After taking away the three ancestors' spiritual treasures, Ao Yin smiled slightly and said to them: "What spiritual treasures do you have? Keep taking them out!"

After hearing Ao Yin's words, Shui Zu immediately said angrily: "Give me back my spiritual treasures!"

Ao Yin shook his head and responded: "You want to kill me, and you want me to return your spiritual treasures? What do you think?

Since the spiritual treasure is in my hands, I can't give it back.

If you want it, come and get it yourself!"

Ao Yin was speechless about the other party's request.

It doesn't sound like what a Hunyuan Jinxian would say at all!

Hearing this, the faces of the three ancestors were extremely gloomy.

"What should we do now? The other party has that strange spiritual treasure. If we use the spiritual treasure to attack him, it would be like giving him a treasure!"

"If we can't use the spiritual treasure, we can only use mana and laws!

Fortunately, the other party seems to have no other means.

Three against one, the advantage is still on our side!"

"Okay, let's do it! While his combat power is no longer at its peak, let's try to suppress him!"

After the three of them communicated with each other, they immediately attacked Ao Yin with laws.

Ao Yin was not panicked at all when he saw this.

At this time, their location was still within the range of the thunder domain.

In the thunder domain, Ao Yin's thunder law has a great bonus!

Not to mention anything else, the speed alone is a great help to him!

With a thought, he can instantly transfer to other locations in the thunder domain.

This speed is almost comparable to the law of space!

It's a pity that such a move consumes too much thunder and rain!

If it is at its peak, this consumption doesn't matter.

But now, one is that the power of heaven and earth in the inner world has not recovered yet.

Second, the Thunder Domain was concentrating on dealing with several other Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and Ao Yin did not want to disperse its power and leave the other party with an opportunity to take advantage!

Therefore, Ao Yin was very cautious every time he moved in the Thunder Domain at this time!

However, this can still be used as a trump card for him at this time. When he can't avoid it, he can teleport to other locations directly!

Facing the law attack of the other three, Ao Yin also chose to fight back with the law!

However, the control of the law by the other three was 80%.

This was a level that Ao Yin could not reach.

Fortunately, Ao Yin mastered enough laws!

If one can't beat it, what about two, or even three? !

Ao Yin did not hesitate, and immediately used 30% of the water law, 30% of the Taiyin law, and 50% of the fire law!

The three laws intertwined together, and the power gathered and merged, and blasted towards the law of the three ancestors!

Unfortunately, the law competition is not like arithmetic, according to one plus one equals two.

Even if Ao Yin used three laws, and the degree of control over the three laws reached 100%, the actual power was still inferior to 80% of a single law!

This result was also expected by Ao Yin.

Fortunately, the gap was not enough for the three ancestors to crush Ao Yin.

So, next, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

Although Ao Yin was at an absolute disadvantage, he was as tenacious as an indestructible cockroach!

Faced with this situation, the three ancestors had a headache!

Because they knew that the longer it dragged on, the worse it would be for them!

When Ao Yin gradually recovered, it would be their end!

Ao Yin had a serious face and struggled to resist the attacks of the three ancestors, while carefully searching for the flaws of the formation.

In this way, time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, it was already a month later.

In the past month, Hou Tu had been fighting one against three, and had already reached her limit!

If her defense had not been strong enough, I am afraid she would have been blown up long ago.

She is just holding on now!

It looks like he is already at the end of his strength. If he continues to fight, he will have to burn his blood soon!

Once his blood is burned, it will hurt his foundation!

As for Ao Yin?

His condition is relatively good.

Even if it drags on for dozens or hundreds of years, it will not be a problem for him!

However, he will certainly not drag it on for so long!

After a month of buffering, the power of heaven and earth in the inner world has gradually recovered!

His physical strength can be used again!

However, there is even better news!

That is, he finally found the flaw in the formation!

Ao Yin's face was indifferent, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at a certain direction above the sky.

There is the flaw!

So, Ao Yin did not hesitate and performed teleportation!

His body came to the flaw in an instant!

At a speed that even the Hunyuan Jinxian could not react, he punched it!

In order to ensure that the formation can be broken with one blow, this punch, Ao Yin not only used the peak physical strength, but also contained the power of the inner world!


After seeing Ao Yin's action, the three ancestors wanted to stop him, but the distance was too far and it was too late!

They could only stare at Ao Yin in anger and helplessness.

Soon, Ao Yin's fist hit the flaw in the formation.

There was only a "crack" sound.

Then, the sky net formation shattered like a mirror!

The formation... was broken!

At the moment the formation was broken, a disc fell from the void. Ao Yin was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and immediately teleported over and collected it!

Although he didn't know what the disc was, it fell out as soon as the formation was broken. There must be a connection between the two. Maybe it was the eye of the formation or something like that!

Ao Yin was still very interested in the treasures related to this formation.

Because, there are not many formations in the world that can trap him.

Since this formation can trap him for a month, it must have its unique features!

It would be good for him to study it properly.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same.

The formation was broken, Ao Yin was pleasantly surprised, and the three ancestors were like bereaved parents!

Their faces were extremely ugly!

Ao Yin was difficult enough to deal with. Now that the formation was broken, the opponent could use the unsolvable space law again. Their defeat seemed to be a foregone conclusion!

Defeat is not terrible.

What is terrible is that once they lose, under the opponent's space law, they don't even have a chance to escape!

At the moment the formation was broken, their fate was doomed!

What they are about to face is Ao Yin in his strongest state!


Ao Yin's body disappeared instantly!

When he reappeared, he was already behind Huo Zu!


Ao Yin did not hesitate and punched out!

Faced with this sudden punch, Huo Zu had no time to react at all!

His body was instantly pierced!

His flesh was seriously injured in an instant!

Even his soul was slightly unstable!

There is a saying that goes "take advantage of his illness to kill him"!

Ao Yin took advantage of the victory to pursue!

Not giving him any time to react!

"Bang bang bang" a few more punches!

Huo Zu could only passively take the beating, and soon he was dying!

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