"Prince Dong, Dao Ancestor appointed you as the head of the male immortals."

"It's for you to manage the flood famine!"

"And you are expanding your power everywhere in the name of the head of the male immortal!"

"Intend to rule the flood waste, today the poor road will clean you up for the Dao Ancestor!"

Tang Yuan's voice was full of qi and majesty.

It reverberated throughout West Kunlun, and it could not dissipate for a long time!

After hearing this, the monks who were paying attention to this scene were shocked in their hearts.

I didn't expect that the ambition of the Eastern Prince was so great.

He wanted to rule the floods.

Suddenly they all discovered his ambition.

"Nonsense, today you are not inferior."

"Slander Benjun, Benjun will make you pay!"

"Give me death!"

When the Eastern Prince heard this, he roared and was furious.

The true fire of the sun behind him burned even more violently.

The monstrous mana emerged, several times stronger than when he fought against the Queen Mother of the West.

Pure Yang True Fire, Pure Yang Qi, Pervades the Void.

Behind him, there was originally a faint flame.

Suddenly, it was like gasoline burning, and it rose in an instant.

Under the blowing wind, the Pure Yang True Fire reached above the nine heavens.

Like a fire demon, he revealed a hideous face.

The fire was high, and the Queen Mother of the West was shocked, how terrifying this flame was.

If he fights with the Prince of the East, I am afraid that he will not be able to resist.

His strength is beyond the imagination of the Queen Mother of the West.

But she believed that Tang Yuan could defeat the Prince of the East.

"Hmph, carving insect trick!"

Tang Yuan drank lightly, and the Xuanhuang Qi manifested.

In the high fire situation, Xuanhuang's qi suddenly soared, increasing little by little.

It was as if the Pure Yang True Fire had no effect at this moment.

"What, in the face of pure yang true fire."

"The yellow aura behind Tang Yuandao's people is not afraid at all!"

Among the many cultivators, there was an exclamation.

They knew the power of pure yang true fire, which was nothing that burned.

It is a fight with the Sun True Fire of the Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor.

In front of Tang Yuan, he looked so unbearable, let alone threatened.

Tang Yuan's eyes didn't blink.

Not afraid of pure yang true fire, this is probably only known by Tang Yuan himself.

The heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda transformed by the merit of the three-layer avenue has unparalleled defense.

The attack of Pure Yang True Fire naturally couldn't help him.


The two qi intersected, and countless space debris fell from the void.

"Hongmeng Merit Measuring Heavenly Ruler!"

Tang Yuan slowly said these words from his mouth, and then a purple ruler appeared.

Held tightly by Tang Yuan's hand, the purple ruler had not yet waved.

There is a power to break through heaven and earth.

Hongmeng's merit measure the ruler.

The crowd was envious.

Especially the Yuan Shi Tianzun in the Three Qing.

See after the appearance of the Hongmeng merit measuring ruler.

Complaining about the unfairness of the Heavenly Dao, why all kinds of opportunities have to be obtained by Tang Yuan.

And as a Pangu Yuan God, he did not have a single spiritual treasure.

When the Eastern Prince saw it, his heart was shocked.

He didn't expect that Tang Yuan would have such a treasure.

Hongmeng's merit measured the power of the heavenly ruler, but he knew.

Ignoring any defense, killing people without cause and effect, karma.

But he was not afraid at all, but felt that if he defeated Tang Yuan.

Hongmeng's merit measures the heavenly ruler, and the lost pure yang sword can be recaptured.


Tang Yuan waved the Hongmeng Merit measuring ruler in his hand, invisibly.

Cut through the silence of eternity, the power of the demon god when awakening.

Under the wave of the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler, it burst out.

Breaking the confinement of space, the passage of time.

Tens of millions of zhang of purple rays were cut out of the air.


The fierce wind roared, and the aura emitted by the purple glow was unstoppable.

The chaos that rolled around, even time and space did not have a prescribed order.


The Eastern Prince looked hideous, roared, and waved his big hand.

Inject a lot of pure yang true fire into the dragon head crutch, in an instant.

The Ultimate Innate Lingbao Dragon Head Cane burst out with great power.

A fire dragon that runs through the sky.

The Eastern Prince sent out all his strength, and the entire West Kunlun suddenly changed.

There was a feeling of confrontation with Tang Yuan.


