The three emperors in the previous life could not come out, and now Fuxi still can't change it.

For Fuxi not to be here, Tang Yuan didn't care.

He's the same everywhere.

In his previous life, Fuxi was in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Nor can it change now.

Although Tang Yuan had a way not to ask Fuxi to go there.

But there is no need to do that.

If Tang Yuan stood up, except for Nuwa.

Everyone will be against it.

"Shennong, in the future, the Terrans will be co-masters."

"As long as you take it, the Terrans will be taken care of by you."

"I'm waiting for you in the Fire Cloud Cave."

Fuxi spoke, and then turned into a stream of light and flew to the Fire Cloud Cave.

Prepare for a retreat there.

Now although Fuxi's cultivation has risen, it is supported by merit.

You can't play your real strength.

I want to go to retreat and practice slowly.

Zen ended the meeting and everyone went back.

Fuxi left.

Among the Terrans, Shennong can be said to have completely taken over.

I don't know how many years passed, Shennong had a daughter.

Her name is Girl.

Since Shennong didn't have time to accompany her, she handed over the girl to Xuangui to take care of.

In case the girl runs around alone.

Xuangui tells stories with the girl every day, and is telling stories.

She would be willing to listen.

At one point, the turtle was not here.

Went out for a trip.

When I returned, I found that the girl was missing.

Xuangui is now a quasi-saint power, and ordinary people can't hide him.

After he calculated it.

No clues were found.

Even if it is not at all, the sky is hazy.

Xuangui is not stupid and knows that the sky is hazy.

I thought that the girl was calculated by others this time.

And people who have this ability.

Naturally, it is none other than a saint.

After learning that he had been calculated, Xuangui set out for the first time.

Shennong handed the child over to Xuangui.

Xuangui is a master, and now he has lost his daughter.

If this is passed on, it will definitely lose face in the future.

I searched for a while and did not find it.

Xuangui called Kong Xuan out.

The two of them have a good relationship.

We will help each other when we have difficulties.

"Senior brother, who did you say?"

"There is such a big boldness."

Xuangui said a little angrily, he didn't expect it.

There are people who dare to do tricks under their eyelids.

If only you knew.

Xuan Gui must punish the man well.

"Junior brother, don't worry, I believe that the baby girl will appear soon."

Kong Xuan spoke.

At this moment, they have already sent forces on Penglai Island.

I found it in the flood.

The flood is so large that it is absolutely impossible to find

it all at once.

So Kong Xuan sent out the people of Penglai's lineage.

This way the opportunity to find back is a little bigger.

"I hope so, if only I knew who this man was."

"I want him to look good."

Xuangui drank lightly, and the anger in his heart rose.

Then Xuangui and Kong Xuan left.


For this matter, Tang Yuan also knew.

He didn't know it.

But I saw the people on Penglai Island walking outside one after another.

After calculating it, I knew the reason.

Tang Yuan was a little angry in his heart, this matter came to the end.

Or for yourself.

Don't see that the girl is gone, it has nothing to do with him.

But Xuangui was a disciple of Tang Yuan.

Shennong is a disciple of Xuangui.

In this way, Nuwa and Tang Yuan have a certain relationship.

In this way, the person who calculated was calculated to the source of Tang.

However, Tang Yuan did not personally pay attention to this matter.

He believed that Kong Xuan and Xuangui could solve it.

The turtle came to the beach and accidentally found

a long red sleeve on the ground.

This red sleeve shocked Xuangui, and he knew that it was left by the girl.

Now appears on the sea.

I know that it has something to do with the dragon clan.

It's just that he is a little confused, with the current strength of the dragon clan.

How dare you do this.

Although they had already submitted to Haotian, they were much better than before.

But it's not that bold.

Without saying a word, Xuangui came directly to the Dragon Palace.

Ask the Dragon King for a sin.

"Your dragon clan dares to kidnap a girl."

"Should you give me an explanation?"

Xuangui came to the East Sea Dragon King and said coldly.

For this matter.

He determined that the dragon clan had done it.

That's why there's such anger.

"The big immortal spares his life, and the little one doesn't know what happened?"

"Daxian can you talk about things first."

The East Sea Dragon King was terrified, and the Xuan Tortoise came here.

It was as if a disaster had befallen the East China Sea.

Let Ao Guang not know what to do.

The Xuan Tortoise is strong and can be regarded as a small reputation in the flood wilderness.

And there is a saint behind him, and there is a force.

The dragon clan can't afford to mess with.

Even if the dragon clan told Hao Tian, they couldn't afford to provoke it.

Haotian is better to say a little in front of not being a saint.

But in front of the saint, he is just a child.

"The daughter of the human emperor, the daughter disappeared into the sea."

"And you ask what happened?"

"Do you dragon clans think it's great to have a backer?"

Xuan Gui said impatiently, shaking the entire Dragon Palace.

The power of quasi-sainthood is terrifying.

Even a simple outbreak is not something that the dragon clan can bear.

"The Great Immortal is angry, after the old dragon finds out what happened."

"I will definitely give an explanation to Daxian Xian."

The Dragon King spoke, something like this happened.

He doesn't know either.

But at the moment, I don't know what to say with Xuangui.

I can only pray that the other party will not make trouble.

"No, the girl must be in the Dragon Palace."

"I'm going to see for myself, and no one will stop me."

Xuangui snorted coldly and did not talk too much with Ao Guang.

You can know it by looking at Ao Guang's eyes.

He didn't know about it.

That's why Xuangui proposed to take a look in the Dragon Palace.

Xuangui flashed.

Disappear in place.

Look inside the Dragon Palace.

Watching Xuangui look for it, Ao Guang could only follow behind.

As for where to check, it doesn't matter.

Ao Guang was worried that the girl would not appear here.

Otherwise, it would be unclear.

The girl appeared in the Dragon Palace.

To say that it was not done by the dragon clan would not be believed by a normal person.

Not to mention a quasi-holy power.

In the East China Sea, the Xuangui directly probed the quasi-saint consciousness.

Sweep away the entire dragon clan.

No matter where it is, it can't escape the sight of the Xuan Tortoise.

After some exploration.

Unexpected results appeared in Xuangui.

He found the breath of a baby girl.

The girl has been next to the Xuangui for so long, and the breath must be a little familiar.

So after the appearance of the breath of a female doll.

Xuangui looked directly over.

Follow the breath of the girl, in a secret corner.

Xuangui spotted the figure of the female doll.

At this moment, she is in a state of fainting, and there is still breath on her body.

With a wave of his big hand, Xuangui lifted the spell cast on the girl.

Then the girl returned to her original state.

Rubbed his eyes and looked at the state around him.

"You dragon clan are really daring."

"The daughter of the human emperor, you also dare to move."

Xuangui snorted coldly, and a flash came to the East China Sea.

Settle the baby girl first.

Then settle the score with the dragon clan.

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