Qingzhu and Xiaoliu on the side looked at the creatures below with envy.

They still have a chance, but they don't have this chance.

They know that as a boy, it is basically impossible for Ao Yin to accept him as a disciple!

Although they feel regretful, they are not jealous.

For them, it is a great honor to be Ao Yin's boy and serve him beside him!

Ao Yin was happy and helpless to see the creatures below so enthusiastic.

He originally planned to accept only five registered disciples.

But now he suddenly feels that five is too few...

Forget it, then accept a few more!

Anyway, it's just a registered disciple, and it won't waste too much of his thoughts.

The registered disciple is just a name under his door.

Even if he doesn't teach anything, no one will say anything to him.

But Ao Yin is not such an irresponsible teacher.

Since you have entered his door, even if you are just a registered disciple, he will pass on the method!

If he is in a good mood one day, maybe he will give you a treasure!

As for the direct disciple?

He won't accept them easily!

The fortune of the direct disciple is connected with that of the master, and they share weal and woe, and they prosper and suffer together!

And once they are accepted, they have to spend a lot of energy to cultivate them!

Unless they meet a creature with extraordinary fortune, otherwise, Ao Yin will never accept a direct disciple!

It's better to have nothing than to have something unqualified!

Ao Yin waved his hand, signaling the excited creatures to calm down.

After the scene was quiet again, Ao Yin said, "I have seen your enthusiasm, but I can't accept all of you as disciples.

Today, I will only accept ten registered disciples for the time being."

After that, Ao Yin casually pointed out ten creatures and said to them, "You come forward, and the other creatures can leave."

These ten creatures have their own strengths.

Some have cultivation levels that are at the top among all creatures;

Some have extraordinary backgrounds among all creatures;

Some have the best understanding among all creatures.

Therefore, Ao Yin doesn't choose his disciples casually.

As for character?

This needs to be observed slowly.

He can only take a simple look at the face and feel that it is not the kind of person who is sneaky and has no bottom line.

This is of course not accurate, but he is not familiar with the formation now, and has no means to detect character, and there is no other way.

Even if he finds out that he has made a mistake in the future, it is normal.

After all, even if it is the saint Tongtian, there are still traitors among his disciples? !

As a saint, he cannot guarantee that the character of his disciples is up to standard. Ao Yin is just a Daluo Jinxian, so he naturally cannot guarantee it!

"Disciples greet the teacher!"

The ten registered disciples came to Ao Yin and bowed in front of him.

Ao Yin nodded and said, "The master's dojo is in Wuyin Palace, and follow me."

After that, Ao Yin took the ten disciples and two boys back to Wuyin Palace.

Ao Yin sat on the throne above the hall and said to the ten disciples below in a calm tone: "I call myself Wuyin Taoist, so you are my Wuyin lineage when you join my sect.

You are all registered disciples, and the ranking is based on your cultivation.

The one with higher cultivation is the senior brother, and the one with weaker cultivation is the junior brother.

There are not many rules in my sect.

Remember, fellow disciples cannot kill each other! And you must not betray your master, bully your master and destroy your ancestors!

Violators will die!"

After warning the disciples below, Ao Yin paused and continued: "The master will teach you the method of cultivation next. This method is called "Wuyin True Sutra", which is the basic method of my Wuyin lineage, pointing directly to the Golden Immortal Avenue!

As for the magic power...

The master will set up a monument of enlightenment in the dojo. What kind of magic power you can feel from it depends on your own fate."

While speaking, Ao Yin pointed to the disciples below several times.

He instilled the method into the minds of the ten disciples by the method of initiation.

This "Mist Hidden Scripture" was created casually by him in his spare time. It is not a top-level technique, nor can it lead to the Great Dao, but it is like a treasure for the lower-level creatures who have no way to practice!

Apart from anything else, this "Mist Hidden Scripture" is at least a hundred times or a thousand times stronger than the practice method that the creatures who just listened to the sermon learned from Ao Yin's sermon!

Besides, this technique can lead directly to the Golden Immortal!

The Golden Immortal is an unattainable existence for them!

They couldn't believe that they had such an easy chance to climb to the Golden Immortal!

Therefore, after getting this technique, the ten disciples all paid homage to Ao Yin with excitement and tears of gratitude.

Ao Yin waved his hand and told them: "Penglai Island is my home ground and the foundation of my Wuyin lineage, so there must be order here!

The reason why I accepted you as my disciples is mainly to let you maintain order on Penglai Island!

You must remember what I said next and take it seriously!

1. On Penglai Island, creatures with Xuanxian cultivation and above are not allowed to fight at will!

2. The area within a thousand miles of Wuyin Palace is a forbidden area on Penglai Island. Creatures other than Wuyin are not allowed to enter without permission!

3. All creatures are not allowed to destroy the spiritual veins and earth veins on Penglai Island!

For the time being, these are the three points. Do you remember them?"

After hearing Ao Yin's words, the ten disciples nodded in agreement.

Ao Yin felt a little helpless.

If he knew the formation, it would be very simple to do these things, and he didn't even need someone to watch him.

But now we can only use people to patrol.

The efficiency is very low!

"It seems that I need to find an opportunity to learn the formation..."

Ao Yin thought in his heart.

Then, he asked ten disciples to leave Wuyin Palace.

And he went out to do two things.

One is to make a stone tablet, on which he left dozens of magic skills.

These magic skills are small ways like sword control, cloud flying, and mountain moving. There are no great magic skills such as thinking about the sky and the earth, moving stars and changing constellations. For a strong man like Ao Yin, it is very simple to create!

When other creatures comprehend, they will decide what magic they can comprehend based on the characteristics of their skills and their own understanding.

The second thing Ao Yin did was that he transplanted all the more than 100 acquired spiritual roots on Penglai Island to his dojo.

Of course, he did not take advantage of them.

For those who already have owners, he would also compensate them.

After all, for him, the role of acquired spiritual roots is actually not great, and putting them in the dojo is just for some embellishment!

After finishing these two things, Ao Yin returned to Wuyin Palace.

He observed what the ten disciples did in the palace for a few days.

They might not be perfect at the beginning, but they were also remarkable.

Ao Yin was quite satisfied.

He believed that after a while, the order on Penglai Island would be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

After he felt relieved, Ao Yin entered into seclusion again.

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