But the woman was a little unhappy, the child had just been born.

Be separated from yourself.

A mother would do it like this.

"Don't worry, now I am the child's master."

"Naturally, I would choose to stay here."

Xuandu opened his mouth and said that he was an immortal.

What is among mortals.

He could tell it by his expression.

When the woman heard Xuandu's words, her mood suddenly improved.

When the patriarch and others heard this result, they also agreed.

If Xuan is going to take the child.

The patriarch was naturally not good at what to say.

In this way, Xuandu stayed in the Terran tribe.

I didn't bring it to the deep mountains and old forests.

Time flies quickly, in the blink of an eye.

Eighteen years passed.

During these eighteen years, Xuanyuan learned spells.

There is also help with the patriarch with things.

Xuanyuan is smart.

There are many things in the tribe that he can solve.

Such talent, but it has been appreciated by everyone.

Fame rose to the top.

Among the Terrans, fields are needed to grow food.

A lot of people will fight over this, and this fight will arise.

There will be chaos.

Don't look at this as a small problem, but if you don't solve it.

It will slowly develop into a big problem.

Xuanyuan naturally noticed this, he thought.

If the land is redistributed.

All have it, and it's fixed.

Then there will be no quarrels.

With this idea, Xuanyuan began to implement it.

Once implemented.

There was a clear effect, and the land was well distributed.

Let the whole tribe fall into the development of prosperity.

If only a tribe was in trouble.

The overall standard of living will rise.

Xuanyuan did this, and it had a good development for the Terrans.

After the implementation of the plan.

The tribes next to them are all developing.

And there are still many orders among the Terrans now.

The surrounding tribes have also developed into thriving scenes.

Xuanyuan made such a great contribution and reached Shennong's ears.

When Shennong found out, he was immediately overjoyed in his heart.

How many years has it been.

He had not found anyone with such talent.

In his heart, he had already decided that Xuanyuan was his successor.

After determining the specific situation of Xuanyuan.

Shennong set off.

Although the two tribes are far apart, they are far away for ordinary people.

But Shennong still has to go.

Today's Shennong has a high prestige.

Everywhere you go, people know each other.

When you go to the bear tribe, no matter who you meet on the way.

Will respectfully greet Shennong.

After a long period of travel, Shennong came to Xuanyuan.

He was standing in the middle of the mountain at the moment.

Looking down from above, he saw the scene of the tribe in front of him.

Simply not too good.

It is very pleasant and prosperous to look at the past.

When Shennong heard this, his joy immediately multiplied.

Seeing that the tribe in front of you is like this.

Shennong believed in Xuanyuan's ability even more.

Co-masters of other races.

Whether the development in a tribe is good or not, he can see at a glance.

Shennong looked at the mountain for a while.

So he walked towards the bear tribe.

As soon as they entered, the people of the bear tribe called Shennong.

Put him in the reception place.

Shennong and Xuanyuan met in a house

, and he saw Xuanyuan coming.

Observing Xuanyuan.

It wasn't until a while later that he looked away.

"You are Xuanyuan?"

Shennong spoke, his voice flat.

There is no difference between normal speech.

"If I return to the co-lord, I am Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan spoke, he had always respected a higher rank than himself.

Shennong is the co-master of the Terrans.

Higher than the patriarch's generation, so Xuanyuan is on the basis of respect.

Still very adored.

"Yes, you have done so much for the Terrans."

"It's selfless dedication."

Shennong spoke, he knew that this tribe had this scene now.

It was done by Xuanyuan.

Among the Terrans, there are many intelligent people.

But there are very few smart people who can do great things.

"The co-owner has passed the prize."

"Xuanyuan just did what he was supposed to do."

Xuanyuan spoke.

He behaved very modestly and would not be praised by Shennong.

And feel tsundere.

"I've seen the Terran co-master."

While they were chatting, Xuandu came in.

He is Xuanyuan's master, and now Shennong is here.

Xuandu wanted to see.

"There is no need to be polite."

Shennong responded.

Today's Terran co-masters have a different status than before.

Even Xuandu had to say hello when he saw it.


After a long time, Shennong and Xuanyuan chatted about some development issues.

I don't know yet.

After talking, Shennong found.

Xuanyuan's method is indeed good, and it is of great benefit to the development of the Terran race.

But there are some drawbacks.

Although Xuanyuan is talented, there are many things.

He still doesn't know.

"Xuanyuan, you have made such a great contribution to the Terrans."

"I intend to cede to you the position of co-lord of the Terrans."

Shennong finally decided to hand over the position.

He felt that a person's ideas were not intact.

It's a normal thing.

It's a big deal, and you can improve it later.

"No, it's not."

"Such an important position, Xuanyuan is afraid that he will not be able to do it."

Xuanyuan spoke, he didn't expect Shennong to come here.

It is for the co-lordship.

From his expression, it could be seen that Xuanyuan did not want to serve.

Or rather not ready.

"Xuanyuan, I know you may not accept it at first."

"But the Terrans need you, and people always have to go through growth."

"I'm sure you can do it."

Shennong spoke, Xuanyuan would say so.

He understands.

I think when Fuxi called Shennong, he was also like this.

Worry about not being competent.

"That's it."

"You are the co-master of the Terrans."

Shennong didn't wait for Xuanyuan's reaction, and directly agreed to come down for Jean.


Xuanyuan spoke, he knew that he couldn't refuse now.

Just promise to come down.

Xuan Du was very happy to hear that Xuanyuan was going to become the co-master of the Terran race.

He knew that if Xuanyuan became the co-master of the Terran race.

You can get merit yourself.

Then Shennong and Xuanyuan chatted for a while, and then he left.

Go to the tribe and wait for Xuanyuan to come over.

At the same time, when Xuanyuan's reputation developed.

The Jiuli tribe grew.

It is said that this Jiuli tribe is extremely powerful and powerful.

A large tribe made up of nine small tribes.

In the Jiuli tribe, there is such a person.

He was born gifted and intelligent.

Unlike ordinary people, the power is infinite.

But it is rare for Terrans.

His name is Chiyu, and he is born with divine powers.

It was arranged by the back soil.

Houtu is a saint of the six reincarnations, and wants the reincarnation of the true spirit left by Chi You.

It's very simple.

Chiu had memories of his past life at a very young age.

In his previous life, he was the ancestor of the Wu clan, and his physical strength was strong.

Now reincarnated and back.

Do not practice immortal and martial arts.

Something on your own.

Although Chi You is a member of the Wu Clan, none of the people in the Terran tribe know about it.

They are all proud.

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