The twelve ancestral witches and gods are fighting against each other!

The true body of the God Rebel Beast Emperor appeared, the law was heaven and earth, holding a spear, and for a time he actually fought with the twelve ancestors!!!

And the demon race, or now the billions of demon immortals of the demon beast family, have also been infected by the spirit of rebellion, and have once again fought with the witch soldiers.

On the contrary, those Heavenly Devils, because the Law of the Demon Dao specializes in the Yuan God, they seem to find that the Law of the Demon Dao has no good way for the existence of souls and bodies such as the Wu Clan, and they can only sweep the formation from the side.

Kunpeng, who was watching from the side, although he was a little dissatisfied with the gods rebelling against the calculation of the position of the Heavenly Emperor, but in order to preach for himself, he still gritted his teeth and summoned three hundred and sixty-five demon gods, based on the River Tuluo Book, and began to arrange the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array!

Not long after, the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array appeared, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in a large array!

Under the cover of endless stars, Buzhou Mountain was shining with stars for a while!

On the side of the twelve ancestors, the battle against the gods intensified!

The god rebellion is too powerful, in a short period of time, with the power of the twelve ancestors, it is impossible to completely suppress the god rebellion, although the god rebellion also fell behind because of the failure of the spirit treasure, but all the ancestors and witches can not separate their minds to solve the three Kunpeng who are arranging the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

Seeing that the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array was completely successfully arranged, a huge pressure suddenly pressed on the hearts of the twelve ancestors.

The Divine Rebellion was already so difficult to deal with, if they added the power of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, they were afraid that they would not be able to bear it!

Because as soon as the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array appeared, it brought unparalleled coercion, and this force could at least entangle the four ancestral witches!

As a wise man of the Wu Clan, Candle Jiuyin was proficient in the laws of time, and he saw this most clearly.

Therefore, when Kunpeng used the power of the Zhou Tian Star Dou to urge the stars to destroy the demon god light, and wanted to help the gods to suppress the twelve ancestors, Candle Jiuyin shouted angrily: “Brothers and sisters, arrange the twelve heavenly gods to destroy the array!!! ”

With a roar, the other eleven ancestral witches responded one after another!

Then his figure exploded and he no longer fought against the gods.

The Twelve Heavenly Gods are in a great array?!!

What is it?

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of demon immortals shrouded in the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, and even some of the great powers that are watching the battle within the hidden formation, it is Kunpeng and the Divine Rebel, which are also a little inexplicable.

They had never heard of the name of this formation.

However, just by looking at the appearance of the twelve ancestors, he knew that this formation must also be extraordinary.

Even if it is still a hole card, otherwise it will not be used when it is about to be suppressed.

The god rebellion reacted the fastest, he had experienced the fierce beast calamity, and he had fought with Zulong and others, and his experience in battle was simply unmatched.

In his opinion, no matter what kind of formation the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array was, it could not be used by the Twelve Ancestors.

Without waiting for the others’ reaction, he took the divine gun and attacked towards the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but he wanted to prevent the Twelve Ancestral Witches from successfully arranging the Heavenly God Array.

However, although he reacted quickly, he was still one step slower.

The Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array is a peerless array evolved from the Pangu essence blood in the body of the twelve ancestors.

Unlike the rest of the Flood Barren Formations, all kinds of preparations are needed to successfully arrange.

The twelve ancestral witches only need to stand in each position and hook up the Pangu Essence Blood Qi Machine in their bodies, and they can successfully arrange the large array in an instant!

So the god rebellion found that when he rushed to the Twelve Ancestral Witches, suddenly a powerful coercion came from the Twelve Ancestral Witches, which actually shocked him directly!!!

“This can’t be !!!”

God was shocked!

Even with the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, he could briefly blast through a spatial crack.

But these twelve Heavenly God Burning Array had just begun to operate, and he couldn’t even get close to him?

What is this power?

This scene was also seen in the eyes of Kunpeng and the powers, and they were all surprised for a while.

The great powers originally thought that when Kunpeng made Zhou Tianxing, the situation was already doomed.

Since none of the twelve ancestral witches can completely suppress the divine rebellion, then when the other power is added, the twelve ancestral witches will definitely be defeated.

Who had ever thought about what formation they were going to use suddenly, and this formation had just been arranged, and even the gods couldn’t stop it.

God Rebellion is the existence of the twelve ancestors alone, and even he can’t break the barrier, what kind of strength should it have?

Among the people, Kunpeng was the most worried.

After getting the River Tuluo Book and mastering the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, he knew the power of the formation best.

A formation like the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, which gathers three hundred and sixty-five demon gods and the power of Zhou Tian Star Dou, is enough for these demon gods who are not more than the Da Luo level, and they have the existence to fight against quasi-saints, and even to be strong in the quasi-saint realm.

The twelve ancestors were originally the powerhouses of the quasi-saint series, and if the twelve Heavenly God Burning Array they used was also like the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, and they could gather the power of everyone as one, then such a scene would only be very unfavorable to the side of the Heavenly Court.

