"It makes sense, I don't know what plan Bai Ze Demon Saint has?"

said Di Jun to Bai Ze, since he could think of this.

Presumably there will be good suggestions.

"Chen feels that among the four seas, there is one person we can go to recover!"

said Bai Ze.

"Oh, I don't know who Bai Ze Demon Saint is talking about?"

said Di Jun suspiciously, he didn't come up with it for a while.


replied Bai Ze.


Di Jun showed a hint of surprise.

He continued: "This emperor also thought about it before

!" "It's just that Kunpeng created a demon script and is powerful

!" "Being cunning, I'm afraid it will cost a huge price!" For

Kunpeng, Di Jun had already thought of it.

It is believed that Kunpeng's strength is strong and once created the demon script.

Even if he is reluctantly allowed to join the Heavenly Court, I am afraid that he will not surrender from the bottom of his heart.

"Your Majesty don't worry, I know there is a thing, as long as I have it.

"You can make Kunpeng submit wholeheartedly!"

Bai Ze began, he knew everything about the things in the flood waste.

Know a lot of things.

"Oh, what?"

Di Jun was interested for a while, and his heart was also very happy.

If you can really join Kunpeng to the Heavenly Court, you will still submit with all your might.

That demon race is bound to rise a lot.

After all, among the demon race, there are two major factions.

One is the Heavenly Court, and the other is Kunpeng.

"That's the demon banner in Nuwa Niangniang's hand!"

"As long as His Majesty personally goes to the Wahuang Palace, this matter can be successful!"

Bai Ze spoke.

When Di Jun heard this, he said, "Okay, then Emperor Ben will personally go to the Wahuang Palace!"

Nuwa Niangniang will definitely borrow it.

Because Fuxi is in the demon clan, it's just that he is in retreat now.

The meaning of Dijun represents the meaning of all demon races.

Similarly, it also means Fuxi.

After discussing the final result, Dijun prepared a gift.

So he went to the chaos alone.

Not long after, Di Jun came to the outside of the palace.

Then respectfully said: "Dijun asks to see Nuwa Niangniang!" Although Dijun

is the emperor of the demon clan, he still respects Nuwa.

"You have come to this palace to know that this is a demon flag, take it!"

came the voice of Nuwa.

Then a red flag appeared in front of Di Jun.

Blood red, exuding a mysterious aura on it, portraying innate Daowen.

It is the ultimate innate spirit treasure to recruit demon flags.

It was refined by Nuwa when she picked seven gourds.

It can be said to be the most precious treasure of the demon race, as long as your true spirit falls into the flag.

No matter how strong your powers are, your mana is strong.

Life and death will be controlled by the bearer of the flag.

Nuwa is already a saint, and she already knows that Dijun is here.

Although she was not very willing in her heart, she looked at Fuxi's face.

Then he gave the demon flag.

"Thank you Nuwa Niangniang!" Di

Jun accepted the demon banner, and was very satisfied in his heart.

I didn't expect Nuwa to agree so quickly.

After having the demon flag, Di Jun did not stay here too much.

So he went back to the Heavenly Court.

After returning to the Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun called the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

After discussing for a while, they headed towards the North Sea.

With the demon flag, there were no demon soldiers behind Di Jun.

The two went to the North Sea.

In the North Sea, the endless deep sea.

The water was pitch black, exuding an extremely strong cold aura.

After Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi didn't know how long they had been infiltrating.

Saw a palace.

The palace went from blurry to clearly visible.

The whole palace is black, and a black aura comes out.

It looks very cold, and it seems to give people a tingling sensation in the scalp.

Makes people feel free of trembling.

In the main hall at the door, there are many demon soldiers.

They are all Kunpeng's subordinates.

Emperor Jun Yu Donghuang Taiyi and the two directly ignored them.

Kunpeng's subordinates are also very conscious, knowing that the two are the emperors of the demon clan.

Even if they have this heart to block, they do not have this strength.

So I can only watch with fear.

Dijun and Donghuang did not make a move, and their ultimate goal was to recapture Kunpeng.

There was no fuss.

The two of them flashed into the hall.

After coming to the main hall, Di Jun and the two were very unceremonious.

I went straight to a chair and sat down.

In the center of the hall,

a middle-aged man was sitting on the dragon chair with a resentful expression.

Angrily looked at them Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi.

The man was Kunpeng, and Dijun and Donghuang came uninvited.

This annoyed Kunpeng.

But Kunpeng has no way, his strength does not allow, he can only be regarded as a guest.

"The presence of two Daoist friends makes my Beihai really shine!" said

Kunpeng with a smile while maintaining his anger.

There is nothing wrong with saying that he is an old traitor.

At this time.

They have been bullied by others to the house, and Kunpeng can still do such an attitude.

"Kunpeng Daoist, we have something here today. "

I hope to agree!"

said Di Jun with an imperial aura around him, smiling at Kunpeng.

The Eastern Emperor, on the other hand, did not speak, but was ready to throw the Chaos Bell at any time.

"Oh, I wonder what happened to the two Daoists?"

Kunpeng probably guessed something, but asked anyway.

"This emperor sees that Kunpeng Daoyou is strong, and we are all demon races.

"I am here today to invite you to join the Heavenly Court. "

Create the great cause of the demon race together, I don't know what the friendship wants?" Although

Di Jun said in a flat tone, he had a very domineering majesty.

"Such a great cause, I am afraid that I am not qualified to join.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint the two Daoists, and I can't accompany them!"

Kunpeng was ugly in color, and he had already calculated that this day would come.

But I didn't expect it so quickly.

Creating the great cause of the demon race together is nothing more than joining the demon clan.

"Hmph!" Donghuang

, who did not speak at this time, directly picked up the Chaos Bell.

Without saying a word, he blasted towards Kunpeng.

Seeing this, Kunpeng was terrified in his heart and quickly formed a defense.

An unbreakable defense was formed in front of him in an instant, extremely strong.

A ringing bell sounded, and the defense formed by Kunpeng was directly opened.

Old Ancestor Kunpeng flew out of the sea heavily and smashed into the land.

Apparently he was traumatized.

But it's normal, the Chaos Bell is a treasure.

Both attack and defense, even if it is encountered by a saint, it should not be underestimated.

Kunpeng is not a saint, in the absence of defense.

How can it resist.

Kunpeng fell to the ground, spitting out blood, looking embarrassed and extremely unwilling.

I didn't expect the two of them to be so despicable and actually engage in a sneak attack.

Kunpeng had thought about fighting, but hadn't guessed that it was the case.

Caught him off guard.

Otherwise, you won't fall to the ground with one blow.

And Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi will not care, and the sneak attack will sneak attack.

I think as long as I can get Kunpeng to join.

It's not a big deal.

In Di Jun's view, Kunpeng was originally a cunning person.

There is no need to act on common sense at all.

"I hope Kunpeng Dao is friendly and will consider what Emperor Ben said!"

said Di Jun to Kunpeng with words.

It was obviously decided that Kunpeng would join the Heavenly Court.

"I am willing to join the Heavenly Court!"

Kunpeng suppressed his anger and replied to Di Jun's words.

Thinking about it, it is important to save your life now, and then take time to get rid of the demon race later.

"Since Kunpeng Daoist is willing to join the Heavenly Court.

"Then hand over a trace of true spirit!"

said Di Jun, taking out the demon banner in front of Kunpeng.

Waiting for him to hand over the true spirit.

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