When I looked at Hongjun Dividing the treasure, I didn't know how envious I was.

Today, I got a superb innate spirit treasure.

It really made him happy.

Although Haotian was a boy before, his heart was not.

Both of them were previously banned.

That's why it's always been like a child.

"Yaochi, this peach spirit root is given to you!"

"And a Lingbao!"

With a wave of his big hand, Hongjun put a spirit root and a spirit treasure.

Fell in front of Yaochi.

"Thank you, sir!"

Yaochi took the Lingbao and Linggen.

Although she has grown up, she still looks very shy.

After accepting the Lingbao, she was overjoyed in her heart.

Lingbao is a top-grade innate Lingbao.

Peach tree is one of the ten innate spiritual roots.

It matures in three time periods, and it can mature once in three thousand years.

Mortals can immediately become immortals after eating it.

Then there is 6,000 years of maturity, and ordinary people can live forever after eating it.

Finally, it matures once in 9,000 years.

Ordinary people can live with the sky and enjoy the essence of the sun and the moon after eating.

Tang Yuan looked at the two of them, and his expression still didn't change.

Hao Tian and Yao Chi's Lingbao were expected by him.

"Teacher, there is a wide range of people in the Heavenly Court!"

"With the power of me and Yaochi, I'm afraid I can't manage it!"

Haotian said to Hongjun.

He knew how many soldiers and horses the demon clan had in the Heavenly Court in the early days.

But now there are only two of them.

I want to ask Hongjun if there is a way.

"You can discuss the matter of manpower, you can discuss it with all senior brothers!"

As soon as Hongjun finished speaking.

Then it turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

No matter what Hao Tian's eyes are.

As long as he gave up the position of the Heavenly Court, the rest would not care.

As soon as Hongjun left, it made Haotian a little disappointed.

He didn't expect Hongjun to walk away like this.

From the look in their eyes just now, you can see the expressions of the saints.

It is true that Haotian is not put in his eyes.

"Senior brothers!

"In terms of manpower, I still need the help of senior brothers!

Hao Tian said to the saints.

But what he didn't expect was.

After Haotian said this, no one was willing to respond to him.

It's all a silent situation.

As if he hadn't heard it, he looked at Haotian with disdain.

Although they did not dare to oppose it in front of Hongjun.

But what Haotian said, he would not respond.

In the eyes of the saints.

Although Haotian has grown up, he has become an adult.

But in the eyes of the saints.

But always a child.

After everyone casually perfunctory, they left here.

Even Tang Yuan was gone.

Tang Yuan wouldn't care about this matter at all.

I'm here to cope.

Now that Hongjun is gone, the saints are not here.

Naturally, he wouldn't want to stay here.

It's just that when Tang Yuan left, he would not be as indifferent as the saints.

Just said it simply.

responded, so that Haotian would not be so embarrassed.

After Tang Yuan and the others left.

The huge Zixiao Palace, only Haotian and Yaochi are here.

As soon as the saints left

, Haotian was suddenly unhappy, and the saints were so faceless.

However, Haotian was immediately relieved.

There is no way, Haotian knows that his strength is not strong enough.

Compared with the saint, it is simply an ant shaking an elephant.

There is simply no resistance.

Haotian was only a quasi-saint in the early stage, when the ban was lifted.

The cultivation in his body also soared up.

Reached the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

The same goes for Yaochi.

On weekdays, when they stay by Hongjun's side.

I kept practicing.

Now as soon as the ban is lifted, the cultivation rises.

But this is not enough, a quasi-saintly beginning.

How can you confront a saint.

The saints below are all ants.

If the saint wanted to deal with Hao Tian, he only needed one idea.

You can bring him down.

"Junior Sister, now all the saints don't take us seriously at all!"

"I don't know how to be good!"

Haotian sighed, not feeling a little happy in his heart.

Originally, after Hongjun gave the Lord of the Heavenly Court,

Hao Tian was still very happy in his heart.

But that's it.

The mood that made him happy was gone.

"Senior brother, don't take it to heart!"

"Anyway, Master has already appointed us as the Lord of the Heavenly Court!"

"This kind of thing can't be rushed!"

"Just take your time!"

Looking at Haotian's mood, Yaochi comforted.

The two of them have always had a good relationship.

Now seeing Haotian like this, she is also a little sad.

After listening to Yaochi's words, Haotian was in a better mood.

"Yes, what Junior Sister said makes sense!"

"This matter must not be rushed, it must be done step by step!"

Haotian thought for a while.

I don't think it's impossible to solve.

Although the saints did not care about this matter, the flood was huge.

There are countless creatures.

It is possible to recruit people from it, and it must be possible.

After Haotian and Yaochi left the Zixiao Palace, they came to the Heavenly Court.

However, at this moment, the Heavenly Court was dilapidated.

It's a mess everywhere.

Where else will there be something that will look like a blessing.

Compared with the scene in the flood, it is not as beautiful as before.

It makes people feel upset when they watch it.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at the scene here, and their hearts were a little helpless.

The Heavenly Court is so big, rectifying it is a vast project.

If it is with the strength of the two of them.

It is simply impossible to return to the original appearance.

If you want to have this ability, you must be above the saints.

The quasi-saint simply could not be completed.

"Senior Brother, this is the look in the Heavenly Court!"

"If it were the two of us, I'm afraid it would take a long time!"

Yaochi looked at the huge Heavenly Court.

Unable to rejoice in their hearts, the saints refused to make a move.

It is difficult for the two of them to return to their previous appearance.

Just when Haotian wanted to speak, a light fell in the sky.

The shimmer covers the entire heavenly court.

Then a huge change took place in the Heavenly Court.

The chaotic scene is disappearing little by little.


With a loud bang, the chaotic scene immediately disappeared.

Just for a moment.

In the Heavenly Court, there was no trace of destruction in sight, and it became full of aura.

The fairy fog is hazy.

There are also cranes flying back and forth in the air.

It has returned to its original appearance, although it is not as good as the Heavenly Court when the demon race was there.

But the scene can be compared with ordinary blessed places.

It also looks very beautiful.

"Thank you, sir!"

After seeing this vision, Haotian and Yaochi said in the direction of the Zixiao Palace.

The two of them knew, except for the saints.

Will help, and have the strength.

Hongjun must not be wrong.

After thanking him, Haotian and Yaochi became familiar in the Heavenly Court.

After all, it's so big here.

They are the masters of the Heavenly Court, so they must be familiar with them first.


Time passes, time passes imperceptibly.

Maybe it's decades, or tens of thousands of years.

It's all the same sight.

At this time, there was no slaughter in the flood.

There is peace everywhere.

There is no brutality of the demon race, no barbarism of the witch race.

Only the Terrans live in various places.

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