On the expression, you can see that there is no help in vain.

And the Xuan Tortoise has also gained merit because it has turned into something that replenishes the sky.

After turning into something that replenishes the heavens.

As long as the flood is intact for one day, he can accumulate merit.

After Tang Yuan took away the true spirit of the Xuan Tortoise, he sent it to the self-corpse in the underground mansion.

Waiting for reincarnation.

"Fellow Daoists, if it has been made up today

!" "When Qiankunding appeared, I found that this object was related to

me!" "I also hope that Nuwa Daoist friends will make friends with me!"

After everyone sorted out the merits, Jun Ti spoke.

Hearing this, everyone was not calm.

Tong Tian directly drank lightly: "Hmph, Zhun Ti, you are also a saint

!" "How can you say such words!"

"That's right, the mending of the heavens is over

!" "You two can go back!"

said Yuan Shi, who actually wanted to do it too.

But not in the West.

I thought about driving the West away first.

"Jun Ti Daoyou, you said that Qiankunding is related to you!" "

Then if I say that you have a relationship with me in the West, then the West is not mine?"

said Tang Yuan with a smile.

At what time would Jun Ti say such things.

But it's a bit of an ordinary operation.

"Who should go to that Qiankunding!" Zhun

Ti felt fierce in his heart, seeing that he had no chance to get it.

I thought about picking things up.

In his opinion, there are so many people here now.

Each one is a strong, saint level.

If you fight for treasures.

As far as Jun Ti is concerned, there are some looks.

"You don't have to worry about this!"

said Tong Tian Hao without air.

In his opinion, as long as it is not Westerners who get.

Whoever gets the heavens won't care.

Nuwa looked at Qiankunding and spoke, "This time to make up the sky!" "

Tang Yuan Daoyou did his best, he deserved to get

Qiankunding!" Nuwa looked at Tang Yuan, and then sent Qiankunding to Tang Yuan.

She's still smart.

It is impossible to know that it is impossible to get Qiankunding alone at this time.

After all, except for the West, Nuwa's strength is the lowest.

To be forced to get.

I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among others.

And Nuwa still owes Tang Yuan a favor, now say so.

But it just makes up for it.

After Nuwa finished speaking, the two of them in the West looked disdainful.

The heart is not very happy.

But did not dare to make any plans.

Tang Yuan's strength is very strong, and they can only watch.

"I have no opinion!"

said Tong Tian, his most bold temperament.

There was no disgust for Tang Yuan.

"Hmph!" Yuan

Shi snorted coldly, and then looked at Lao Tzu.

Hopefully, he will stand up against it.

Lao Tzu shook his head helplessly.

This time he also had no way.

The current situation seems.

Nuwa must be on Tang Yuan's side.

And listen to the tone of Tongtian's tone just now.

There is nothing wrong with standing on Tang Yuan's side.

It remains Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, how to resist them.

Lao Tzu ignored Yuan Shi.

Instead, it returned to a tasteless state.

"In that case, then thank you Daoists!" Tang

Yuan accepted Qiankunding, and his heart was very happy.

He had thought that Qiankunding would fall into the hands of Nuwa.

But I didn't expect it to come to my own hands.

Although I didn't expect to get it, I sent it to myself.

Don't do it in vain, just accept it naturally.

Qiankunding is the innate supreme treasure level, which is equivalent to having two supreme treasures.

Lingbao Zhun Ti couldn't think of it.

At this time, Jun Ti turned his eyes and looked at Zhurong.

And then a malicious smile.

He is a man of the West, as long as he is a man of the East.

Whoever it is, if you can pit it.

He's definitely a pit.

"Zhurong, you and the two of you are fighting

!" "It's a sin to knock down Bu Zhoushan!" "

Shouldn't you give an explanation to the sentient beings of the Flood Wilderness!"

There is no point to let go of the appearance of the witch clan.


"What does Yizhun mean to mention Daoyou

?" "If the people of my Wu clan want to leave, who can stop them?"

Di Jiang spoke very hard.

Although in front of many saints, it is a bit arrogant to speak like this.

But he is not afraid in the slightest.

Don't talk about the saints, even if Hongjun appears.

Witches are not afraid.

"Hmph!" "

What to do, there are countless deaths and injuries in the flood wasteland." "

Do you just have a word?"

said Jun Ti, if the saint spoke.

Naturally, he would not say anything.

But Dijiang is not a saint, and Zhun Ti naturally will not budge.

"Do you want to fight?" Di

Jiang is the head of the Wu clan, and he does not respect saints, only Pangu.

Naturally, I will not be afraid to mention it.

You are ready to move, and you look like you are going to fight.

Warlike is the nature of the witch race.

Even if you meet a saint, it will not change.


!" "What to do, I'm afraid the matter of the Wu Clan is not so simple!" Just

when the two were arguing, the words of Pingxin Niangniang came from the six reincarnations.

She is a saint, although she can't come out.

But to get the sound to the flood, it's a simple thing.

"Pingxin Niangniang, do you want to cover up?"

said Jun Ti, not showing the slightest fear.

It's still normal.

I think that there is a connection here, and the soil cannot come out.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

"If you dare to strike at the people of the Wu Clan

!" "Whoever is a man in the West, he who enters reincarnation

!" "He will never be born beyond life!" "

And at that time, the sky was vague, and I wanted to figure this out."

"I'm afraid that someone else is operating in secret!"

Houtu's tone was a little angry.

She didn't expect it to be dry at first.

But now I see that he has been biting the Wu Clan.

It is believed that nine times out of ten it is the work of the West.

And from the beginning, Houtu paid attention, but there was no movement.

In fact, everyone knows this matter in their hearts.

Only the saint can hide it.

It's just that they see through and don't say it's broken.

After all, this matter did not have any advantages or disadvantages for other saints, so I didn't want to say it.

Jun Ti listened to Houtu's words, and his heart was shocked.

I thought about how I forgot about this.

"Since it's a plain lady who speaks

!" "Then forget about it!" said

Jun Ti, his tone much better.

He did not dare to continue to be arrogant.

Know how big it is to enter samsara.

This is if it is entangled with the back soil at this juncture.

After that, the West entered the reincarnation.

That must be the kind that can never be born beyond life.

"Hmph!" said

seeing Jun Ti looking like this, and Houtu didn't say anything more.

This time she was in a false alarm.

After seeing this result, everyone had no opinion.

The matter of reincarnation should not be underestimated.

Although the saint does not die or die, he does not need to enter reincarnation.

But their disciples, however, are needed.

If they are evil at this time, it will not be good for them in the future.

"Hmph!" Di

Jiang snorted coldly, and then went back with everyone from the Wu Clan.

At this moment, the co-worker has woken up.

The injury has also improved a lot.

He also blamed himself for knocking down Bu Zhoushan.

At that time, he didn't even think that he could knock down Buzhoushan.

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