Villain chat group!

Witch Wan Wan:"Ahhh... forgive me for being so excited. It's really because the group leader's 'Taiyi Guan Thought' is so powerful."

"This beautiful lady's Heavenly Demonic Technique has been stuck at the 14th level for three years. Today, I just tried the"Taiyi Visualization Method" and the Heavenly Demonic Technique broke through three levels in succession and advanced to the 17th level."

"Haha, my master's Heavenly Demonic Art has only been cultivated to the seventeenth level, and I am now on par with my master."

In the Tang Dynasty world, in the Yinkui Sect, after realizing that she had been promoted to the seventeenth level of the Heavenly Demonic Art, Wan Wan could not help but share her joy in the group.

The leader of the Tianxiahui Xiongba Gang:"Congratulations to Miss Wan Wan for her breakthrough. My god's immortal method is indeed amazing."

"I thought you and I had already used the Sky Frost Fist’、‘Paiyun Palm’、‘I have completely mastered the essence of the three martial arts of 'Feng Shen Tui'. For this reason, I have also integrated the essence of these three martial arts to create the 'Three Points Return to Yuan Qi'.’"

"But after comprehending my god's 'Taiyi Guanfa' yesterday, I made new discoveries about 'Paiyun Palm' and 'Fengshen Tui'."

"I realized the secret of the wind being formless and the clouds being impermanent, and I learned a unique and earth-shaking skill.——‘Maha Amitabha’"

"After mastering the Mahamudra, my strength has increased tenfold."

In the Tianxia Conference, Xiongba's face also revealed a hint of uncontrollable surprise.

Orochimaru:"The group leader's magic is indeed incredible. Since I practiced the immortal reincarnation technique, my soul has been seriously damaged after several reincarnations and changes of several bodies. But I only practiced the group leader's magic for one day, and my soul has basically recovered."

"In this way, I don't have to rush to change my body."

In the Naruto world, Orochimaru's eyes revealed a hint of fiery color.

Ever since he practiced the Non-Corpse Reincarnation Technique, his soul has become more and more incomplete.

He knew that if he continued like this, there would be problems sooner or later in the future.

However, once the Non-Corpse Reincarnation Technique started, he could not stop, and could only continue to reincarnate and change the container again and again.

He thought of many ways to solve the problem of the soul.

For this reason, he tried many forbidden techniques.

But none of them worked.

This time, he just wanted to see what the so-called immortal method was.

Unexpectedly, the"Taiyi Observation Method" actually has the effect of repairing the soul

"What an incredible magic... Ninjutsu is far inferior to it."

Orochimaru sighed, and decided in his heart to cultivate immortality.


Changing the body?

What kind of evil magic is this?

It is so terrifying.

When Kankan and Xiongba saw Orochimaru's speech, they were shocked.

Witch Kankan:"@Orochimaru! Boss, you have basically been lurking and haven't introduced your own world yet!"

"Is the world you live in so scary? There is an evil magic that can replace the body! Scary.jpg!"

Xianxiahui leader Xiongba:"This friend's name is a bit weird, it is similar to the names of the Japanese in our world."

"But there is definitely no such terrible evil magic in Japan in our world. I am also very curious about the world where this friend lives."

Orochimaru smiled playfully when he saw the two people's remarks.

He was not going to hide it.

Ever since he entered the villain chat group, he has been studying each group member. After many analyses, he discovered one thing, that none of the members of this group are simple characters, all of them are ruthless characters from a certain world.

Even Kankan, who likes to joke in the chat group, is a dark and cruel witch in Orochimaru's heart.

Not to mention Yue Buqun and Xiongba, both are heroic figures, and both are the leaders of a faction.

Northern Emperor Wang Teng and Immortal King Anlan, although these two people did not speak much.

But Orochimaru concluded that these two people are the real terrifying characters.

Especially the Immortal King Anlan, who vaguely gave Orochimaru a feeling of regarding all living beings as ants.

Orochimaru has a persistent pursuit of the truth.

He wants to know everything.

After realizing that the members of the chat group were not simple, he knew that these people must have mastered the top cultivation methods of their respective worlds. He wanted to exchange their respective cultivation methods with these people, and then conduct research.

Orochimaru:"@Witch Kankan, @Tianxiahui Gang Leader Xiongba. The world I live in is a world of ninjutsu. This may be difficult for you to understand."

"So I recently compiled some information about our world, I uploaded it to the group, you can download and watch it"

"Also, I have uploaded the technique of reincarnation without corpses. If you are interested, you can also practice it."

"Ding! Orochimaru uploaded"Overview of the Ninja World"》!"

"Ding! Orochimaru uploaded the 'Reincarnation Technique’"

Kanan and Xiongba's eyes lit up, and they immediately downloaded"Overview of the Ninja World" and"The Art of Reincarnation without Corpse"."

"……There is nothing strange. There is such a strange world. Chakra, nine tailed beasts, ninjas, samurai... The ninjutsu in this world is so strange. The powerful ninjutsu can even collapse mountains and change the geographical environment. It is much more powerful than our martial arts."

In the Yin Kui Sect, after reading the"Overview of the Ninja World", Kanan was amazed.

Unfortunately, she couldn't understand the"Reincarnation Technique" at all.

"It's interesting that Japan seems to have ninjutsu, but the ninjutsu of Japan is completely different from the ninjutsu of Orochimaru's world.……"

In the Tianxiahui, Xiongba also tried to practice the"Reincarnation Technique", but found that there was no response at all.

"……Maybe it's because I don't have chakra."Xiong Ba gave up.

Villain chat group.

Witch Wan Wan:"@Orochimaru! I have read all the information uploaded by the boss. However, maybe the rules of the world are different, or because there is no chakra in my world, I can't understand the 'Reincarnation Technique' at all, and I can't practice it.┗(t﹏t)┛"

The leader of Tianxiahui, Xiongba:"It should be because of the rules of the world. I can't practice it either."

"Only in this way can the horror of my God be revealed! A book called"Taiyi Visualization Method" is available in all the heavens, and all creatures in any world can practice it."

Northern Emperor Wang Teng:"Hey, is the group so lively today? Miss Wan Wan and the leader of the Xiongba Gang seem to have a good chat with Mr. Orochimaru!"

"Mr. Orochimaru, you actually uploaded the information. I will download it to have a look."

Witch Kanan:"@北帝王腾, something is wrong with you. Why are you in such a good mood?" Tianxiahui leader Xiongba:"@北帝王腾, something is wrong with you. Why are you in such a good mood?" Orochimaru:"@北帝王腾, something is wrong with you. Why are you in such a good mood?" Beidiwangteng

:"Hahaha, I am really happy today. Thanks to the group leader's 'Taiyi Observation Method', I broke through an important bottleneck and my life span increased by 600 years!" Life span increased by 600 years


Damn it!

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