After listening to Hongjun's words, everyone was surprised.

Now in the flood waste, the Terrans have occupied most of the place.

No race has reached this point since the flood was opened.

They all thought that the Terrans at this stage were prosperous.

But after Hongjun's words.

Only to know that this was not the stage of the rise of the Terrans.

"If the Terrans want to prosper, they must go through three emperors and five emperors."

"In order to reach the real boom stage."

Hongjun spoke.

Say the final purpose of calling the saints this time.

After speaking, everyone understood.

I know that it is for the three emperors and five emperors.

Immediately, everyone had their own thoughts.

The ideas are all different.

"Teacher, I'm barren in the West."

"Or the planning of the three emperors and five emperors this time."

"Just leave it to me."

Zhun Ti took the lead, deeply afraid that others would snatch it away.

"Jun Ti Daoist said this badly, I intercept many disciples."

"It should be left to me."

Tongtian opened his mouth to mention

this position, let alone Tongtian.

Nuwa, they all disagree.

It's just that they haven't spoken yet.

"It should be handed over to me to teach!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun spoke, this kind of good thing.

He naturally wants to participate.

Everyone, you say a word to me, it's not lively.

Only Tang Yuan alone did not speak

, if it weren't for Hongjun here

, I am afraid that he would not fight for this matter.

Listening to their quarrel, Hongjun naturally didn't care about what they quarreled about.

His expression could be shown, and it was all expected.

"Don't say more, you want to establish a human emperor!"

"There must be someone who is the most precious treasure!"

"As for what you decide, it doesn't matter."

"Just negotiate the results as soon as possible."

Hongjun said indifferently, and then disappeared into the Zixiao Palace.

Only Lao Tzu and the others were left, looking at each other with empty faces.

He had a little friendship with Tang Yuan, and he was naturally a little happy.

Tang Yuan was imprinted on Tang Yuan, and he wanted to establish a master of the emperor.

It is necessary to ask for help to Tang Yuan.

Otherwise, it will not be possible.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou is really a good opportunity!"

Yuan Shi snorted coldly, and then looked disdainful.

If only he had known the result.

No matter how you say it, you won't let Tang Yuan snatch the seal away.

"Yuan Shi Daoyou said and laughed, I didn't expect it!"

"The seal will have this function!"

Tang Yuan said with a smile, he naturally knew the usefulness of the Zheng Yin.

But at this time, he wanted to be angry.

If the master of the emperor was established, the saint did not react much.

After all, they don't have disciples to reincarnate.

But educating the three emperors and five emperors, they care a lot.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou, can you do me a favor!"

"My brother Fuxi has died in the Lich Tribulation."

"Now there are only true spirits, and I hope that Daoist friends will be the emperor!"

"Give way to my brother!"

Nuwa spoke.

For Fuxi, she has always been worried about it.

Although with the power of her saint to bring Fuxi back to life.

It's not a difficult task.

But it's hard to have a good identity.

She had waited so long and finally waited for this opportunity.

That's why Nuwa will be the first to stand up and fight.

"There is no problem with this, and the position of emperor will be good for Fuxi."

Tang Yuan opened his mouth and said that there was nothing for Fuxi to become the emperor.

Don't look at Fuxi becoming the emperor, it seems to be very noble.

If you think of his past life, his status is much lower.

Know that in the Lich period.

Fuxi is the emperor of Xi, and his position in the Heavenly Court is very high.

Now to be reincarnated as a Terran.

The identities of the two should not differ too much.

"But Nuwa Daoyou!"

"I'm going to tell you bad news, Fuxi became the Empress!"

"Will become a human race forever, and it is impossible to restore the original Xi Emperor."

"That can't be changed."

Tang Yuan spoke, after Fuxi was reincarnated and returned.

Naturally, it is to become a Terran.

It has nothing to do with the demon Fuxi, even if his memory is restored during preaching.

But after all, it's just memory.

It is impossible to restore the previous identity.

"I know, that's boring Taoist friends!"

Although Nuwa was a little reluctant in her heart, she couldn't help it.

You can't win 'em all.

There is no need for her to force it.

Then Nuwa waved her big hand and dropped Fuxi's true spirit into Tang Yuan's hands.

At this time, Fuxi was conscious.

But he didn't say anything, so many saints.

He wouldn't want to say it.

That scene will be a little too embarrassing, so that Nuwa has no face.

The vast expanse of the flood is boundless.

The Terrans are getting better and better, and their numbers are growing every day.

Huaxu Mountain is an inconspicuous mountain in the flood wilderness.

But there are countless people inside, and thousands of Terrans live.

It is a concentration of Terrans.

In this tribe of Terrans, there is a woman.

Born on Mount Huaxu.

It's called Huaxu.

When she was first born, there were thousands of rays in the sky.

There was also lightning and thunder, and various visions kept appearing.

The people in the Huaxu tribe are very strange.

Thinking that ordinary people do not have such visions, I feel that Hua Xu is a monster.

But Huaxu ignored it.

She was kind at heart, no matter what they said.

Huaxu is in one ear and out on the other.

Life goes on.

Although few people talk to her, she is helpful.

Whenever you see someone else needing help.

She was always the first to go up and help.

This has been true for years.

One day, Hua Xu went up the mountain alone to cut firewood.

Encountered a bottomless pit in the mountains.

The inside of the cave is very dark and mysterious.

Ordinary people can't see it.

All you can see is pitch black.

Hua Xu came to the entrance of the cave in front of him, and he was very curious in his heart.

I thought to myself, "How can there be a hole here!" "

She used to come here a lot.

This path has been taken dozens of times.

Out of curiosity, Hua Xu walked towards the inside of the cave.


As soon as Hua Xu walked in, he felt that it was dark.

Then only a stream of light was felt.

Falls in the body.

I don't know how long Hua Xu was in a coma, when she opened her eyes and looked.

I found myself at home.

Not in the mountains.

Hua Xu was curious about this, but did not tell anyone.

Since this happened.

She never went up the mountain again to cut firewood.

Instead, stay in the tribe.

But the next scene.

But something happened to Hua Xu that she couldn't imagine.

One day, Hua Xu was walking down the street.

Then for no reason I have a stomachache and go to see a doctor.

After seeing the doctor, I found out that Hua Xu was pregnant.

For the matter of pregnancy, Hua Xu himself could not have imagined.

After everyone found out, they all looked down on Hua Xu.

Everyone stayed away from her.

Even if she went to help, no one would accept it.

For this reason, it spread among the Huaxu tribe.

The tribal elders even discussed it directly.

Let's talk about this.

Hua Xu herself couldn't figure it out, and she could only hide in the house when she was forced to helpless.

Don't come out and move around.

There is no way, as soon as she comes out, everyone has to say this.

So Hua Xu could only hide in the house every day.

Fortunately at first, she was able to walk normally.

But as the day goes by.

Hua Xu's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

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