So Kunpeng saw that the Great Array actually forced the gods and rebellions to retreat, and hurriedly shouted: “Your Majesty, you can’t let them successfully arrange the formation, this gate large array is only afraid that it is no less than the existence of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, if the power of the twelve ancestors is turned into one, it is far more powerful than three hundred and sixty-five demon gods!” ”

“I can’t say that you and I can’t resist this force, I bless you with the power of the Star Dou Array every week, you must stop the formation !!!”

After saying that, Kunpeng was too anxious to even wait for the God Rebellion to respond, so he directly used the River Tuluo Book to urge the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, and transmitted the endless star vitality towards the God Rebellion.

And the god rebellion got the power of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, and for a moment he almost thought that he had broken through the realm of mixed elements!

The unprecedented powerful power blessed on his body, so that he who had just been forced to retreat by the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array gave birth to some confidence, and immediately no longer hesitated, swung the divine gun, and attacked towards the twelve ancestors again!!!

This time, however, the rebellion was still unsuccessful.

With the operation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, the endless magical laws on the twelve ancestral witches, the bloodline streamers soared, turning the area they occupied into a piece of magical light, and then these bloodline streamers and magical mysterious lights actually condensed into a cyan giant egg!

And the shot of the god rebellion happened to attack on the condensed giant egg, but it did not set off the slightest wave.

All the power is like a mud cow into the sea, completely dissolved by the giant dome!

This scene, watching everyone was shocked!

The momentum of the Divine Rebellion after the blessing of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, even the great gods of the quasi-saint series sensed it, and they all gave birth to a huge pressure, but such an attack could not break through the cyan giant egg condensed by the twelve ancestral witches???

What is the origin of these twelve Heavenly God Great Arrays, which is so powerful?

Just when everyone was shocked by the extraordinary performance of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

In the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, everyone except Donghua was also shocked!

Yuan Shi was even more shocked and said, “What kind of formation is this, how do I feel that some Pangu Great God’s qi is revealed?” ”

The three Qing Pangu Yuan God incarnated, and the relationship with Pangu is inseparable.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, even just looking at the picture evolved by Donghua Divine Power, I feel that something is wrong.

Tong Tian on the side also said: “This formation can’t even be broken after a person like God Rebel blesses the power of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, could it be that this formation summons the power of Pangu?” ”

Donghua heard the two of them hear this, and glanced at Tong Tian with some surprise, not wanting him to be able to see a little mystery.

At that moment, he spoke: “But not only the power of Pangu, but more precisely, these twelve Heavenly Gods can summon Pangu’s true body!” ”

Pangu True Body?!

As soon as Donghua’s words came out, everyone who was still looking at the battlefield picture couldn’t help but look back at Donghua.

Pangu True Body, this is not an idle thing.

In the midst of the flood, all the existences related to Pangu are very extraordinary.

Not to mention Pangu’s true body!

And they also don’t quite understand the meaning of Donghua, Pangu has fallen, how can there still be Pangu’s true body in the world?

Chang Xi couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Dao, didn’t the Pangu Great God fall when the heavens and the earth were opened?” Even the Sanqing Daoyou are all transformed by the Pangu Great God Yuan God, where in this world is there any Pangu true body? Could it be that Pangu could still be resurrected through the summoning of the twelve ancestors? ”

The doubts in the hearts of the rest of the people were probably the same as Chang Xi.

So they all looked at Donghua tightly, waiting for his answer.

Donghua did not respond directly, but said: “Do you remember that when I came to Tiangong, I told you that there was an opportunity here, and I can’t say that you can still gain something?” ”

Including Zhen Yuanzi, Ao Qing, Queen Mother of the West, Xi and Chang Xi, and even Nuwa, they all nodded.

Donghua did say this.

They still didn’t understand it at the time.

Even if the Wu Clan and the Heavenly Court want to fight, it won’t help them, right…

“Yes, the chance I mentioned is these twelve Heavenly God Burning Array!”

“The Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, based on the Pangu essence blood on the ancestral witch, can summon a Pangu true body, although it is only illusory, the strength is not as good as the real Pangu, but there is also a mixed element series of magical powers!”

“It can barely be regarded as the move of a mixed element powerhouse, if you can see through a little mystery from it, it will be of great benefit to your comprehension of the mixed element realm.”

“Even because the Pangu True Body is used by the twelve Quasi-Saint Rank powerhouses of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, it is easier for you to see the mystery, after all, they can also be regarded as using the Mixed Element Divine Power by virtue of the Quasi-Saint Level.”

“There are many cultivations in the world, I am afraid that only the twelve ancestors can do this.”

I see!

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly stunned.

With the power of the quasi-saint series, the twelve ancestors summoned the Pangu true body of the mixed element series, and if they could see the mystery, it would certainly be of great help to them to comprehend the mixed element realm.

Sanqing couldn’t help but glance at Zhen Yuanzi and the others, and he was faintly envious that they could get Donghua’s point.

If Sanqing were not worried that the Wu Clan really ruled heaven and earth, and felt that something was wrong, it is estimated that he would not have come to the Heavenly Palace.

That’s missing the chance!

And Zhen Yuanzi they have Donghua guidance, will not miss it, thinking of this, how can Sanqing not be a little envious? _

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