Honghuang: I was expelled from the Dragon Clan when I advised Zulong to go into seclusion.

Chapter 53: Gifting the disciple a technique! The three gods gather together!

Ao Yin returned to the main hall of Wuyin Palace again.

Four thousand years have passed, but Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao have not left.

They are immersed in enlightenment.

It can be seen that they work very hard and take their cultivation very seriously.

Ao Yin was very satisfied with their attitude towards practice.

Talent and feet are only one aspect.

Hard work is also essential!

Throughout the ages, those who can become powerful are all those who have great talent and perseverance!

Take Ao Yin as an example. He has been here for tens of thousands of years and has never slacked off!

Except for necessary outings, he basically spent all his time practicing!

Although Ao Yin has a system, it cannot hide the fact that he works hard!

He was able to achieve his current strength in just tens of thousands of years. Although the system's contribution is great, it is also inseparable from his efforts!

Therefore, Ao Yin was very pleased to see his apprentice working so hard.

"Gongming, Yunxiao, wake up."

Ao Yin's calm voice rang in the ears of Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao, awakening them from their enlightenment.

After waking up, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao immediately stood up and saluted: "Meet the Master!"

Their eyes were full of reverence.

The deeper they understand the inheritance left by Ao Yin, the more they can realize how powerful Ao Yin is!

It’s hard to imagine that such a profound inheritance was just left by the other party at will to evaluate the disciples!

This is not only a kind of mind, but also a manifestation of strength!

After not seeing each other for four thousand years, when they saw Ao Yin again, they found that the aura faintly exuding from him was even more powerful than before...

The infinite Tao charm surrounding the other party seems to be affecting this time and space all the time...

They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: it seemed that their brother and sister really had a top-notch master!

They are extremely lucky!

Ao Yin used his magic power to lift them up with his hand, and said in a gentle tone: "You two are good. You have not become slack because you worship me as your teacher. I hope you can maintain this serious attitude towards practice!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao heard this and nodded in agreement.

Ao Yin waved his hand and continued: "Master, I came out of seclusion this time because I have successfully created the cultivation techniques of Kirigakure's lineage, and I came here to teach them to you!

The name of the exercise is "Wuyin Xuanyuan Jing".

If you practice to the extreme, you can achieve the Great Path Fruit!

This technique not only includes the way of cultivation, but also includes the method of magical power!

It is a top-notch cultivation method!

This is the secret of my Kirigakure line that has not been passed down!

Don't pass it on lightly! "

After saying that, Ao Yin pointed two fingers in succession, and two streams of light fell into the eyebrows of Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao at lightning speed.

At the same time, a lot of information appeared in their minds!

Its content is exactly the "Kirgyin Xuanyuan Sutra"!

Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao felt the skills in their minds. After listening to what Ao Yin said, their faces were overjoyed. They paid homage again and said, "Thank you Master for giving me the Dharma! This disciple will definitely practice well and not fall short of Master's reputation!"

The content of the exercises will not be leaked, so please rest assured, Master! "

Ao Yin nodded and said: "This is the best."

After finishing speaking, Ao Yin's figure disappeared into the hall.

After Ao Yin left, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao couldn't wait to check the contents of "Wuyin Xuanyuan Jing".

After browsing it briefly, their surprises were beyond words!

They could only sigh with emotion, it really lived up to the name of a top-notch skill!

The mystery of the technique and the power of the supernatural power completely exceeded their imagination!

They are confident that if they practice this method, their combat power will increase more than ten times!

By then, their strength will definitely be the best among their peers!

"Second sister, being able to join Master's disciples is probably the greatest luck in our lives!"

Zhao Gongming said with emotion.

Hearing this, Yun Xiao nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, brother, we must cherish this opportunity!

Never do anything to disappoint Master! "

"That's natural!"

Zhao Gongming responded with a firm expression.

After a pause, Zhao Gongming said again: "Second sister, now that we have stabilized, it is time to take over the third and fourth sisters."

When Yun Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Will Master accept them? We should have asked Master for his opinion just now..."

Zhao Gongming shook his head and smiled and said: "Second sister, don't worry, you must know that in addition to our two direct disciples, Master also has ten registered disciples!

Even if the third sister and the fourth sister cannot become Master's direct disciples, there is still great hope for them to become registered disciples!

But logically speaking, the qualifications of the third sister and the fourth sister are not much worse than mine. I think they will have no problem passing the master's test!

Furthermore, to put it another way, even if they can't even become named disciples, then we can at least take them to Penglai Island to practice first.

It's still too dangerous for the two of them to stay outside!

I'll look for another opportunity after I pick them up. "

Hearing what Zhao Gongming said, Yunxiao's eyes moved, but she then said hesitantly: "If we take the two sisters over privately, will it make Master unhappy?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gongming pondered for a moment and said: "Probably not, I see that there are many creatures on Penglai Island, and they all have nothing to do with my Kirigakure lineage.

From this, it can be seen that Master has tolerance for other creatures on Penglai Island!

However, to be on the safe side, I'd better ask Master for instructions! "

Yun Xiao nodded and responded: "I will go with my brother."

Then, the two of them came to the quiet room where Ao Yin was in retreat.

There is a powerful formation guarding this place, and they cannot enter.

Of course, even if there is no formation here, they will not rush in without Ao Yin's approval.

"Master, I have something to ask for."

Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao bowed outside the formation and spoke slowly.

"I already know your purpose. This is the formation jade talisman. With this jade talisman, you can enter and leave Penglai Island freely.

The matter of becoming a disciple will be discussed after Master comes out of retreat. "

Ao Yin's calm voice came from the quiet room.

Two jade talismans came out along with the voice.

The two jade talismans fell into the hands of Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao respectively.

They took the jade talismans and said with joy: "Thank you, Master!"

Then, they turned and left.

They also understood what Ao Yin meant.

They can take their sister to Penglai Island for resettlement first.

But it is not possible to become a disciple for the time being.

They can only decide whether to accept them as disciples after Ao Yin comes out of retreat.

Despite this, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao were also very happy in their hearts.

The first step has been successful,

As long as you come in, there is hope!


In the quiet room.

After Ao Yin responded to Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao, he took out a bead...

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