The axe shadow condensed with Spiritual Qi turned into a faint brilliance.

Disappear into the sky.

Tang Yuan felt his whole body, and the breath in his body was recovering rapidly.

The magic power cast opened the heavens and nine axes.

He consumed a huge amount of physical strength and used almost all of it.

Fortunately, Tang Yuan is the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth transformed by the merit of the three-story avenue.

There is an inexhaustible amount of mana to use.

Otherwise, when casting the Heavenly Nine Axe, I am afraid that it will fail.

Under the constant recovery of mana.

In a short while, Tang Yuan's aura returned to its best state.

And it blooms with a momentum to break through.

The realm Tang Yuan was in was originally a state to be promoted.

After casting the Divine Power Opening Heavenly Nine Axe.

The aura of breakthrough on the body is more obvious.

A majestic force.

Unabashedly rushed out of him.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

Tang Yuan simultaneously operated the Great Dao Merit Body and the Chaos Immortal Technique.

A golden light burst out from his body.

Tang Yuan was soon immersed in the breakthrough realm.

Ignoring everything, his eyes are closed and completely cut off from the outside world.

The golden light wrapped Tang Yuanhun's body up and down.

Countless Daowen floated in the sky.

Tang Yuan ran the Great Dao Merit Body.

Refining Dao Wen on the body and transforming it into power.

Such as flash floods.

The powerful force increased unstoppably in him.

Blood flows rapidly in the body.

Like a shooting star across the sky, countless red rays appeared outside his flesh.

It was as if there was a sea of blood below Tang Yuan.

Red light bursts into the sky, shining on the heavens.

The green tendons squirmed, and there was a tendency to break through the flesh and blood, and it grew rapidly.

A pleasant sound of loosening bones sounded in Tang Yuan's body.

The muscle form is like a five-colored unicorn, a white divine dragon, and a chaos demon ape.

The hardness is displayed all over the body.

Tang Yuan under the light of divine light and red light.

It shows the body of a god, holy and immaculate.

In the Yuan God, Tang Yuan operated the Chaos Immortal Technique.

One after another divine texts were imprinted in the sea of knowledge.

Like stars hanging high in the sky, the brilliance is incomparable.

The appearance of the divine text.

It is Tang Yuan's manifestation of realm breakthrough and law perception.

Da Luo Golden Immortal, transcending heaven and earth.

You can feel the laws of heaven and earth.

Every strong person who reaches the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

will feel a law that suits you.

Those who are talented and strong can feel the power of a variety of laws.

As a Tang Yuan in the late stage of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

I haven't practiced any laws yet.

Tang Yuan was transformed after West Kunlun.

Various reasons arise.

Until now, I have not realized my own laws.

Now that the realm has broken through, he also has a certain understanding of the law.

Just in time to understand the laws of heaven and earth.

The divine imprint began to tremble in the Genshin space.

From slow to fast, something becomes nothing.

From time to time, there is an electric flash.

Ripple like a python.

Shuttling through the entire Genshin space.

In less than a moment, a vortex form was formed in Tang Yuan's Yuan God.

Absorb countless brilliance.

The vortex exudes powers such as destruction and creation, and permeates the void.

The whirlpool is wrapped in a sacred text.

Immeasurable light shot out, filling the entire Yuanshen space.

The aura of the surrounding tens of thousands of miles was under the influence of Tang Yuan's Yuan God power.

Constantly gathering over him.

It was then frantically absorbed by the vortex formed in Tang Yuan's Yuan God.

Like a river pouring in, the devouring speed is very fast.


A soft voice sounded.

Within Tang Yuan's Yuanshen space.

Countless divine texts formed a Dao God Chain, connected in a circle.

Wrapped around a huge whirlpool.

A circle of god chains presented by a huge whirlpool.

The luster like the earth star, delicate and transparent.

The solidity of the mountain was extremely solid, and a heavenly dragon power erupted.

In the next moment.

The light chain in Tang Yuan's sea melted like spring water, and slowly disappeared into the purple mansion.

Every little disappears.

The aura on Tang Yuan's body will skyrocket.

A speed like lightning and a force that shakes heaven and earth.

Derived in the Yuan God of Tang Yuan.

10,000 years later.

Both the divine chain and the vortex were refined by Tang Yuan and fused into their own breath.

A Daluo Golden Immortal peak might bloomed from Tang Yuan.

Supreme energy surged wildly.

Instantly unclog the various veins that reached his body.

Centered on Tang Yuan.

A wave of divine power erupted.

Crashing into countless mountain peaks and breaking thousands of miles of land.

The dark clouds in the void condensed towards various places.

Appeared above Tang Yuan.

Then it turned into a majestic five-colored unicorn behind him.

"Da Luo Golden Immortal Peak!"

Tang Yuan opened his eyes and stood up.

The whole person exudes a divine power.

Looking at the heavens and the earth, the world is honored by him.

This breakthrough.

Not only will he break through to the strength of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

And it's solid.

You know, stabilizing the Da Luo Golden Immortal Peak and the Da Luo Golden Immortal Peak are two different concepts.

The former realm is stronger.

There will be no dysfunction.

The latter is not much different, though.

However, if it consumes a lot of mana, it will appear that the Dao heart is loose.

Now, Tang Yuan, who is at the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, plus his own spiritual treasures, divine powers and many other means.

Even in the face of quasi-saints, they can still fight.

Don't look at the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it seems that it is only one step away from the quasi-saint.

A person who cultivates, a small step in the realm.

The gap in strength is indeed a world of difference.

And when Tang Yuan broke through the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

He comprehended two laws: the law of destruction and the law of light.

Although usually Da Luo Jinxian can only comprehend one law.

But Tang Yuan's body is a three-layer Dao merit turned into a heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda.

Top heel, gifted and intelligent.

The strength is even at the peak of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Comprehending two laws at the same time was not difficult for Tang Yuan.

The comprehended Law of Light reached three levels.

The law of destruction is two-layered.

The power of destruction is a destructive law that is extremely difficult to comprehend.

It is comparable to the laws of high difficulty such as time and space.

That's why Tang Yuan comprehended two layers.

The law of light is a change in speed.

Comprehension difficulty is easier than breaking the law.

Once the Law of Light unfolds.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into golden light and disappeared thousands of miles away.

Shuttling back and forth between heaven and earth.

Although not aggressive.

But the speed of light can be used well as a means of escape.

Comprehend the Law of Light.

It is equivalent to having a speed magic.

It just made up for Tang Yuan's shortcomings.

All the time.

Tang Yuan wanted to cultivate a speed divine power.

But I couldn't find the right time.

The law of light that is now comprehended can be used as a magical power.

The Law of Destruction is devastating.

Once cultivated to a certain point.

Only then can the defenses of all things in the world be broken.

It can also be used with Tang Yuan's Divine Power Open Heaven Nine Axe.

Together, the two can exert even more powerful power.

In all the laws.

The higher the level of comprehension, the greater the power it will exert.

It was like Tang Yuan at the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal using the Law of Light.

Except for the saints, basically no one can catch it.

The law has been completed, the divine power has been obtained, and the realm has broken through.

Without Zhou Shan's trip, Tang Yuan had a feeling of a bumper harvest.

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