There are so many saints in the East, and the three Qing are one.

Three saints, huge luck.

How can the luck of the West surpass that of the East, it is difficult to rise in a big way.

Now that Sanqing is separated, Zhun Ti immediately felt.

This is the opportunity for the West to rise.

The two of them were happy in their hearts.

"It's just like that!" The

news of Sanqing's separation spread throughout the flood wilderness, and Tang Yuan naturally knew it.

However, Tang Yuan felt that time was a little fast.

I think it should be slower.

However, it has nothing to do with Tang Yuan.

In his opinion, if you want to separate, you must divide the family.

It won't have any effect on yourself.

But Tang Yuan felt that if Sanqing did not divide the family.

If it is connected, then there is basically nothing to do with the West.

Where will there be a big rise in the West in the back.

The East crushes the West.

After all, Sanqing is three saints.

No matter how the two saints of the West fight.

There is also no Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, and Tong Tian who have strong luck.

But things happened, and Tang Yuan didn't think much about it.

It's just a joke, and I don't react too much.

Not just Tang Yuan and the West.

The more attention is paid to the Lich race.

If Sanqing had not been sanctified, they would not have paid attention.

After all, before there were no saints, no one in the Lich race was afraid.

But after sanctification, one has to pay attention.

The power of the saint is too strong, and the Lich and Demon races can't pay attention to it.

"Big brother, those Sanqing have now separated

!" "For our demon clan, it is beneficial!" Donghuang

Taiyi laughed in his heart when he heard the news of Sanqing's separation.

Just don't be too upset.

"That's right, the Sanqing family!"

"It's beneficial for us demon race.

Di Jun also agreed with what Donghuang Taiyi said.

Before Di Jun felt, the three saints were added together.

The strength is incomparable.

Even if he carefully developed the Zhou Tian Star Array.

At most, it can only deal with one saint.

But now I hear that Sanqing has a family, and I plan for the worst.

If there is a fight in the future, the demon clan will not be afraid.

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of Yichen!" "

The three Qingqing do not divide the family, and it does not matter much to my demon clan.

"Our nemesis is

the Wu Clan!" "Now we should find a way to increase our strength

!" "Defeat the Wu Clan!"

Bai Ze stood up, he felt that the Sanqing family would be separated.

There is no need to pay too much attention.

The demon clan has always had no disputes with Sanqing.

Not now, and it must be very unlikely to happen in the future.

"What Bai Ze Demon Saint said!"

"The top priority is really to think of a way."

Di Jun put down the matter of the separation of the Sanqing family and thought about how to deal with the Wu clan in the future.

For the Wu Clan, Di Jun has already lost once.

Even if there is a Zhou Tian Star Array.

Nor could he have the idea of defeating the Wu Clan.

After all, the twelve heavenly gods of the Wu clan are very powerful.

In the last battle, the demon clan can be said to be beaten without any ability to fight back.

If it weren't for Hongjun making a move at that time.

They may all have been exterminated by now.

Therefore, when talking about the Wu Clan, Di Jun is very rigorous.

"I don't know what Bai Ze Demon Saint has to do!"

asked Di Jun.

He thought of dealing with the witch clan, but what specific strategy was there.

But I didn't come up with it.

"Back to Your Majesty, the minister has not yet figured it out.

Bai Ze responded, he was trying to think about it.

I haven't figured out what to do yet.

Di Jun was a little disappointed, but he didn't blame Bai Ze.

This kind of big thing.

He also knew that he couldn't think of it for a while.

Among the witch clan.

The reaction of the ancestors was similar, and some thought it was good.

There are also those that think bad.

It is contrary to the idea of the demon race, and believes that the first thing to deal with is the demon race.

The separation of the three Qing families has nothing to do with them.

Don't say that the matter is cleared and separated, even if the saint disappears.

None of the ancestral witches would care.

However, the Wu Clan is still very worried about one thing.

That is, the witch race does not have a single saint.

The demon clan has a Nuwa.

The Wu Clan did not.

Although the witch clan does not respect saints, they know that the power of saints is empty and terrifying.

They are worried about the time of the Lich battle.

Nuwa will shoot from it.

If that were the case, then the Wu Clan would also feel that the odds of winning would be small.

Reckless and reckless, but I have to admit that the power of the saint is strong.

Although Tang Yuan said before, Nuwa will not make a move.

But if the Wu Clan really has a saint, then their hearts will be much more at ease for a long time.

After all, there is not the same feeling as not having it.

If there is, the witch clan is not afraid of the saint's attack.

There will be a more sense of grounding in the heart.

If there are no saints, it is at best a kind of self-comfort.

For this matter, the Wu clan also specially gathered together.

In the Pangu Hall, we discussed how to do it.

"Everyone face the saint, what is the plan!!"

"Now the Flood Barren Saint has appeared

!" "My Wu clan must prepare in advance to deal with the demon clan!"

He was the first to speak.

Speaking of this, Houtu became worried again.

Before, he felt that there was what Tang Yuan said.

There is a bottom in mind.

But when it comes to really discussing this matter, Houtu will still think more in his heart.

"Big brother, we should continue to perfect the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array!" said

Candle Jiuyin seeing that everyone did not speak.

At this time, the ancestral witches looked serious.

There is no slack.

It was only in the process of their discussion that Houtu left Pangu Hall.

In the process of leaving, Dijiang and the others saw it.

But it didn't stop it.

Just look at Houtu's expression, you can know that it must be something in mind.

Since there is no mood to discuss it here.

It's better to let the back soil go outside to relax.

Houtu is the smallest, no matter what she does.

Dijiang and others are supportive.

This time Houtu left, how she wished.

You can meet a chance and become a saint.

But Houtu knows that even if there is an organic fate.

There is also a lack of sanctification.

That is Hongmeng Purple Qi.

There is no Genshin in Houtu, but he knows that he wants to become a saint.

It is necessary to have Hongmeng Purple Qi in order to become a saint.

Houtu knew that Tang Yuan had a Hongmeng purple qi on his body, and he also wanted it in his heart.

But she knew in her heart that Hongmeng Purple Qi was extremely precious.

It is impossible to get it for no reason.

And if you go to grab it, it is even more impossible.

Tang Yuan is a saint, the strongest of the saints.

Even if Pangu True Body is summoned, I don't know if I can fight it.

Walking in the flood.

Houtu sees the battle between the two Lich races.

I don't think it's strange, but I'm used to it.

The battle between the two Lich races has not been a day or two.

Although big battles don't happen many times, small scenes of battles.

It happens all the time.

Looking at the corpses of the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan after being killed and injured, Houtu suddenly thought.


A corpse is a normal thing in the Flood Barren Continent.

But Houtu looks at it but not.

She saw that when the people of the Wu tribe died, the bodies would turn to ashes.

It has since disappeared into the flood.

It's a complete death.

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