The fierce wind howled from afar, and the monstrous mana soared on Yu Tie's body.

He descended into the Flood Barren Land this time and sneaked out.

Di Jun didn't even know.

When he came down, he found the Terrans.

Then began to devour the Terrans.

Just as he was about to hunt, he saw Kong Xuan coming.


!" "If you leave here, I will spare your life!" Although

Kong Xuan had no combat experience, he would not be afraid.

Even if he felt that the iron in front of him was stronger than his own.

And there is not the slightest fear.

"Boy, the tone is quite big

!" "King Ben sees that you are also good, it is better to eat you first!"

As long as it is not encountering some innate power, or the twelve ancestral witches.

can handle it.

Thinking that Kong Xuan was just a nameless boy, he dared to stop himself.


screamed and punched out.

Quasi-saint powerhouse, terrifying.

The surrounding peaks collapsed for a while, affecting all the million miles.

A million-sized fist fell towards Kong Xuan.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan's expression was serious.

Knowing that the other party was a quasi-saint powerhouse, his strength was much greater than his own.

Don't dare to be careless.

However, rigor is rigorous, and there is no trace of fear.

On the contrary, there is a little excitement, the stronger the opponent.

It's more challenging.

You must know that Kong Xuan is the son of the phoenix.

The Phoenix clan was one of the protagonists of the Dragon and Phoenix Lamour.

The Feng Clan disappeared, but the proud bones have always existed.

"Come on!"

Kong Xuan waved his big hand, and five divine rays of light shot up into the sky.

Break the void and shatter mountains and rivers.

The surrounding moments were all chaotic, all destroyed by the five-colored divine light.

Suddenly, the Five Elements God slammed towards the iron at the speed of light.


a loud bang, the five-colored divine light collided with the fist of the iron bar.

A huge crack suddenly appeared in the void.

Engulfs the surrounding airflow.

Heaven and earth set off huge fluctuations, and a bottomless void appeared.

It looks extremely eerie.

Croak iron is careless, and directly flies a hundred steps backwards.

But he was not injured, and the five-colored divine light did not hurt him.

Kong Xuan, on the other hand, flew upside down for 100,000 li, but he was not injured.

Just relative to the iron.

In a downwind state.

But it's already very good, the strength of a Da Luo Golden Immortal in the early days.

Against the previous quasi-saint powerhouse, the realm was so much worse.

If it were someone else, I was afraid of this blow.

I am afraid that I have already been seriously injured.

But Kong Xuan was able to carry this blow, which is enough to show how extraordinary it is.

"I can't lose, I can't lose Master's face!"

Kong Xuan secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, he knew it.

Since he is a disciple of others, all words and deeds represent the master.

To be so defeated would be bad for Tang Yuan's reputation.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have such divine power

!" "It's really good, but you have to die today!"

I didn't expect that a kid who looked inconspicuous could take a blow of his own.

It was beyond his imagination.

"Die!" Yu Tie's

face changed drastically, and he began to get serious.

He also knew that Kong Xuan in front of him had some strength, even if he had quasi-saint strength.

If you don't get serious, you can't win.

The heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and the demon qi is extremely rich.

The demon qi rushed to the sky, and the wind hit.

It pervaded the heavens and the earth, alarming countless living beings.

Iron sacrificed a sledgehammer, exuding infinite power.

It is his Lingbao, a top-grade innate Lingbao.

Mighty is also good, shaking all directions.

Iron swung out a sledgehammer and ran towards Kong Xuan.

Like a divine dragon, it shook endlessly.


Kong Xuan's face was serious, and the fighting intent behind him instantly rose.

The five-colored divine light came out directly from the body.

He waved his big hand and raised a small flag.

It is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, the ground flame light flag, one of the five square flags.

The Ground Flame Light Flag serves as a defense, and the five-colored divine light is an attack that rushes towards the iron.


The five-color divine light flashed with golden light, and the sledgehammer of the iron was instantly uncontrolled.

Seeing that it was immediately sucked away, he was fierce.

With strong force, he grabbed the sledgehammer.

Then the figure flashed to the side.

A powerful attack collided with the five-colored divine light.


The sky exploded, and Kong Xuan smashed heavily on the ground.

Quite a bit of an injury.

However, this time there was not a flame light flag off the ground, protecting Kong Xuan's body.

Otherwise, your life may be in danger.

Although the Ground Flame Light Banner is a congenital spirit treasure, Kong Xuan is only in the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It doesn't play to its real strength.

Otherwise, you won't be hit on the ground.

However, just now, it surprised Yu Tie, and the Lingbao in his hand almost broke away.

Fortunately, there is a big gap in strength between the two, otherwise the spirit treasure of the iron will definitely be taken away.

Yu Tie was very proud in his heart, and he could take Kong Xuan down at the sight.

You can also get Lingbao.

"Bold demon clan, dare to be presumptuous in front of me

!" "Die!" With

a rough voice, a tall and powerful strong man came out.

Directly punch away, knocking the iron back.

The Great Han was none other than Zhurong, which was closer to his tribe.

A quasi-saint fought with the Da Luo Golden Immortal powerhouse, and the movement was huge.

After hearing it in the tribe, Zhurong rushed over as soon as possible.

After discovering that it was a demon clan, it was a punch that came up.

Although Yu Tie is a demon saint in the demon clan, his strength is in the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

But if you want to carry Zhurong's blow, it is obviously impossible.

At this time, Zhurong's physical body was already a quasi-saint, and he was very strong.

The average person can't break it at all.

Mastering the law of fire is even better.


!" "You actually sneaked up on me!" snorted

coldly, and the strength of his body skyrocketed a lot.

It was several times higher than when he fought against Kong Xuan.

Zhu Rong is one of the twelve ancestral witches, and Yu Tie has learned the power of the ancestral witches.

Don't dare to be careless, the strength of the explosion is full strength.

"Find death!" Zhu

Rong looked disdainful, and the fighting intent on his body rose.

A thick flame emanated from the fist.

A sea of fire manifested behind him.

In terms of momentum alone, it surpasses Yu Tie.

The giant hammer rushed forward, and Zhurong did not hesitate.

The fist full of power met the giant hammer at once.


for a moment, the giant hammer and the croak flew out upside down.

Retreat millions of miles, spitting blood from your mouth.

Extremely embarrassing.

The gap in strength was too great, and Yu Tie thought that he could compete.

But he didn't expect Zhurong's power to be so terrifying.

Much higher than when I was taught.

He slowly stood up from the land, with anger in his heart.

Then it turned into a stream of light and flew away.

He is not a fool and does not leave at this time.

Small lives are afraid to be unsafe.

"Damn, wait for me.

"Sooner or later, one day, you Grandpa Zhu Rong will go to the Heavenly Court!" Looking

at the departing Zhu Tie, Zhu Rong shouted angrily.

A look of great unfinished.

He is hot-tempered by nature and sees that Yu Tie is a demon race.

I hated it in my heart.

Another aspect is that Zhurong is belligerent.

I thought that when I met a demon clan, I could fight without any scruples.

I didn't expect to escape halfway through the bark.

"Thank you Zhu Rong Zuwu for coming to the rescue!" "

Kong Xuan is very grateful!" After

seeing that there was no trace of Yu Tie, Kong Xuan put away the spirit treasure and handed it over.

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