Honghuang: I was expelled from the Dragon Clan when I advised Zulong to go into seclusion.

Chapter 78 Finally got the magic treasure! Famous throughout the ancient world!

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for obtaining the spiritual treasure!"

After appearing, Zhunti immediately clasped his fists to Ao Yin and said with a smile on his face.

Since he had to give him a face, he would certainly come out to show his presence.

Jie Yin followed closely to congratulate Ao Yin.

As the saying goes, one should not hit a smiling person. Ao Yin appreciated Zhunti and Jie Yin's sensible actions.

So, he responded with a smile.

So, the fight for the spiritual treasure came to an end.

Ao Yin successfully seized the spiritual treasure and became the biggest winner!

Before that, for the sake of safety, the formation he set up was not used.

Not using it is also a good thing, which means that he is at ease.

If the formation is really used, it means that the battle situation is not optimistic for him!

The outcome is still unknown.

So, Ao Yin is quite satisfied with the overall result of this battle.

The only thing that worries him is that he has made too much of a splash in this battle!

It is bigger than Taiyi!

It is bigger than the Three Purities!

It is conceivable that he will definitely become famous!

Before this, his name was only circulated in a small range.

After this, his name will probably spread rapidly. Anyone who has achieved success in cultivation in the prehistoric world will probably know him!

Just thinking about it makes me feel dizzy!

He just wants to practice well and survive, and he really doesn't want to be famous!

"It seems that I will have to lie dormant for a while. I hope my popularity can drop as soon as possible!"

Ao Yin sighed and thought secretly.

Then, the matter was settled, and several people said goodbye and left.

Ao Yin did not go with the Three Pure Ones and went to Kunlun Mountain immediately.

There are two reasons.

One is because he plans to refine the Lidi Yanguang Flag first.

This flag is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Having one more top-grade innate spiritual treasure to protect himself is of great significance to Ao Yin!

The second is because in the previous battle, even though he restrained his fighting power, Tongtian was still injured in his hands...

Waiting for a while before going can not only ease the embarrassment, but also leave time for Tongtian to heal.

Afterwards, Ao Yin returned to Penglai Island.

In the quiet room.

Ao Yin sat cross-legged, holding the Lidi Yanguang Banner in his hand.

Without hesitation, he immediately began to refine.

At this time, his cultivation was already Hunyuan Jinxian, and the speed of refining the best innate spiritual treasures was much faster than before!

Time passed slowly like this...

After Ao Yin's retreat, things turned out as he expected, and his name spread across most of the prehistoric world!

Many creatures were discussing the topic of "Is Wu Yin Zun the number one power under the saint?"

The discussion was particularly heated in the East China Sea!

The reason was simple.

It was because Wu Yin Zun's dojo was in the East China Sea!

Many creatures remembered the period when Wu Yin Zun preached in the East China Sea for five thousand years sixty or seventy thousand years ago!

It can be said that most of the cultivation methods of most creatures in the East China Sea today come from Ao Yin!

Ao Yin has the grace of preaching to them!

Therefore, when the creatures of the East China Sea heard about Ao Yin's achievements in the Immortal Volcano, they were proud of it and praised Ao Yin even more!

This added fuel to Ao Yin's popularity!

Ao Yin's reputation in the East China Sea reached its peak!

He can even be said to have become the uncrowned king of the East China Sea!

Even the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea acquiesced to this matter!

After all, Ao Yin's combat power is too terrifying. With the current decline of the dragon clan, they dare not provoke Ao Yin.

If they knew that Ao Yin was also a member of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, I don't know how wonderful their expressions would be!

The subsequent impact of the battle of the Immortal Volcano is still fermenting.

The discussion in the East China Sea is just the tip of the iceberg.


Demon Court.

Di Jun looked at Taiyi with a serious face and asked in a deep voice: "Brother, is Wu Yin really so powerful? !

Even you holding the Chaos Bell can't do anything to him?!"

When Di Jun said this, his tone was very incredible.

After all, he knew Taiyi's strength very well!

When Taiyi held the Chaos Bell, a treasure of the innate, there should be no creature among the cultivators of the same quasi-sage initial stage who could be his opponent!

Even the Three Pure Ones were inferior to him!

He didn't understand, why could Wuyin suppress Taiyi? !

After hearing what Dijun said, Taiyi shook his head with a look of loss, and said unwillingly: "I'm disappointed, brother!

I don't know why Wuyin's combat power is far superior to that of ordinary quasi-sage initial stage creatures!

What I can't understand the most is that his attainments in the law of fire are also better than mine!

I was suppressed by him in all aspects!

If Tongtian hadn't suddenly taken action and I had left the battle in time, the consequences might be disastrous!

Brother, Wuyin and I can't be enemies for the time being!"

Hearing Taiyi's words, Dijun was silent.

He was very uneasy.

Although, 90,000 years ago, the other party had already shown amazing strength!

With the cultivation of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, he dealt with Taizhou, who was at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, for a long time.

But the situation that time was different from this time!

That time, Di Jun knew that Taiyi was careless, and the opponent took the opportunity to contain the Chaos Bell!

As a result, Taiyi's strength was less than half!

But this time, Taiyi fought with all his strength!

But the result was worse than last time!

Last time, it was just a matter of maneuvering, and Taiyi was not at a disadvantage!

And this time, if it hadn't ended quickly, Taiyi would have been suppressed!

Emperor Jun's face was gloomy and he had a headache.

Ao Yin was like a variable, suddenly breaking into this new era stage and stirring up the situation!

He didn't know whether the other party would disrupt his plan in the future...

The most difficult thing was that they could do nothing about it at this time!

After a moment of silence, Emperor Jun asked again: "Brother, do you think it is possible that Wu Yin's cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of Quasi-Saint?"

Taiyi heard this and shook his head without hesitation and responded: "Absolutely impossible!

We are already the top innate sacred foot, and our cultivation speed is at the top of the prehistoric world!

His cultivation speed cannot be several times stronger than ours!

The most important thing is that I did not feel the breath of Quasi-Saint on him!

It's like... he is not a Quasi-Saint!"

Hearing Taiyi's words, a gleam of light flashed in Emperor Jun's eyes.

He murmured to himself: "Not a Quasi-Saint...

Could it be... he is... Hunyuan Jinxian?!"

This idea emerged in Emperor Jun's mind.

For this guess, he felt it was very possible!

The strength of Quasi-Saint is not that strong, but Hunyuan Jinxian is not necessarily!

Thinking of this, Di Jun said to Taiyi solemnly: "My dear brother, Wuyin is very likely to have broken through to the Primordial Golden Immortal with a special method!

We don't know his specific details, so we can't make enemies with him for the time being!

Maybe when our cultivation breaks through to the middle stage of Quasi-Sage, our combat power will be able to surpass his!

In addition, I am studying a special formation recently!

Using the stars in the sky and 360 Daluo Golden Immortals to set up the formation!

Once the formation is researched, let alone the Primordial Golden Immortal, even if it is a saint, we will not be afraid!"

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