The sound of breaking the flood erupted in the collision of the two.

In the sky, thunder was loud, like the roar of billions of demon gods.

The heavens and the earth trembled.

With this voice, it makes thousands of living beings panic.

Underground, the peaks that entered the clouds collapsed in an instant.

Turned into ashes and disappeared into heaven and earth.

Let the land that was originally uneven become smooth.

The fissures stretch continuously on land with no end.

There is only a bottomless black hole exposed on land.

The void, thousands of miles of dark clouds, shrouded the sky.

The entire West Kunlun fell into a dim scene.

The attack of Hongmeng Merit Measuring Heavenly Ruler broke the fire dragon.

Rush to the Maharaja of the East!

"Pure Yang Shield!"

Seeing the attack coming, the Dongwang public horse drank lightly and waved the dragon head crutch.

A fiery red shield shrouded the Eastern Maharajah.


The purple glow exploded and scattered in every corner of West Kunlun.

The figure of the Eastern Prince retreated more than a million miles.

He could barely block Hongmeng's attack from the Meritorious Measuring Ruler.

Tang Yuan's body was shrouded in Xuanhuang Qi, and he was not injured in the slightest.

After all, Hongmeng merit measures the attack of the heavenly ruler, ignoring any defense.

Extremely powerful.

Tang Yuan in the early stage of quasi-sainthood was already stronger than the Eastern Prince.

Even if they are both strong in the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

The Prince of the East was also no better than Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan has laws, magical powers, spiritual treasures, etc., and they are all very proficient.

What's more, he has a congenital treasure that has not yet been played.

If the supreme treasure comes out, with the power of the innate supreme treasure.

One blow can severely injure the Prince of the East.

However, there was no need for Tang Yuan to do this.

If you take out the innate treasure.

Then show your final hole card.

You know, innate treasure.

But Tang Yuan's last hole card, if it is not a last resort, he will not take it out.

This battle is a huge sensation.

Many great powers are paying attention, if it is a congenital treasure.

Everyone knew what hole cards Tang Yuan had, and when there would be disputes in the future.

It can be prevented in advance and will not be caught off guard.

Although Tang Yuan didn't care, it made people can't figure it out.

It is his usual style.

"Prince Dong, how is it!"

"You can withstand the attack of the poor road."

Tang Yuan stood above the void and looked at the world.

Among the monks who were watching this battle.

A feeling of worship arose in my heart.

Rippling in their hearts.

Tang Yuan deliberately teased, he knew that the Eastern Prince must still have hole cards in the end.

If you talk about such a big force, there is not even a final hole card.

That's impossible!

"Don't be happy too early, you want to defeat Ben-kun!"

"This strength is not enough!"

Saying that, a sneer flashed on the face of the Eastern Prince, without the slightest trepidation.

It's a smug smile.

The Prince of the East was planning to use hole cards, and he knew it.

Today's strength, if you rely on yourself.

It can't beat Tang Yuan.

After everyone saw it, they had a pang of doubt in their hearts.

I don't understand why the Prince of the East fell behind.

And a smug look.

If you don't know, you will think that the Prince of the East has the upper hand.

Tang Yuan was in the downwind.

Tang Yuan smiled in his heart, sure enough, it was the same as he thought.

The Prince of the East dares to be so proud, and there will be no final hole card yet.

"Try Benjun's Great Array!"

"Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array, up!"

"All the immortals return to their places!"

The Prince of the East snorted coldly.

He waved his hand, and a huge formation map was offered.

Zoom in infinitely in the void, less than a moment.

It shrouded the entire West Kunlun!

The array map is extremely mysterious, and the treasure is soaring into the sky.

Countless streamers shot straight into the sky.

The fairy air in the picture is ethereal, and the signs of mountains and rivers are revealed.

Behind the Maharaja of the East.

Everyone looked at each other.

Then it falls directly into the formation.

Countless streamers were like billions of stars, imprinted in the array.

Less than a moment.

Everyone behind the Eastern Prince was all integrated into the formation.

For a time, a bloody aura rose up into the sky, and the entire West Kunlun pervaded.

Even Tang Yuan's breath at this moment was not felt at all.

Completely covered by the aura of the large array.

Bursts of anger overflowed.

This array is the Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals.

It was developed after the Eastern Prince established his power.

It is also his final hole card.

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