That huge, boundless face had disappeared, and everyone in the Tianxiahui was still immersed in shock.

"The leader of the gang has regained his youth."

Witnessing Xiongba's return to youth with their own eyes, all the gang members of Tianxiahui were deeply shocked.

Then, a look of longing appeared in their eyes.

Life is short.

Everyone will grow old sooner or later.

But most people don't want to grow old.

How wonderful it would be if they could regain their youth when they grow old!

What's more, the supreme god just now not only granted Xiongba the return of his youth.

He also granted Xiongba 300 years of life!

He also granted Xiongba 500 years of cultivation!

Such a gift is too enviable.

Even though they knew that Xiongba on the altar was their gang leader and they shouldn't have some inappropriate thoughts, they still wanted to snatch Xiongba's opportunity.

"Incredible, incredible!"

Qin Shuang exclaimed repeatedly

"The leader is so lucky to have received such an amazing reward from the gods."

Wen Chouchou now finally understood why Xiongba attached so much importance to this sacrificial ceremony.

If it were him, knowing that he had the opportunity to receive such an amazing reward, he would only attach more importance to it.

""Master, you are indeed a supreme being who can extend your power to countless worlds. You made me return to my youth in an instant, and gave me a life span of 300 years and cultivation of 500 years... Hahaha, my fate will be different from now on."

Xiongba stood up, full of vigor and energy, and laughed loudly towards the sky.

Not only did he change his original tragic fate, but he also gained unimaginable gains.

So happy!

So happy!

"Hey! I thought that the Grandmaster realm was the pinnacle of my life. I didn't expect that I could also be promoted to the legendary Heavenly Man realm... The martial arts legend Wuming back then seemed to have only touched the threshold of the Heavenly Man realm."

Xiongba's black hair was flying, and his heroic spirit was full of ambition.

He had a kind of ambition that was invincible in the world and wanted to compete with the gods.

"What do you mean by dominating the martial arts world? What do you mean by ruling the world? These are the pursuits of a frog in a well. I am now fortunate enough to be favored by my God and become a believer of my God. Immortality and eternal immortality should be my pursuit."

Xiong Ba's ambition has changed.

He has become more ambitious.

"From now on, I, Xiongba, will be the chief believer of my god."Xiongba swore.

Suddenly, he turned around and glanced at Wen Chouchou, Qin Shuang, and thousands of other gang members below.

"You have seen the miracle today. My God is the supreme Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable. If you believe in my God, you will have the opportunity to obtain the gift I received today, and even immortality!

Tell this gang leader, do you want to be immortal, do you want to be immortal!"

Xiong Ba said with a scorching look in his eyes.

"Yes! We want to live forever! We want to be immortal!"

"Yes! We want to live forever! We want to be immortal!"

"Yes! We want to live forever! We want to be immortal!"


All the members of the Tianxiahui shouted enthusiastically.

Including Qin Shuang and Wen Chouchou, they couldn't help but shout.

Everyone was very excited.

If they had been told in the past that they could live forever, they would have spit at the other party. They were dreaming!

But after witnessing the miracle with their own eyes today, they believed it.

"Hahaha……"Xiong Ba laughed loudly, waved his right hand fiercely, and said:"That's good. From today on, you will follow this gang leader and believe in my God Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable."

"Together we will spread our faith in God to every corner of the world."

"Anyone who dares to stop us from spreading the faith of our God is blocking our path to immortality... Anyone like this will be killed, killed, killed!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"Everyone in the Tianxiahui shouted.

They would never allow anyone to stop them from achieving immortality.

"Wen Chouchou, there is still one thing missing from this altar, that is the statue of my god. Wait, I will ask the painter to draw a statue of my god for you, and you go find the best craftsman in the world to carve a statue of my god, and then place it in the center of the altar. Every day, all the gangs of Tianxiahui must worship the statue of my god."

Xiongba said to Wen Chouchou

"Don't worry, boss. Chouchou will find the best craftsman in the world and ask him to carve out the statue of our god as soon as possible."Wen Chouchou smiled brightly, and his heart was also very excited.

He, Wen Chouchou, also wanted to obtain the blessing of the gods!

From this day on, the world will undergo tremendous changes.

All the people in Tianxia will believe in the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable, and the first thing they do every morning is to pray at the altar.

The ideals of all of them have also changed.

In the past, all of them had the ideal of either gaining greater power, or for women, or for money, or for strength, etc.

But now, all of them have the same ideal, which is to spread the belief in God throughout the world.

Xiongba has already begun to act.

Tianxia controls half of the world, and many cities are also under the control of Tianxia.

He has ordered the people of Tianxia to spread the faith in its cities, and at the same time forcibly cancel other"wild gods" in these cities."、"Evil God", respect the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Lord as the only true God

"When all the cities controlled by our Tianxia Club believe in me, it will be time for me to take action against Wushuang City."

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