That's why the dragon clan chose to join the Heavenly Court at this time.

After Nuwa complained in her heart for a while, she did not continue to complain.

She knew that it was useless to complain no more.

Since the dragon clan has joined, join it.

And now Nuwa also knows that even if the dragon clan joins the demon clan at this moment.

That doesn't help either.

In the West.

Jun Ti and Zhu Yi began to discuss.

"Haotian's ambition is not small."

"Since you succeeded in winning over the Dragon Clan so quickly!"

Jun Ti spoke, he felt this matter.

It's a good thing for the West.

Jun Ti knew that when he was in the Zixiao Palace.

When Hongjun personally appointed Haotian as the Lord of the Heavenly Court.

All the saints showed an uncheerful appearance.

It is simply looking down on Haotian.

Now that Haotian is doing this, it is easy to cause the dissatisfaction of the saint.

The saint was dissatisfied, and naturally there was a contradiction with Haotian.

Then there will be a good show to watch.

"Haotian is indeed not simple."

"Since there are people so soon."

Fold your hands together.

The dragon clan is in decline, but anyone who wants can win over.

It is impossible.

"This is a good thing for us in the West!"

"Senior brother, we just need to take a good look at the Oriental Brawl."

Jun Ti said with a smile.

It can be seen in the smile.

How strong the idea of eastern infighting was in his heart.

After the discussion, the two of them looked forward to this day.

Only then can the West rise.

One thing that Zhun Ti and Zhu Zhi know is that the East is prosperous.

The West will never prosper.

All the saints had reacted, but Tang Yuan did not move at all.

The Dragon Clan joins the Heavenly Court.

It was also expected of him.

When the dragon clan fell, Tang Yuan knew.

Sooner or later, one day he will join the Heavenly Court.

Tang Yuan just paid attention for a while, but he didn't pay attention.

Then the retreat continued.

In the flood, the dragon clan joined the Heavenly Court.

All of a sudden, the power of the Heavenly Court increased a lot.

The luck is much stronger than the original.

Hao Tian was even driven by Qi Luck, and his cultivation directly soared to the middle stage of the Quasi-Saint.

Raised a big realm.

"Congratulations Senior Brother, for successfully breaking through to the middle stage of the quasi-saint!"

Yaochi came to Hao Tianmian and congratulated.

Although she did not break through, her realm has also improved a lot.

"As long as there are enough people to join the Heavenly Court!"

"Then our luck will increase!"

Haotian felt his own breath and said a little excitedly.

This time it was for him to taste the sweetness.

Without the addition of the Dragon Clan, Haotian would not have been able to break through.

It won't be as happy as it is now.

"Junior sister, today's court is much better!"

"But this has not met our expectations!"

"We'll have to think of other ways."

"This is to improve the overall strength of the Heavenly Court!"

Hao Tian spoke, and the strength of the Heavenly Court had increased.

But this is for Haotian today.

is not enough.

You must know that Haotian's ambition is great.

Before he became the Lord of the Heavenly Court, he did not have such thoughts.

But the cultivation is a breakthrough, and the luck increases.

Enough to make a person's ambitions bigger.

Haotian is a good example.

When I first listened to the lecture in the Zixiao Palace, everyone couldn't imagine it.

Haotian could actually become the Lord of the Heavenly Court.

A seemingly inconspicuous Taoist boy gave everyone a surprise.

Even Haotian himself did not expect that

there would be a day when he would become the lord

of the Heavenly Court, "This recovery of the Dragon Clan is indeed of great benefit to the Heavenly Court!"

"But in a short time."

"It's hard to recruit his race!"

Yaochi spoke.

Although after the Heavenly Court joined, there were also creatures from the Flood Desolation who came to surrender.

And Haotian is the one who does not refuse.

Whoever comes, they will be taken down.

But this is only a small part, and it is not enough for the Great Heavenly Court.

So Haotian and Yaochi thought about whether there was any way.

You can recruit a large number of people.

In the flood, interests are paramount, if there is no benefit.

Or bring benefits to others.

Then it is impossible for others to come and join.

After listening to Yaochi's answer, Haotian also fell into deep thought.

The vast expanse of the flood is vast.

If Haotian personally went to find it.

That's going to take a lot of time.

Haotian doesn't have so much time, besides.

Hao Tian is the Lord of the Heavenly Court, if he runs to the flood desert all day.

That is something that undermines the majesty of the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court that will make people feel that there are no hands.

For things that damage the majesty of the Heavenly Court, Haotian will never do it.

To change before, Haotian may do it.

But now that the Dragon Clan has joined the Heavenly Court, it is impossible for Haotian to do so.

When Haotian and Yaochi discussed this issue, they did not speak.

Instead, he fell into deep thought.

And then I don't know how long it took.

Yaochi moved and suddenly spoke, "That's right, senior brother."

"Didn't the Dao Ancestor give me the Peach Tree in the first place!"

"If we hold a conference and then invite the living beings of the Flood Barrens!"

"Let's taste it together."

"I think I can boost the popularity of the Heavenly Court!"

At the moment, the Heavenly Court did not have much fame.

Not as famous as the demon clan in the Heavenly Court before, there are many people who don't know yet.

"That's right, Junior Sister said so!"

"If we hold a conference, we will definitely attract a lot of people!"

Haotian's face turned joyful, no longer sad.

He knew that the peach tree was one of the ten innate spiritual roots.

The effect is great.

The innate spiritual root is indeed not surprising to the saints.

It doesn't have any attraction either.

But for the saints below, the temptation is still great.

And now the peach tree has been planted by Yaochi.

It doesn't take long for the results to come out.

Now let's say that, and then do it again.

The timing is just right.

"Where is Taibai Jinxing!"

After Haotian and Yaochi decided, they called directly.

Taibai Jinxing is a loyal minister of the Heavenly Court.

In the Heavenly Court, he is the person Haotian trusts the most.

Not long after, a person walked into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall from outside.

This person wears a white robe and has white hair.

Fairy wind road bone.

Although he is over the age of Huajia, the whole person's spiritual temperament.

But it doesn't look old at all.

Instead, there is a feeling of childlike crane hair.

"I wonder what happened when His Majesty summoned his courtiers over?"

Taibai Jinxing handed over his hand, so long.

Haotian had never summoned him.

So the current Taibai Venus is very puzzled.

"The Heavenly Court will hold the Peach Conference in three hundred years!"

"I want you to go to the Flood Wilderness and tell the saints."

"And the flood sentient beings!"

"Anyone who wants to come and participate!"

Haotian spoke, still looking forward to it in his heart.

When he said this, it was as if the Heavenly Court had held a peach conference.


But then again, this thing is really easy to exciting.

The innate spirit root is extremely rare, and now the conference is held like this.

But it's the perfect time to attract popularity.

"Yes, Chen, let's go!"

Taibai Jinxing replied.

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