He understood Zhen Yuanzi's mood, but Hongyun himself was not.

I just knew when this disappeared.

Red Cloud is still sad, but after so long.

He figured it out.

Then, Zhen Yuanzi chatted with Hong Yun for a while.

Zhen Yuanzi came to Tang Yuemian.

Taking the ginseng fruit to the void, he said, "This is a little bit of my heart!"

"I hope Daozun will accept it."

Zhen Yuanzi knew that today's Tang Yuan would not lack anything.

So only some ginseng fruit was taken.

As a token of appreciation.

"Taoist friends are polite."

Tang Yuan spoke, he actually didn't want to accept the ginseng fruit

, but saw Zhen Yuanzi's expression.

If you don't accept the fruits of life.

That Zhen Yuanzi would not be overwhelmed in his heart, so Tang Yuan accepted it.

Then after chatting for a while, Zhen Yuanzi left.

He didn't want to accept it at first.

But after Zhen Yuanzi calmed down, he knew that this matter could not be changed.

So I didn't feel sad anymore.

After Zhen Yuanzi left, Tang Yuan arranged for Hongyun to be reincarnated.

As for Houtu, it is very talkative.

Hong Yun is not a demon race, so naturally there is no need to ask.

"Where is the Xuangui."

Tang Yuan said softly, and then Xuangui quickly came to him.

His face was full of doubts.

Because Xuangui saw that Kong Xuan was not here, only himself.

"I wonder what Master Venerable has to order when he calls his disciples over?"

Genkai asked.

At this time, Xuangui recalled Kong Xuan, and he was the same before.

A person came here

thinking about whether it would be the same as Kong Xuan.

During the time Kong Xuan went out, Xuangui had been in retreat.

So didn't think about what was going on outside.

"When the three emperors and five emperors are emperors, they have the qualifications to teach the emperor of heaven and the emperor of the earth!"

"If today, the emperor, your senior brother has already completed."

"Then this emperor will be taught by you."

"I hope you don't let Wei Shi down."

Tang Yuan spoke.

As for why he reminded Xuangui, it was because he was often lazy.

Not as industrious as Kong Xuan,

so I want to talk about it.

"Master put it down, the disciple will definitely do well."

"I will definitely not disappoint Master!"

Xuangui patted his chest and said, he valued this matter very much.

Know what your master is going to do.

Don't dare to put on a lazy look.

"Well, you go down first!"

"Get ready and go.

Tang Yuan looked at Xuangui's eyes and was much relieved.

Although Xuangui is usually a little fun, if something really happens.

Or Tang Yuan spoke.

That Xuangui will definitely listen carefully.

After getting ready, Xuangui left Penglai Sanxian Island directly.

Wander through the floods.

Among the Terrans, there is a tribe.

The turtle walks there.

He kept searching along the way, but he didn't find the person he was looking for.

One day, he came to the Terran tribe.

As usual, he didn't have much hope here.

He was walking down the street when he suddenly saw a small child.

The child looked very kind and asked after seeing Xuangui come over.

"The old man sees that you have been here for so long, what are you doing here."

The child spoke.

Then he reached out and gave some food and appeared in front of the Xuan turtle.

There is not enough food here, and many people cannot eat.

Xuangui first saw a child, but he didn't pay much attention.

It's normal to think that it's just a child.

But after the child takes out the food.

Xuangui felt that it was rare for a child to be so kind.

"What's your name."

Genkame asked, the child in front of him.

The feeling for Xuangui was unusual, so he asked.

"Lieshan Clan."

The little boy replied that he was young.

But the temperament shown is not what ordinary people have.

When the little boy said that it was called the Lieshan clan.

Xuan Turtle's eyes naturally lit up and thought secretly.

This kid is different, is this the person I'm looking for?

After seeing this result.

Xuangui stayed here for the rest of the day.

Observing the Lieshan clan.

Slowly, Xuangui found that the little boy exuded a strong imperial aura.

That kind of momentum is extremely powerful, very rare.

A child has the aura of an emperor, if not seen with his own eyes.

Xuangui will not believe it.

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

After determining that the Lieshan Clan was the person Xuangui was looking for, Xuangui had a showdown.

Manifestation of what it really is.

Xianfeng Dao bone, temperament is extraordinary.

Even the momentum of the quasi-saint emanated and swept around.

Seeing this, everyone knelt on the ground.

"The disciple meets the master."

The Lieshan Clan spoke, although he was small.

But I have also heard of the existence of immortals and saw the appearance of Xuan Tortoise.

The Lieshan Clan knew that the person in front of him was not ordinary.

After he worshipped Xuangui as a teacher, he learned mana.

The days passed day by day, and after Lieshan became an adult.

Ready to leave.

Before he became an adult, he practiced while thinking about the Terrans.

When he became an adult, the Lieshan clan left the Gengui.

His heart was in the Terrans, and practice was not the first thing for him.

The decision of the Lieshan clan.

Xuangui did not stop it.

On the contrary, he is very supportive, he has this heart.

Xuangui is very happy.

With the Lieshan Clan doing a lot for the Terrans, his fame suddenly rose among the Terrans.

After the popularity soared.

He directly changed his name to Shennong.

The Terrans developed very well, after each stage of the problem was solved.

There are other problems.

The biggest problem is the food problem of the Terrans.

In this regard, Shennong can be said to have thought of countless methods.

But in the end, it can't be solved.

"Master, there are a large number of Terrans."

"What to use as food, so that the Terrans will not go hungry."

Shennong came to Xuangui and said.

He couldn't bear to look at the Terrans like this, so he came to ask for the Xuan Turtle.

Xuangui is in front of Shennong, but he can do anything.

As long as Shennong goes to ask for help, Xuangui will definitely be able to help.

"You take this Nine Spike Valley, after you go back."

"If you plant it well, you can solve the food problem of the Terrans."

Xuangui waved his big hand, and then a straw-like thing.

Appeared in the hands of Shennong.

"Thank you, Master."

Shennong is overjoyed and takes this thing.

Went back with great interest.

After Shennong planted it, he grew a lot of grain.

Instead, it solved the problem of food.

The reputation has developed to its heyday, and it can be compared with Fuxi.

But food was available, but many of the Terrans died of illness.

So Shennong began to try herbs himself.

See what's toxic and what's not.

In the process of Shennong's attempt, he encountered various toxins.

If it weren't for learning immortal arts, Shennong at this moment would have not known how many times he had died.

Many of the herbs he tried were poisonous, that highly toxic.

It will die as soon as it reaches the mouth.

Therefore, the spell helped Shennong a lot.

Slowly, a lot of problems were solved.

New problems have arisen.

Rice grown sometimes runs out of water and withers and dies.

And sometimes it's a lot of water.

Similarly, rice will be drowned.

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