The old man was very angry.

"It belongs to the Qilin clan? The property is returned to the original owner? Haha... The prehistoric land was opened up by the great god Pangu and evolved from his body. When did it become the exclusive property of your Qilin clan? Do you think that you can really become the so-called master of the earth by making some great vows? It's ridiculous!"

Dongxue, who was dressed in white and had a young, beautiful and cold face, sneered continuously. At the same time, a snow-capped Four Seasons Peak appeared above her head, and a top-level innate spiritual treasure, the Dongxue Divine Sword, and some other treasures appeared in her hand.

At the same time, Chunlei, Xiafeng and Qiuyu also made similar actions.

Although Hongjun could get out of this situation as an outsider, he would never believe that Zulin didn't know that he was here before. If so, his purpose was not pure, and he was not only targeting Chunlei, Xiafeng, Qiuyu, and Dongxue, but also targeting him, Hongjun.

If he could get out now, he could save himself from a lot of trouble, but he would not be able to enjoy peace in the future.

Therefore, Hongjun decisively took out Pangu Banner, Dragon Head Cane and other treasures, and was ready to kill.

Seeing this, Zulin's eyes flashed, but his expression did not change much. He just felt the earth shaking faintly, and he could see a large number of Qilin monks rushing to Four Seasons City not far away.

Obviously, Zulin suddenly led the Qilin monks to Four Seasons City, which was definitely not a whim, but a premeditated plan.

It turns out that the Qilin Clan has been gradually expanding its territory and power over the past few years while almost destroying the remaining beasts in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

During this period, except for a few fights with the Phoenix Clan due to water areas or some bases, the expansion of the Qilin Clan has not been hindered too much for the time being.

Of course, this is also related to the infinite vastness of Dongsheng Shenzhou and the fact that the Qilin Clan's expansion speed is not too fast and has not completely exceeded the comfort zone of the Qilin Clan.

However, the Qilin Clan's almost uneventful expansion still makes the Qilin Clan a little bit arrogant.

Even Zu Lin, as the head of the clan, is naturally more stable, but in the expansion of the Qilin Clan, because his cultivation realm quickly broke through to the late stage of Tiandao Daluo Daoguo, he also became a little arrogant.

Then several Qilin Clan elders suddenly advised Zu Lin that although the Qilin Clan is powerful now, because there is a supreme power in the world, at a certain time, it will inevitably be a huge obstacle to the development of the Qilin Clan.

If those supreme heavenly and earthly powers are not eliminated or frightened, the future of the Qilin clan will probably remain the same as when the Heavenly and Earthly Dynasties stood side by side, without any deterrent power. The Dongsheng Shenzhou cannot be completely controlled by the Qilin clan, let alone commanding the prehistoric land and worshipping the Qilin by all races.

Zu Lin, who was already a little bit proud, was moved by the words of these elders, but he didn't really want to take any action.

But at this time, the news of Hongjun's preaching came, and it was said that the response was very great. It was faintly that there was a sense of forming a supreme lineage of Taoism, and the luck of all living beings in the world was gathered because of it, which made Zu Lin unable to sit still.

In addition, Four Seasons City happened to be in the place where the Qilin clan had to go through for expansion, and it was not very realistic to ask Chunlei, Xiafeng, Qiuyu, and Dongxue to give up their territory obediently.

So Zulin was ready to kill two birds with one stone, which could not only force Hongjun to retreat and show the power of the Qilin clan, but also take down the tough bone of Four Seasons City. With this power, he could face those supreme earth powers and dominate Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Therefore, the actions of the four elders of Four Seasons City and Hongjun completely took advantage of Zulin's thoughts and saved him from wasting words.

So in this mentality, Zulin didn't say much, just smiled coldly, waved his hand, and a large number of Qilin clan monks gathered into a formation, murderous aura filled the sky, and his attitude was completely revealed.

Afterwards, Zu Lin looked at those casual cultivators, and finally set his sights on Qing Lianzi. He frowned unconsciously, and then said domineeringly: "If you don't want to get involved and die in vain, then leave quickly. Otherwise, in the war, no matter what your status is, you must be prepared to die!"

After hearing this, some casual cultivators became extremely entangled and hesitant. Finally, they sighed, bowed to Hongjun and the four elders of Four Seasons City, Chunlei, Xiafeng, Qiuyu, and Dongxue, and then turned around and left on the cloud.

In this regard, both Hongjun and Four Seasons City

The four elders didn't even raise their eyelids, and didn't care at all. They just exuded their aura and their expressions gradually became extremely murderous.

They just waited for the remaining cultivators to leave, and then attacked immediately.

However, although many cultivators left, more of them did not leave, but came to the vicinity of Hongjun and his companions with a firm look, showing their attitude.

"Humph! Although the Qilin clan is powerful, I am used to staying in Four Seasons City. I have feelings for them, and I have the grace of Hongjun the ancestor's teachings and answering questions. I will not leave like those villains just now. The worst thing is that I am unlucky, and I will bleed in Four Seasons City and die!"

A white-haired old Taoist in a white robe with a great perfection of the Daluo Jinxian cultivation realm stood near Hongjun and his companions, with a firm look and fearlessness.

As the old Taoist's words fell, they instantly aroused endless indignation among the cultivators who had already expressed their attitudes.

"That's right! If we leave now, we will feel guilty and it will be difficult for us to ascend to the great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the future. It is better to fight here and make a name for ourselves. We will have no regrets even if we die!"

"Qilin clan, hehe... when the dynasties of Heaven and Earth were everywhere, we were not so arrogant. Now we are so ambitious that we don't take anyone seriously. If we don't work together, it will be very difficult for us to survive in the future. It is only right to take a chance here!"


The newly born or relatively old casual cultivators were talking indignantly, which seemed very noisy, but also very imposing. They were not frightened by the increasing number of Qilin clan cultivators.

In response, Zu Lin did not change at all, but his eyes were cold and murderous.

Finally, Zu Lin saw that Qing Lianzi only wanted Liu Er to leave, but he himself had no intention of leaving. He knew that there was no need to say anything else, so he waved his hand and shouted: "Kill!"

With one order, the countless Qilin clan monks who had assembled into a formation took action instantly, and an endless torrent of attacks emerged, sweeping across the sky and earth.

"Zu Lin! Die!" Hongjun came later but arrived first, and tried his best. The fragments of the Jade Book of Creation hummed wildly in his soul, and he used the Pangu Dharma Appearance Magical Power he had used before, turning the Pangu Banner into the Supreme Divine Axe and slashing at Zu Lin fiercely.

"Haha! The fruit of the Heavenly Dao Daluo appeared; the Qilin stepped on the ground, the beasts returned to one, and I am the king of the earth; kill..."

Facing Hongjun's attack, Zu Lin did not change much, but just smiled coldly and shouted loudly, and the Qilin Seal rose into the air and grew in the wind!

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