"Create a gourd!"

Tang Yuan waved his hand.

After putting away the black gourd and the gourd vine.

A huge amount of information appeared in his sea of knowledge.

Tell yourself that the gourd in front of you is a creation gourd.

It is an innate treasure, powerful and can absorb all things in the world, whether it is the most evil thing.

Or demonic qi, blood qi, fierce qi, etc., the creation gourd can absorb.

And after inhaling various breaths.

The creation gourd will become stronger and stronger.

The more breath you absorb.

The power that comes out will be even stronger.

Once devoured by the creation gourd.

No matter how strong your divine power is, the Yuan God will be devoured and the mana will be exhausted!

It ended up with a god-like end.

After reading the information in the sea.

Tang Yuan was excited and returned to the hall again.

Prepare to refine the gourd.

Now Tang Yuan got the first innate treasure.

I would like to know the power of the gourd.

Although he just came out of retreat.

Tang Yuan also didn't mind retreating again.


Retreat for those who practice.

It was already a good thing, how could he not be willing.

If there is a retreat, there will be gain, but in terms of how much you gain!

Tang Yuan sat cross-kneeled on top of the void.

With a wave of his big hand, a black gourd the size of a fist floated into the void.

Swallowing the spiritual energy of Penglai Three Immortal Island.


The gourd of creation shone brightly, and black light covered the entire hall.

Lingbao has not yet urged.

The void seemed to be about to burst, and a roar sounded!

In the vast space inside the main hall.

Only the luster on the creation gourd can be seen, and no other brightness can be seen.

Coupled with the roar in the void, it was like a chaotic abyss vision.


Tang Yuan waved his big hand.

Punching out the Dao Law Seal, vast power continued to appear in the void.

Mana appeared, forming a substantial brilliance that enveloped the Creation Gourd.


Every point injected.

The breath on the creation gourd became furious, shaking Penglai Sanxian Island.

Endless dark clouds appeared above.

There seems to be a trend of reversal and uncertainty.

Under the continuous injection of mana, the creation gourd shines brightly.

It was originally a black gourd.

This moment becomes seven or eight colors, changing back and forth on the gourd.

It glows red for a while.

Rendered as a red void.

The golden light shimmers, like the sun hanging high in the void, dazzling.

In a variety of color variations.

The inside of the creation gourd became transparent.

There are three visions in it.

One is death, burning all things in an endless sea of fire.

Like hell, wolf smoke is everywhere, there is fire everywhere, there is no trace of life, and there is a lot of life.

There was also an endless fierce aura, almost condensed into substance, like a hazy in chaos.

Can't see anything!

The shadow of the creation gourd stands above the void.

Crazy devouring ferocity.

The last one is the opposite of the previous one.

It is more special, manifested as vigorous and immeasurable aura.

There are no clouds in the void, birds singing and flowers, flowers and plants everywhere.

These three scenes manifest at the same time.

Tang Yuan just glanced at it, and he had a feeling of being in the situation.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

In the creation gourd, a huge devouring force was released.

Even Tang Yuan, who was refining, felt that huge attraction.

Overbearing and extremely difficult to resist.

Tang Yuan pinched his gesture.

Continuously pour mana into the creation gourd, regardless of the visions around it.

And just like that, hundreds of years have passed.

After injecting endless mana, Tang Yuan refined the prohibitions in the Creation Gourd for twenty ways.

Because the creation gourd is a congenital treasure, there are a total of sixty prohibitions.

Twenty realms were refined, and there were forty prohibitions.

The higher the grade of the Lingbao, the more difficult it will be to refine.

Among the sixty prohibitions of innate treasures.

The prohibition in front is better to refine, and the prohibition in the back will be more difficult to refine.

The twenty prohibitions refined by Tang Yuan were relatively better to refine.

The next forty are the most difficult to refine.

It's like climbing to the top of a mountain.

The first paragraph is a good climb, and the difficult one is at the end.


Tang Yuan was not satisfied with this.

Instead, he continued to play out vast mana and continue refining.

In the innate spirit treasure, the more prohibition refining, the more powerful it will be.

Therefore, Tang Yuan chose to continue refining, so that the Creation Gourd could exert greater power.

Then, Tang Yuan closed his eyes tightly.

The vision in the entire hall was like the alternation of the sun, moon and stars.

Various scenes on the creation gourd reappeared.

At this time.

Tang Yuan could already grasp part of the power of the innate treasure.

I definitely felt the power in the creation gourd.

Much stronger than expected.


There are black rays of light.

Falling from the top of the creation gourd, the treasure light rushed to the sky.

The black light chain was like a dragon circling, enveloping the entire gourd.

Then he frantically absorbed the spiritual energy on Penglai Three Immortal Island.

Whether it's Reiki inside or outside the island.

are pulled by the attraction of the creation gourd.

With each absorption point, the creation gourd becomes larger.


Another thousand years have passed.

The aura in the hall is mysterious and mysterious, and it is extremely mysterious.

Tang Yuan could only feel the endless devouring power.

Even the fluctuations of the aura could not be detected in the slightest.

At this moment, the Creation Gourd was already ten thousand feet tall, and it was no longer the size of a fist.


The breath of the creation gourd rises.

A powerful force stirred the void and chaotic the earth.

It seems to have the potential to devour Penglai Three Immortal Island, and it also has the power to stir up heaven and earth.

The entire Penglai Sanxian Island was shaken, and the clouds above gathered wave after wave.

But in less than a moment, all visions disappeared.

"So strong!"

Tang Yuan sighed.

This has refined thirty-five prohibitions, and it has such power.

If you refine it all, then you have to get it.

Thirty-five prohibitions were refined.

Tang Yuan had plans to continue refining.

Because he is now the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

He has not yet reached the quasi-saint, and can only refine thirty-five paths.

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