on the three tribes for the time being, Yuanlian is more certain of his guess.

This makes Yuanlian a little speechless, and there is always a feeling that he is being calculated by the way of heaven and guiding the general trend of heaven and earth.

Of course, these are just some of Yuanlian's own guesses. Yuanlian can't tell the specifics now, nor can he figure out the reasons. Therefore, after guessing, he stopped thinking about it, but looked at Qinglianzi and Liu'er who was awakened by Qinglianzi again, with a little smile on his lips.

As for monkeys, Yuanlian still likes them very much, not to mention the four monkeys who are in chaos.

As for Liu'er Macaque, he may be the earliest of the four monkeys, but among the myths and legends that Yuanlian knows, he is the most miserable and even the most mysterious monkey. Yuanlian is also quite interested in it.

"But I have to say that although the four monkeys of chaos are born extraordinary, they are also born with a body of continuous cause and effect. Not to mention now, even in many legends, the fate and destiny of the four monkeys of chaos are not very good. They are all characters that are manipulated at will. This sin committed by their ancestors is really a bit of a pit for the descendants to bear!"

Qing Lianzi can only calculate and know that there are four monkeys of chaos in the prehistoric world, but cannot calculate and know the original fundamental source of the four monkeys of chaos. However, Yuanlian is very clear that the four monkeys of chaos are the Chaos Gods and Demons of War, that is, the famous Chaos Demon Ape, who once controlled the law of the great way of war in the chaos. A drop of blood containing four parts of the essence of the origin, which is fused with the origin of the earth, fire, water and wind.

And because the Chaos Demon Ape is naturally warlike and is the first existence to attack Pangu in the great catastrophe of the creation of the world, the invisible cause and effect is extremely great and even more profound, which can be said to be a deep evil fate.

Even though he was the first Chaos God and Demon to be killed by Pangu, the karma was difficult to clear, so the four monkeys of Chaos, whose essence and blood were divided into four parts, suffered a great misfortune because of the tragic ancestor of Chaos Demon Ape.

However, Yuan Lian only thought about these things as a fun thing, and didn't care much about them. Instead, he suddenly smiled faintly, his eyes suddenly flashed, and a stream of light shot out, sank into the void, and quickly disappeared.

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