The Great God of Pangu incarnated all things.

Hundreds of millions of years later,

there are chaotic beasts that want to destroy the world.

The formation of the first catastrophe in the sky.

Fortunately, there are Hongjun Old Ancestor, Yang Mei Daxian and other powerful people who can kill the Beast Emperor God Rebellion and turn the tide.

And the flood famine once again entered a period of peace.

Meanwhile, West Kunlun Mountains.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, fairy air is ethereal.

The immortal mountains are majestic and countless.

The mountain peaks stand upright in the sky.

The summit of the mountain rises above the nine heavens.

Towering into the clouds, it is tens of millions of kilometers long, magnificent!

and there are mountain peaks.

Like a terrified dragon.

It stretches for more than a million miles on the earth.

Spiritual energy has almost become substance on West Kunlun.

It looked hazy for hundreds of millions of miles.

Ten thousand rays of light shone down from above the nine heavens.

Pierce through the hazy fairy mist.

Shine on the earth.

Let the entire West Kunlun become colorful and brilliant.

Adding a bit of mystery,

somewhere in the valley of West Kunlun.

Countless auras were condensed towards this side.

Countless rays of light shine in the valley.

You can vaguely see a cloud of yellow qi wafting there.

From time to time, it emits a golden glow.

There is also a powerful aura on it.

Constantly spreading around.

Xuanhuang qi.

There are countless innate patterns.

Staggered and orderly arranged together.

The end is mysterious.

"Has the Taiqing Daoist succeeded in seizing the house?"

Xuanhuang Qi trembled slightly.

Tang Yuan woke up from a coma.

Then look at everything around you.

Suddenly he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

The aura here is strong.

View mountains.

It's full of life.

Tang Yuan felt an unprecedented sense of gentleness.

Not like in chaos.

There are endless winds and chaotic air currents everywhere.

There are also endless feng shui and fire raging.

There is not a single view to speak of.

Although Tang Yuan was a streamer at that time.

It doesn't affect yourself in the slightest.

But visual confusion.

It couldn't help but make Tang Yuan a little bored.


Tang Yuan glanced at Zhou's body.

I found that I had turned into a cloud of Xuanhuang Qi.

It is not the breath of a Taiqing Daoist.

"What's going on?"

exclaimed Tang Yuan.

Shouldn't he be a Taiqing Daoist at this moment?

Tang Yuan recalled the scene when he first captured the Taiqing Daoist.

A moment later.

He came back to his senses.

Got what was going on.

It turned out that when he took the Taiqing Daoist himself.

It's about to succeed.

A Xuanhuang Qi flew out of it.

In the absence of any defense.

Tang Yuan was caught off guard, and one bumped head-on.

Then fell into a coma.

When I woke up, I found that I was Xuanhuang Qi.

"It's okay!"

Tang Yuan felt sorry in his heart.

Although he

did not take the sacrifice and became a Taiqing Daoist.

But he took away the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth that had not yet taken shape.

If it comes out of shape.

Talent, root and foot are no worse than Sanqing.

Even better.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

It was the opening of Pangu.

The three layers of merit of the avenue landing.

Although Sanqing also has merit.

But it cannot be compared with the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

There is a big difference in the amount of merit between the two.

What is

the merit of the Great Road? The merit of the Great Avenue is the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, and Pangu incarnates all things.

Greatly contributed to the avenue.

The avenue has a feeling.

The reward given with the merit of landing.

It is a symbol of the supreme luck of the flood and wilderness!

And Sanqing has a layer of great merit in the body.

To become a Heavenly Dao Saint in the future,

Tang Yuan has three layers.

Far from being comparable to Sanqing.

It is promising.

Tang Yuan accepted the identity after being the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

Then he recalled the Pangu Dharma that he had realized at that time.

If you use the Pangu method of observation to condense a set of exercises.

The path of cultivation will be very smooth in the future.

After all, in terms of practice.

