When Ao Yin's body appeared in front of the Three Pure Ones, the Three Pure Ones finally came back to their senses.

Yuanshi couldn't help but ask, "Daoyou, have you successfully mastered the law of thunder?"

His question was actually a bit nonsense.

After seeing Ao Yin's appearance just now, as long as he was not stupid, he knew that the other party must have succeeded.

But there was no way, who made Yuanshi's inner shock not dissipate at this time!

This question was also asked subconsciously by him.

Ao Yin heard the words and nodded in response: "Yes, I have mastered the law of thunder!

This time, I would like to thank the three Daoists for their generosity and willingness to let me enter the Thunder Valley to comprehend.

Otherwise, even if I have a good talent for thunder, I am afraid I can't comprehend the law of thunder in a short time."

The Taishang on the side looked at Ao Yin with an inexplicable expression, and said with emotion: "Daoyou's vision just now seems a little special?"

Ao Yin heard the words and immediately looked at the Taishang with a puzzled look: "When you comprehended the law of thunder, didn't you have such a vision?"

Hearing Ao Yin's words, the three Taishang looked at each other.


After a moment of silence, Tongtian finally shook his head and spoke.

When he said these two words, Tongtian's expression was a bit complicated.

Bitter? Helpless? Unacceptable? Doubtful about life?

In short, it was a mixture of all kinds of emotions.

No wonder he had such a mentality.

They are the Three Pure Ones!

The incarnation of Pangu's primordial spirit!

Calling themselves "Pangu's authentic"!

Their roots are the top innate sacredness in the prehistoric world!

How proud are they?

It has always been only them who shocked other creatures and made other creatures unable to compare with them!

But today, they also experienced the feeling of shocking others!

And it was a talent that shocked others!

This made it even more difficult for them to accept!

However, they were not ordinary people, and their hearts were stable. Not long after, they recovered their emotions.

After seeing the expressions of the Three Pure Ones, Ao Yin also vaguely guessed something...

The thunder law that he had realized seemed to be a little different...

In order to avoid irritating the Three Pure Ones, he also kept silent and stopped mentioning the thunder law.

After calming down, Tongtian smiled at Ao Yin and said, "Congratulations on your successful mastery of the Thunder Dao Law, and your strength has greatly increased!

You now have four laws, and your combat power is probably not weaker than those of us who are in the late stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, right?"

Ao Yin heard this, his expression unchanged, and said modestly, "I have not mastered several laws to a high degree, and my strength is far behind yours!"

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

Ao Yin did not want to be too high-profile.

It is not bad to be low-key.

If you are not strong enough, you are low-key.

If you are strong enough, you are low-key!

Ao Yin has always reminded himself: Be a stable person!

Tongtian naturally did not take Ao Yin's humble words seriously. His expression moved, and he was eager to try: "Daoyou, how about we have a competition?

Just stop at the right time."


Ao Yin immediately pondered.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded again--

[It is detected that Tongtian has invited the host to compete, please make a choice. ]

[Choice 1: Agree to compete. Reward for the Great Wizard-level physical talent! ]

[Choice 2: Refuse to compete. Reward for the clue of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the falling treasure money! ]

Listening to the two choices given by the system, Ao Yin was very entangled.

Is it better to choose the Great Wizard-level physical talent, or the clue of the falling treasure money?

To be honest, the rewards of these two choices can't be said to be bad, but they are definitely not good for Ao Yin!

Each has its limitations!

The physical talent is only at the Great Wizard level, which is a bit tasteless for Ao Yin.

First of all, talent is not strength!

If you want to convert physical talent into physical strength, you have to find a way to obtain physical training techniques first!

After that, you have to spend a lot of time practicing techniques, and slowly improve your physical strength to the Great Wizard level!

Secondly, even if you have a Great Wizard-level physical body, the bonus to your own strength is limited!

The more you have, the more advantages you will have in the battle of the same realm when you are a Daluo Jinxian!

Facing creatures weaker than himself, he can defeat them without using his physical body; facing creatures stronger than himself, even using his physical body is useless!

As for the advantage of the same realm...

Ao Yin smiled. He, who has already mastered three kinds of divine thunder, seems to not need it...

That's right, in the Thunder Valley, he not only successfully mastered the law of thunder, but also mastered three kinds of divine thunder!

We will talk about this later. Ao Yin has to consider the system rewards first.

The reward for option 2 is the top-grade innate falling treasure money.

Ao Yin has heard of its great name!

It shined during the Conferred God Tribulation!

He successively received two innate spiritual treasures from Zhao Gongming!

One of them is the twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu that Ao Yin has been thinking about!

You know, the twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu are top-grade innate spiritual treasures!

But they still can't stop the falling treasure money!

This shows the power of the falling treasure money!

The reward for option 2 that Ao Yin said is limited does not mean that the falling treasure money cannot drop weapons.

This deficiency is nothing to Ao Yin.

The main reward is the clue to the falling treasure money, not the falling treasure money itself!

So, after getting the clue, Ao Yin still has to go and find it by himself...

This makes Ao Yin very helpless.

He is most afraid of trouble.

But after struggling for a while, Ao Yin finally decided to choose the second option.

The reason was that compared with the two, he still felt that Luobao Jinqian would be more useful to him!

Soon, the prehistoric world will usher in a period of prosperity again.

At that time. Great powers will emerge and witches and liches will compete for supremacy.

Prosperity means more disputes!

Ao Yin is in the prehistoric world and cannot avoid cause and effect. In the future, he will have to fight with other great powers!

With Luobao Jinqian, he will have a great advantage in the battle!

As for whether refusing to compete will make Tongtian dissatisfied?

Ao Yin felt that the possibility was very small, and the other party was not such a stingy character.

After making the decision, Ao Yin no longer hesitated and immediately said in his heart: "I choose the second option."

[Reward has been issued. ]

As the system's voice sounded, Ao Yin's mind also had another sentence at the same time-

[Luobao Jinqian is in Wuyi Mountain. ]

That's it?

Ao Yin was a little dumbfounded.

He thought there would be a roadmap as always!

But I didn't expect that the system would not give me a route map this time, but only a place name.

Isn't this like looking for a needle in a haystack?

It's called a clue, and it's really a "clue"!

The system is really honest!

Although Ao Yin was helpless, he had no choice but to accept it.

At the same time, he calmed down his emotions, and then said to Tongtian with an apologetic look: "It is my honor to be able to learn from you, and I shouldn't refuse, but I know that my cultivation is far behind you, and it is meaningless to learn from you at this time..."

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