"That being the case.

Then the main palace will not be retained.

The world of desolation is dangerous.

Please also ask Taoist friends to be careful.

"If you need help in the future."

You can come to West Kunlun.

As long as I help, I will definitely do my best!

Queen Mother of the West spoke.

Since Tang Yuan has made up his mind.

Naturally, she will not forcibly keep it.

Tang Yuan's kindness.

Queen Mother of the West can only make plans later.

"Thank you for reminding you, see you soon!"


Tang Yuan turned into a stream of light and flew out of the palace.

Fly towards the flood world.

It is possible to come back.

But definitely not for help.

Tang Yuan is a strong man in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The body is also the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, with unparalleled defense.

Look at the whole flood.

What can trap Tang Yuan is probably in addition to the innate power of incarnation at the same time as Hongjun.

I'm afraid that few people can do it.

The world of desolation, the vast earth.

The mountains are like the form of beast souls, and they are strange.

Staggered and orderly arrangement.

Above the nine heavens, countless rays of light fell.

Cut through the void and through the hazy fairy mist.

Shining in the heavens and the earth, manifesting a beautiful scene.

The aura in the void is very rich.

Almost solidified, it is constantly absorbed by all living beings.

The fairy mist was hazy, shrouding countless mountain peaks.

It presents a sense of mystery in heaven and earth.

Tang Yuan flew in the void.

Looking at the beautiful scene everywhere, I was amazed in my heart.

On land.

It is overgrown with various spiritual roots, and there are countless of them.

Tang Yuan flying in the sky.

Many spiritual roots and herbs can be faintly seen, growing close together.

Gives off a faint shimmer.

The streamer falls.

Tang Yuan came to land.

Prepare a wide range of spiritual roots, flowers and plants, etc.

Although most of them in front of Tang Yuan's eyes were some ordinary spiritual roots and herbs.

When ordinary monks see it, they may look at it and leave.

Or even turn a blind eye.

There will be no thought of wanting to collect it.

But Tang Yuan would not have the slightest disgust.

Inside him is a big world.

It takes countless heavenly treasures.

Both common and rare spiritual roots have a role.

Ordinary Linggen.

It has little effect for the big world.

Tang Yuan felt that no matter how small the mosquito was, there was meat.

Little by little, integrate ordinary spiritual roots into your own body.

There will always be improvements.

Innate Spirit Root, Lingbao level.

It has a great effect on the improvement of the body.

In the flood, it is unattainable.

It's hard to get.


Tang Yuanshi displayed the power of the Yuan God.

Shrouding the surrounding area of millions of miles.


The ambient airflow velocity becomes faster.

Countless spirit roots and herbs gathered in the direction of Tang Yuan.

Right away.

The heavenly spirit root herbs all appeared in front of Tang Yuan's eyes.

He waved his hand.

Turn countless herbs into streamers.

Then integrate into your own body.

One put.

Tang Yuan felt the world inside.

A little more life.

The aura became more intense.

A faint layer of golden light can be clearly seen.

Covering the surface of Tang Yuan's inner world.

After feeling the changes in the body.

Tang Yuan was ready to go to Buzhou Mountain.

Having collected so many ordinary spirit root herbs, it was almost the same.

Finding the innate spirit treasure was Tang Yuan's true goal.

Buzhou Mountain is the first sacred mountain in the flood wilderness.

There must be a huge opportunity.


Just when Tang Yuan wanted to leave.

He had a flash of light.

。 I felt that not far ahead, there was a mysterious aura.

Tang Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

Because he felt the mysterious aura emanating from it, it was very similar to the breath of the previous weather.

It can be said that it is exactly the same.

Then he passed along the mysterious aura at a rapid speed.

I'll take a look when I arrive.

A small blue flag, suspended in the air.

Exudes an innate immortal aura unique to innate spirit treasures.

Illuminate the surroundings.

The small blue flag is two feet seven inches in size.

The flagpole is engraved with many innate texts.

Neatly arranged together.

The body of the flag emits a five-colored light, shining into the void.

Condense all the surrounding aura here.

While Tang Yuan was watching.

A wave of consciousness in his head told him.

The small blue flag in front of him is the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

It is one of the five square flags.

It has the divine power of turning things upside down.

Once offered, it can cover the day.

It has the effect of purifying all evil.

Defense is also top-notch.

Ten thousand laws cannot be broken, and it is the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

It is the five lotus leaves that create the green lotus.

There are five flags in total.

The other four flags are:

the Yellow Flag, the Qinglian Treasure Flag, the Flame Flag, and the Plain Cloud Flag.

Every flag is the ultimate innate treasure.

Vaillant is very powerful.

Tang Yuan was excited.

Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

With it, your own strength can be improved.

In the flood waste, there is a big difference between having a spirit treasure or not.

In the case of the same realm.

If there is a congenital Lingbao.

The strength will be slightly better than the other side.

In the flood of the hereafter.

Lingbao disputes, countless cultivators even if their lives are taken, they will also participate in the snatch.

At the same time, the ultimate innate spirit treasure also has an obvious effect on the great world in Tang Yuan's body.

The rarer the item, or the higher the grade of the spirit treasure.

It has a more obvious effect on improving the world in the body.

Since I found the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

Tang Yuan was ready to go to Buzhou Mountain later.

Refining the Xuanyuan Water Flag is what needs to be done now.

Buzhoushan has the coercion that Pangu's will turned into.

Not everyone can go.

Don't worry about the chance above.

Tang Yuan stood on land and waved his hand.

A Xuanhuang Qi appeared, covering it within a hundred miles.

This prevents foreign objects from disturbing you.

A person who cultivates.

The most taboo thing is to disturb others.

Tang Yuan didn't dare to guarantee that he was in an empty place.

No one will bother.

Simply arrange it after the ban.

Tang Yuan floated the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner in front of him.

Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

It is a congenital thing.

It needs to be refined before Tang Yuan can use it.

Tang Yuan waved his hand and shot out the Dao Divine Light.

Appears on top of the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Countless auras were also accompanied by Tang Yuanshi's divine light.

Crazy injected into the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.


Xuanyuan controlled the water flag after injecting spiritual energy and light.

Five-colored light was emitted, shooting out in all directions.

Time passes quietly.

A thousand years have passed.

Tang Yuan controlled the forty-eight prohibitions of the Ultimate Innate Spirit Treasure Xuanyuan Water Flag.

Twenty-one were refined.

Because Tang Yuan had experience in refining the Lingbao Pure Yang Sword.

It is a lot easier to refine the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

The grade of Lingbao is different.

The difficulty of refining will also increase.

In a thousand years, the ultimate innate spirit treasure was refined to twenty-one prohibitions.

I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire flood.

After refining the Xuanyuan Water Flag a little.

Tang Yuan was ready to integrate the Lingbao into his body.

Tang Yuan waved his hand.

The Xuanyuan Water Control Flag turned into a stream of light and integrated into the body.

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