The Great God of Pangu was the pioneer of the Flood Desolation Creatures.

Tang Yuan's talent was already top in the flood wilderness.

Confidence to create.

At this time, in the flood and famine.

There are no exercises at all.

Some are just broken inheritances.

Plus their own creations.

If Tang Yuan succeeds in creating the exercises first.

Will walk ahead of billions of living beings.

Thinking about it, Tang Yuan's mind moved.

The recorded Pangu Dharma phase turned into an innate Daowen in the sea of knowledge and appeared.

In the sea of knowledge of Tang Yuan.

You can feel the brilliant golden light of countless innate Dao texts.

Fill the whole sea of knowledge.

Twinkle and twinkle.

Like stars shining on the earth, the light is incomparable.

Tang Yuan controlled with divine thoughts.

Countless innate Dao patterns rotated at high speed at this moment.


Tang Yuan was immersed in the understanding of Pangu Dharma.

I don't know how long it took.

In his sea of knowledge.

A thousand divine lights appeared, floating in the void.

Exudes a strong aura.


A loud bang.

Tang Yuan knew the divine light in the sea.

Directly bloom with a mysterious aura.

Then five big words appeared out of thin air: "Chaos Immortal Technique!"

They are all quickly injected into the five big words of the Chaos Immortal Technique.

Less than a moment.

The divine light is all injected.

"Success!" Tang

Yuan was overjoyed in his heart.

He stopped cultivating.

Scanning the Chaos Immortal Technique with his mind.

For the exercises that have just been created.

He was still satisfied.

With this set of exercises.

Tang Yuan was equivalent to taking the first step on the road of preaching.

However, Tang Yuan was not satisfied with this.

The Chaos Immortal Technique is to cultivate the Yuan God.

As for the physical aspect.

It has to be created separately.

In this way, the physical body and the Yuan Shen Qi can go hand in hand.

Immediately Tang Yuan's knowledge of the sea.

Countless innate Dao texts appeared.

There is also a lot of yellow aura.

The innate Dao pattern is derived from the Pangu method.

The Xuanhuang aura was the origin of Tang Yuan.

The Flesh Dao Cultivation Technique created with his own Dao Merit Origin and Pangu Dharma will definitely be extraordinary.

Pangu Great God, the flesh is extremely strong.

Needless to say.

Tang Yuan itself is also the Xuanhuang Merit Ling Pagoda.

The combination of unmatched defense and great strength


The exercises created can be imagined how terrifying they were!

I don't know how long it took.

Tang Yuanzhi's sea bloomed with brilliant light.

Countless Xuanhuang Qi are fusing with the Innate Dao Text.

Tang Yuan's mind moved.

There was a violent turmoil in the sea of knowledge.

In the brilliance of light.

Converged into a golden compass.

Three feet in size, countless innate Dao patterns are densely packed together.

Exudes a sense of heaven and earth.

A terrifying aura permeated from the Xuanhuang Qi.

Sweeping the surrounding mountains for hundreds of millions of miles.

Everywhere it passes, it's flat land.

After being washed away by countless innate Dao texts.

The golden compass suddenly turned into a yellowish aura.

Floating in the sea of knowledge.

"Dao Merit Body!" Tang

Yuan drank lightly.

The golden light in the sea began to flow.

It's being absorbed little by little.

A moment later.

All the golden light in the sea of knowledge was absorbed by Tang Yuan.

He stopped cultivating.

Focus on the merit of the Great Road.

In the body of Dao merit.

Tang Yuan could clearly feel the powerful power surging.

A vast wave of qi emanated from the Xuanhuang Qi.

Sweeping across the entire West Kunlun.

Heaven and earth darkened at this moment.

Only the Xuanhuang Qi exuded golden light.

Tens of thousands of surrounding peaks were dusted in an instant.

Dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Not bad!" Tang

Yuan chuckled.

Now the exercises have been initially perfected.

He just had to practice step by step according to the exercises.

Strive for early transformation!

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