Honghuang: I was expelled from the Dragon Clan when I advised Zulong to go into seclusion.

Chapter 91: The first quasi-saint in the middle stage! The journey to the demon court ends

"Fellow Di Jun's cultivation level has been promoted to the peak of the early stage of Quasi-Saint. Is it necessary to break through to the middle stage of Quasi-Saint with a burst of energy?!"

"It's very possible! If successful, he will be the first being in this era to break through to the quasi-holy stage!"

"The demon court's power to dominate the ancient world is unstoppable!"


Looking at the changes in Di Jun's body, the powerful people started talking about it.

Even Sanqing looked solemn.

They also didn't expect that Di Jun would be the one closest to the Quasi-Saint Stage!

There is even a high chance that he will be the first to break through!

Their emotions are extremely complicated.

This era is really exciting!

Even the top innate divine beings transformed by their majestic Pangu Yuanshen cannot be honored in this era!

Dijun, Taiyi, Kirigakure, Styx...

One by one, amazing and beautiful existences appeared in their minds...

They couldn't help but feel tremendous pressure!

However, they are all people with a strong Taoist heart. The pressure cannot crush them, but will become the driving force for them to move forward!

They are confident that one day, they will be the best among their generation!

Become the most dazzling existence!

What does a temporary lead mean? !

With constant self-comfort, Sanqing finally calmed down his ups and downs.

At this moment, Di Jun's body suddenly burst out with a huge momentum!


This word came out calmly from Di Jun's mouth.

In an instant, the color of the world changed!

A phantom flew out of his body, finally merged into an innate spiritual treasure, and then transformed into a young man in black.

This young man's appearance is very similar to that of Di Jun, but his temperament is completely different!

Emperor Jun in black gives people an extremely evil feeling!

Cut two corpses into pieces!

Di Jun opened his eyes.

He looked at his evil corpse with a satisfied and gratified smile on his face.

Then, the evil corpse turned into a stream of light and entered Di Jun's body.

After the breakthrough, Di Jun's strength greatly increased, and he immediately announced with joy on his face: "The banquet will be extended for another sixty days!

All you can eat and drink! "

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for your great improvement in strength!"

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for your successful breakthrough!"

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for being the first to break through to the quasi-sage stage!"


One by one, powerful men came up to Emperor Jun to congratulate him!

Their attitude was more kind than before, even respectful!

After all, Emperor Jun's cultivation in the mid-stage quasi-sage is beyond their reach now!

"Thank you fellow Taoists!

I am happy today, we will not return until we are drunk! "

Di Jun laughed loudly.

Ao Yin looked at Di Jun and Xi He who had made a breakthrough, his expression unchanged and his eyes neither sad nor happy.

After all, they are not on the same track.

Ao Yin never regarded them as opponents!

To put it another way, even if they broke through, they would still not be his opponents at this time!

the other side.

Under the leadership of the maid, Xi He walked towards his imperial palace.

Emperor Jun stayed to entertain the powerful men.

Ao Yin and others were invited back to the hall again and sat in their seats.

There was nothing much to say next, everyone ate, drank, and talked.

Time passed slowly like this.

The banquet lasted for three months in total.

However, the quasi-sage masters naturally would not waste their time on eating and drinking.

Three days later, a quasi-sage suggested that everyone finally get together, so why not take this opportunity to discuss the truth.

This proposal was endorsed by many powerful people.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

It is beneficial to everyone to absorb nutrients from other people's paths and replenish one's own.

What's more, there is still Di Jun, a powerful mid-stage quasi-sage!

Of course, not all creatures agreed.

There are also some creatures who refuse on the grounds that they have other matters.

Ao Yin pondered in his mind whether he should participate.

After taking a few deep breaths, he decided not to participate.

There are two reasons.

First, with so many quasi-sages and powerful beings, the discussion time required will inevitably be very long! Maybe it will last for thousands of years!

Ao Yin has other things to do and has no time to waste time here.

Second, he had just discussed Tao with Sanqing some time ago, and the effect of discussing Tao again was limited.

He still has a lot of room for improvement now, and he doesn't care about this little effect.

With this time, he can improve even more by using other methods.

As for having a discussion with Wangshu after returning to Penglai, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, he promised the other party first and he will not break his promise.

Who asked him to ask for help from the other party?

At this moment, Wang Shu's message sounded again: "Will fellow Taoists participate in this Tao discussion?"

When Ao Yin heard this, he said without hesitation: "I won't participate?

Do fellow Taoists want to participate?

If you want to participate, it will be the same thing until the next time you go to Penglai as a guest. "

After hearing Ao Yin's response, Wang Shu's cold voice continued: "I won't participate either. When do fellow Taoists plan to leave?"

Ao Yin was a little surprised when he heard this.

He didn't expect Wangshu to refuse the discussion so decisively.

You know, this time there are ten or twenty quasi-sages discussing the Tao together!

Such a lineup is a great opportunity for ordinary quasi-saints!

If Wang Shu can give up, if nothing else, he is still very courageous!

After thinking about it, Ao Yin responded: "Leave now!"

Next, other quasi-sage powerful men will discuss the Tao here. Since he does not intend to discuss the Tao, there is no point in staying here, so he does not say goodbye at this time.

"Fellow Taoists, I have other things to deal with, so I regret that I cannot participate in this discussion.

I wish all fellow Taoists a complete success in discussing Taoism and may their strength be greatly increased!

I took my leave. "

Ao Yin cupped his hands and circled half a circle, then slowly spoke.

After hearing Ao Yin's words, many powerful people had expressions of pity on their faces.

After all, Ao Yin is very powerful. If he participates, the effect of the discussion will undoubtedly be better!

Tongtian looked stunned and wanted to say something to persuade him, but gave up after thinking about it.

Di Jun's face changed slightly, and then he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, don't you think about it again? After all, it is rare to have the opportunity to gather ten or twenty quasi-sage powers!

It would be a shame to miss such a great opportunity!

If fellow Taoist matters are not urgent, they can be postponed appropriately. "

Di Jun didn't want Ao Yin to leave just like that.

Ao Yin's strength is one of the best among the quasi-sage powers, and he wants to persuade him to join the Demon Court!

If he joins the Demon Court, the Demon Court may have the strength to compete head-on with the Witch Clan!

It is of great significance!

When Ao Yin heard this, he shook his head without hesitation and responded: "I appreciate the good intentions of fellow Taoists. If I have a chance next time, I will definitely have a fun discussion with you fellow Taoists!"

Seeing that Ao Yin could not be persuaded, Di Jun gave up. He nodded and said with a smile: "In that case, I wish fellow Taoist a good journey."

Ao Yin nodded, but did not leave immediately, but looked at Wang Shu.

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