Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 55 Liu Ming went to a banquet and intercepted Chan to rob someone.

Liu Ming hurriedly opened it and saw that it was OK. It was a worthwhile trip.

There are nearly 50,000 spiritual treasures, the highest of which are only one or two innate low-grade treasures, and the remaining 90% are acquired low-grade spiritual treasures and some without grade.

But now Liu Ming only seeks quantity, not quality!

It seems that Zhen Yuanzi has also tried his best.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi!"

Liu Ming leaned forward and saluted Zhen Yuanzi.

"Your Highness, you are so polite. Haha, after all, you saved my ginseng fruit, so this is nothing!"

Zhen Yuanzi said hurriedly.

Today is different from the past. Even Di Jun's son can compete with him, and even he may not be able to beat others.

no way!

In addition, after all, they saved the ginseng fruit, which is also a meritorious service to Wuzhuang Temple.

"Your Highness, I have prepared some wine. How about we have a few drinks?"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Liu Ming and asked.

Liu Ming originally planned to leave, but he couldn't refuse the warm hospitality, so he had to have a few drinks with Zhen Yuanzi.

The wild land!

As soon as the Twelve Golden Immortals landed, they formed a group of two and divided into six groups and headed towards the primitive world.

And not long after they left, Biyou Palace Duobao and the others also came down.

"Junior brothers and sisters, this time we must bring all the ancient luck back to Biyou Palace, do you understand?"

Duobao looked at everyone and said.

Later, Duobao and Wudang Holy Mother, Jinling Holy Mother and Guiling Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao set off in three groups.

Just when Duobao and Wudang Our Lady had just walked out, they stopped.

Because I met an acquaintance!

"Hiroyukiko, Aka Seiko, why are you here!"

Duobao asked, looking at the two of them.

Guangchengzi and Akazhiko looked at each other.

"It turns out to be Duobao and Wudang, haha, why are you here!"

"Guangchengzi, we have come to Honghuang on important matters under the orders of our master. What are you two doing here!"

Duobao asked coldly.

Sanqing is still very harmonious on the surface.

But the disciples are a different matter.

Taishang Laojun only has one disciple, Master Xuandu, and Xuandu never participates in anything, and he doesn't even go out to Shouyang Mountain very often.

Naturally, the Twelve Golden Immortals and Duobao have been dealing with each other for the longest time.

From time to time they sparred and competed, and sometimes even competed under the watchful eyes of Sanqing.

As time goes by, conflicts gradually arise. After all, no one wants to embarrass themselves in front of their master.

It's inevitable that sometimes I'll be a little too harsh.

"Hmph, you are following the orders of Uncle Tongtian, and we are also following the orders of our master. Duobao, aren't you just here to seize luck in the wilderness? Since you are here, let's each do what we can!"

Guang Chengzi said.

When Duobao took a look, he was afraid that the twelve golden immortals were here.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's compete. However, this is the Yin-Yang Island we're going to come to. You'd better find another place!"

Duobao pointed to an immortal behind him and said.

There are hundreds of casual cultivators on Yin Yang Island, and they have never had any disasters under the leadership of the island owner, Taoist Yin Yang.

This Yin Yang Taoist claimed that he was the descendant of the original Yin Yang ancestor.

This shocked Hongjun at first. After all, Patriarch Yin Yang and Hongjun were three thousand gods and demons, and they had dealt with the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu together.

But Hongjun glanced in the void and said only two words, absurd!

Immediately Sanqing understood that this was a fake who was trying to deceive the world and steal his reputation.

Naturally, they don't care about this kind of stuff.

It's different now. In order to compete for luck, these hundreds of people are also a force!

"Hmph, Duobao, don't push yourself too far. We came to Yin-Yang Island before you came. Are you blind?"

Red sperm is warlike, how can he tolerate Duobao being so shameless.

"Aka sperm, you!"

"Okay, two senior brothers, eldest brother, since we are all here now, why not call out the Yin Yang Taoist and let him choose who he wants to go with? How about we let him choose?"

Seeing the stalemate, Our Lady of Wudang had no choice but to come up with a plan.

Guangchengzi nodded after hearing this.

Duobao snorted and shouted directly towards Yinyang Island.

"Master Yin Yang, get out of here!"

Our Lady of Wudang’s face suddenly turned dark, Senior Brother, how can you make the Yin Yang Taoist surrender to us like this!

"Who is yelling in our dojo? Are you looking for death?"

A neither yin nor yang voice sounded, and then more than a hundred casual cultivators came out.

And a thin old man walked out from the middle.

He looked arrogant at first, but when he took a closer look, his expression suddenly changed.

"Oh, what kind of wind has brought these fellow Taoists here! Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, Fellow Daoist Chi Jing, Fellow Dao Bao, and Fellow Daoist Wudang, they are so brilliant!"

Seeing the Yin Yang Taoist's lack of moral integrity, Guang Chengzi couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"Stop talking nonsense and get out of here. Let me ask you, now I, Biyou Palace, want you to join us, what do you think?"

Duobao goes straight to the point.

When Taoist Yin Yang heard this, he immediately smiled.

This is a great thing!

It would be amazing if a casual cultivator could get close to the big tree that reaches the sky!

"Yes, yes! Fellow Taoist Duobao, no, Senior Brother Duobao, is this true?"

Duobao felt proud for a while, Taoist Yin Yang was still very aware of current affairs.


Just as Aka Seiko was about to scold him, Guang Chengzi stopped him and shook his head.

"Since Yin Yang Taoist you are willing to go to Biyou Palace, haha, that's fine, then congratulations to Duobao, he is yours! Let's go!"

Guangchengzi took Chi Jingzi and left Yinyang Island directly.

Duobao felt as if he had eaten a fly at this moment. Guangchengzi didn't even argue with him!

This is like giving alms to yourself.

"Elder brother, we..."

"Those immortal talismans, go to Golden Turtle Island, and someone will lead you up. Go!"

Duobao waved his hand and said.

The immortal talisman in his hand was given directly to Taoist Yin Yang.

Taoist Yin Yang led his men and walked away.

"Senior brother, look, the luck on Yin Yang Island is not good either! There are very few!"

As soon as Yin Yang Taoist left, the fate of the entire Yin Yang Island returned to Biyou Palace.

But there are few problems!

"Hmph, this loser must have never done anything beneficial to the prehistoric times, otherwise he wouldn't be so lucky. No wonder Guangchengzi gave it to us. It seems that he doesn't like it at all!"

Duobao finally understood Guangchengzi's intention at this moment.

"Elder brother, it doesn't matter if he's a waste or not, it's better than nothing. It's best if he's a master of the Twelve Golden Immortal Eyes but a weak one and can't see anything. Then we'll accept them all!"

Our Lady of Wudang said with a smile.

When Duobao heard it, it seemed to make sense. A little adds up to a lot, and the more the better!

"Junior sister is right, let's go, let's continue to look for him, and try to crush his Yuxu Palace under our feet!"

After Duobao finished speaking, the two of them turned into light and disappeared.

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