When the Qiankun Patriarch and Yinyang Patriarch joined the battlefield again, things seemed to have returned to the starting point...


This time, Hongjun's side had one more quasi-sage in the late stage of combat power than before!

Therefore, Luohou's pressure at this time was greater than before!

Luohou's face was solemn, and he operated his cultivation and laws to the extreme!

But he was still at a disadvantage!

There was no way, after all, he was one against four!

"Bang bang bang!"

The battle became more and more intense.

Blood fell on the ground.

They are quasi-sages, their blood is extraordinary and contains good fortune!

The exotic flowers and species that accidentally stained their blood can get a lot of benefits.

Perhaps countless years later, they will also give birth to consciousness and embark on the road of cultivation!

This battle lasted for hundreds of years!

Luohou, Yinyang Patriarch, Qiankun Patriarch were all seriously injured!

Hongjun's situation seemed slightly better.

Luohou was unwilling to accept it.

At this point, he also understood that he lost this battle after all!

Hongjun and his men would never give him a chance to escape!

He couldn't help but feel bitter...

He had been planning for countless years, but in the end it was all in vain!

It was really ridiculous!

However, he didn't regret it!

Because, if you don't try, you will never know the result!

He glanced at Hongjun and his men coldly, with a deep look in his eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Hongjun, you won this time, but I won't give up!

When the future infinite calamity comes, I will come back to settle the cause of today with you!"

Hearing this, Hongjun's pupils shrank, and a sense of badness rose in his heart, but before he could think about it, Luohou's voice sounded again!

But this time, Luohou was not talking to him.

"Heaven is above, after I die, I wish to become the heart demon of all living beings in the prehistoric world and temper the will of all living beings!

As long as the heart demon is not destroyed, Luohou will not die!

Heaven will witness it!"


Heaven responded.

"Not good!"

Hongjun's face changed drastically, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late!


"Hongjun, I'll wait for you in the future!"

Luo Hou laughed wildly.

After laughing, he no longer hesitated and let go, and rushed towards the ancestors Qiankun and Yinyang with all his might!

Hongjun can wait until the future to settle the accounts.

But someone must be buried with him today!

Under Luo Hou's desperate fighting style, the ancestors Qiankun and Yinyang soon bled in the sky and were seriously injured and dying!

In order to completely wipe them out and to prevent Hongjun from getting the treasure he left behind, he chose to self-destruct!


How terrifying is the self-destruction of the quasi-saint perfection?

The result is that half of the West was directly destroyed!

No grass grows!

No living creatures!

As expected, the ancestors Qiankun and Yinyang were blown to death!

Whether it was their treasures or Luo Hou's treasures, they were swept away by the space turbulence and disappeared.

At the moment when Luohou exploded, Hongjun took back Shanshi and opened the defense to the extreme!

On his head was a twelve-grade golden lotus of merit, on one side was a Pangu banner, on the other side was a plain cloud world flag, and on his body was a Tai Chi diagram!

Facing Luohou's self-explosion, he could not be too careful!

After the explosion, Hongjun's embarrassed figure appeared.


He couldn't help coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth.

It can be seen that he was also seriously injured.

But fortunately, the result was good!

He won!

And he was the only winner!

Although Luohou was not completely destroyed, countless years later, his strength might be far beyond what it is now!

Even if Luohou returns, what waves can he make? !

The next moment, endless merits fell from the sky.

Hongjun bathed in the golden pillar of merit, and the aura on his body became deeper and deeper...

After a long while, the golden pillar of merit just dissipated.

Hongjun left.

He wanted to retreat to digest what he had gained and prove his truth as soon as possible.

There is no time for cultivation, and there is no year for the prehistoric world.

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand years passed quietly.

On this day, Ao Yin, who was refining the origin of the ancient dragon of Chaos Taixu, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes looked forward without sadness or joy.

Just now, the seal was broken!

The ten thousand years have come, if he wants. He can leave now!

However, after a moment of hesitation, Ao Yin did not plan to leave now.

Although he likes freedom, he has waited for ten thousand years, so he doesn't care about these few hundred years!

At this time, he is still a little short of completely refining the five original origins of the ancient dragon of Chaos Taixu!

Moreover, he has a hunch that he is not far from breaking through the Golden Immortal of Daluo, probably within this thousand years!

Therefore, Ao Yin decided to wait until he breaks through the Golden Immortal of Daluo before coming out of retreat!

After making the decision, Ao Yin did not delay any more and continued to enter the state of cultivation.

Time flies, and eight hundred years pass in a flash!

On this day, a large number of thunderclouds gathered in the sky above Ao Yin's retreat!

The strong aura of thunderstorm covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles!

Ao Yin's Golden Immortal Tribulation has come!

After integrating the origin, Ao Yin naturally realized the law of water!

Now, he will use the law of water to prove the Daluo!

After feeling the arrival of the thunderstorm, Ao Yin, who has completely integrated the five origins of the Chaos Taixu Ancient Dragon, is not panicked at all!

His current status is already the top innate sacred!

The Daluo Golden Immortal Tribulation is nothing to him!

In fact, it is true!

Half a day later, Ao Yin had successfully survived the thunder tribulation!

Three flowers gathered at the top of the head, five qi converged to the origin!

The flower of the Great Dao blossomed to the ninth level, becoming one of the most perfect Daluo Jinxian!

After the breakthrough, Ao Yin was still not in a hurry to leave.

He stayed here for another 500 years to consolidate his cultivation!

Five hundred years later, Ao Yin stood up, looked around this space with complicated eyes, and then left here without any nostalgia.

He did not return to the Dragon Palace.

Speaking of which, he had been expelled from the Dragon Clan in name.

Although, if he went back now, the already declining Dragon Clan would certainly welcome him, but there was no need for that!

He did not want to be involved in too deep a cause and effect with the Dragon Clan!

It was good like this now, free and unrestrained, he could do whatever he wanted.

Of course, he did not forget the agreement with the Zulong!

Next, Ao Yin planned to follow the route in his mind to find the cave paradise mentioned by the system!

See what was so special about it that it could be rated as one of the top ones!

Coincidentally, the blessed land mentioned by the system is still located on the East China Sea, but in the depths of the East China Sea!

A year later, Ao Yin came to a seemingly calm sea.

He did not see the shadow of the Taoist temple.

But the route given by the system clearly told him that the Taoist temple was here!

With a frown, he poured out the power of his Daluo Jinxian consciousness, carefully explored the surroundings, and finally found some clues.

"It is indeed covered by the formation, and it seems that it is not an ordinary formation..."

If it were other Daluo Jinxian, even if they found the secrets hidden here, they would probably just stare helplessly.

But fortunately, Ao Yin had the method of entering the formation given by the system!

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