
After falling into the formation, there was a violent noise inside the large array.

The Great Array became more stable again.

"The Blood Sea Array is just that!"

Tang Yuan snorted coldly and faced the River Styx.

There is not a single fear in my heart.

Although this is just a doppelganger, it is a doppelganger of a mixed element powerhouse.

Every move represents Tang Yuan's strength.

Vaillant is unlimited.


The fierce aura in the sea of blood manifested, and little by little it became richer.

"Master is so strong!"

Xuangui looked at Tang Yuan's doppelganger and silently recited a sentence.

Then a fighting spirit was aroused in the heart.

I thought that I must be as strong as Master Venerable in the future.


In the large array, countless blood god sons flew back and forth in the void.

The speed is amazing.

The flight speed is still not visible with the naked eye.

Only traces of blood can be seen.

Tang Yuan stood in front of Kong Xuan and Xuan Gui without moving.

No matter how huge the movement in front of him, he will not blink.

After the Blood God Son turned for a while, it turned into countless skeletons.

Float into the void.

In front of Tang Yuan, he glanced at it.

Skeleton in the sky.

Behind the skeleton, there are two sharp swords, which are constantly injecting energy into it.

So powerful.

Looks good.


Tang Yuan drank lightly, still wielding the slaying gun.

A force of the awakening of the demon god is emerging in the heavens and the earth.

Turbulence of the entire sea of blood.

He flashed all around, and the slaying spear flew back and forth in the sky.

Directly transformed into a dragon figure.

The dragon body went from nothingness to solidity, hovering within the large array.

The divine dragon appeared, and the power in the skeleton decreased a lot.

One skeleton after another kept falling.


Tang Yuan waved his big hand, and the divine dragon stayed for a moment.

The very center of the big array.

Although he did not know the way to break the formation.

But I know that if I am strong enough.

It reached the point of crushing.

Aim at a place and blast it to burst.


The skeletons in the sky blasted towards the divine dragon.

The two collided, and the movement was huge.

The golden light of the divine dragon flashed, directly swinging away countless skeletons.

The entire large array trembled violently.

The divine dragon's attack was extremely domineering, after breaking through countless skeletons.


The Blood Sea Array pierced a huge hole.

In a moment of tearing.

But the large array was broken.

The great array broke, and the ancestor of the Styx River was extremely strongly countered.

Spewed several mouthfuls of blood, then flew upside down millions of miles.

The endless blood returned to its original appearance.

The ancestor of the Styx fell to the ground, extremely unwilling in his heart.

He couldn't have imagined it anyway.

A doppelganger.

You can break through his blood sea array.

If the Styx's subordinates told him, he would not believe it.

Tang Yuan withdrew the slaying spear, and then took the two sharp swords in the void.

Pocket it.

These are two superb innate spirit treasures, and now the ancestor of the Styx River has been defeated.

There is no longer a voice.

Seeing his spirit treasure being taken away, the ancestor of the Styx River was very unwilling.

Originally, he wanted to rob Kong Xuan and Xuangui's spirit treasure.

But he didn't expect to let himself lose two spirit treasures.

He also beat himself into a serious injury.


The Styx Old Ancestor snorted coldly, and then turned into a streamer.

Fall in a sea of blood.

But he ran away.

"Styx, you are a congenital power!"

"If you actually attack my disciple, the Buddha-figure will tell you not to come out in the sea of blood!"

"Come out and hit once at a time!"

Tang Yuan stood in the sea of blood and said coldly.

He had no intention of continuing the chase.

The blood river and the sea of blood do not wither, and the Styx does not die.

In the sea of blood, it is difficult to kill him.

But as long as he came out, Tang Yuan could come and kill him.

After Tang Yuan said this, he disappeared.

This is a doppelganger of Tang Yuan, and now the task has been completed.

There is no point in existing.

After Tang Yuan left.

Kong Xuan and Xuangui looked at each other, and their moods were very complicated.

This time, it was their master who made a move.

Previously, I wanted to say in front of Tang Yuan that I didn't encounter trouble.

Now he has met the ancestor of the Styx.

It made the two of them feel a little guilty.

"Junior brother, blame Junior Brother!"

"Without strength, let the master make a move!"

Looking at Xuangui Kong Xuan, he blamed himself.

When he came out, Kong Xuan also packed tickets.

Let the turtle be fine.

Now it's like this, in Kong Xuan's opinion.

But it is useless for itself.

"Senior brother did a good job!"

Xuangui spoke, not blaming him in the slightest.

This time it came out at the suggestion of Xuangui.

How could he blame Kong Xuan.

After the two calmed down, they left here.

The battle between Tang Yuan and the River Styx received a lot of powerful attention.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou is really strong!"

"Just a doppelganger, defeat the Styx!"

Tong Tian looked in the direction of the sea of blood and spoke.

The strength of the ancestor of the Styx, he knows.

Although not as good as a saint, it is a quasi-saint peak.

There is also the Blood River Array guarding.

Unexpectedly, he lost to a doppelganger of Tang Yuan.

Such a scene shocked Tongtian.

If you want to change his words, you can't do it.

There is another point that also makes Tong Tian very impressed.

That was Tang Yuan's disciple.

Kong Xuan and Xuangui were facing the River Styx, when they couldn't resist.

Not afraid yet.

This is a rare boldness.

"The Styx Taoist friend is defeated!"

Jun Ti clasped his hands together.

Such a result is not what he wants to see.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou's strength is high, just a doppelganger!"

"He defeated the Styx River at the peak of the quasi-saint!"

"In the future, we in the West should not have a dispute with Tang Yuan!"

Lead-in opening.

He had learned the power of Tang Yuan, but he was a doppelganger.

Just defeat a quasi-saint peak.

It is enough to show that Tang Yuan's strength is stronger again

, "What Senior Brother said!"

Jun Ti looked in the direction of the sea of blood and spoke.

Then the two did not speak, so they closed up.

Hong Huang is not remembered, since the Styx was defeated by Tang Yuan.

Nothing major happened in the flood.

Still as peaceful as ever.

Heavenly Court, in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Resplendent and full of aura.

As far as the eye can see, the fairy mist is ethereal.

However, in the Great Heavenly Court, there were few people in sight.

The lack of manpower is Haotian and Yaochi's trouble at the moment.

The two of them sat in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Discussions are underway on how to recruit people to join the Heavenly Court.

"Junior sister, it's been so long!"

"There are still very few people in the Heavenly Court!"

"How good is this!"

Hao Tian spoke, in the Heavenly Court at this moment.

Only a few people.

Judging from Haotian's wild vision, it is far from enough.

Over the years, he has recruited a number of people.

But there are only a few, and they are only given benefits.

Nothing could achieve the results he expected.


"It's really to think of a way to expand the power of the Heavenly Court!"

Yaochi replied.

If the Heavenly Court continues to develop like this.

The position of the Lord of the Heavenly Court became meaningless.

If there are people, the luck of the Heavenly Court will increase.

Otherwise, it's an empty position.

"Senior brother, I know there is a clan!"

"As long as we succeed in getting them to join!"

"The power of the Heavenly Court will definitely increase!"

Yaochi continued.

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