"How foolish! At this time, we are still worshipping the gods."

"This is just right, it is convenient for us, they all kneel down, we rush over and can easily subdue them"

"Just wait and see. After many years, the Tianxiahui will become a laughing stock in the world."

"This battle was too meaningless. I didn't expect to win like this."

Dugu Yifang, all the big leaders, and all the people from the Wushuang City looked at the Tianxiahui people as if they were idiots.


Even if you want to offer sacrifices to the gods, choose to do so before the war begins.

Now that the war is going on, you all kneel down suddenly.

Isn't this just sending your heads off?


Dugu Yifang and the leaders of the various sects led 50,000 to 60,000 warriors and excitedly attacked the Tianxiahui.

It was as if they saw victory was just around the corner.

The Tianxiahui ignored the Wushuangcheng people who were about to kill them. They just silently recited the name of the gods and prayed to the gods.

"Hmm? Xiongba and the people from Tianxiahui are praying to me?"

In the prehistoric time, Li Yi received a prompt from the system, and his mind moved.

His consciousness immediately followed the time and space coordinates and entered the Fengyun world.

Soon, he saw Xiongba kneeling on a blood-stained altar.

Around the altar, the Tianxiahui gang members were kneeling.

"Is this a blood sacrifice?"

Li Yi looked at the bloody altar and the corpse on it, thinking.

""Hahaha, we are going to win!"

Dugu Yifang and others laughed.

They were less than ten meters away from the Tianxiahui.

Victory was within reach.

But at this moment, everything froze.

It was like a movie that was playing and suddenly the pause button was pressed.

Dugu Yifang and the fifty or sixty thousand people who were rushing towards the Tianxiahui were all frozen in an instant.

There were still ecstatic smiles on their faces.

They still held their weapons high in their hands.

Many of them were still running at high speed, and some leaped into the air.

But... everything suddenly froze.

However, the Sword Saint, Bu Jingyun, and Nie Feng in the distance were just outside the frozen range and were not affected.

The people in Wushuang City were not affected either.

However, whether it was the Sword Saint, Bu Jingyun, and Nie Feng, or the people in Wushuang City, they were all dumbfounded when they saw the weird scene.

""The Dao comes first in the chaos, and

Taiyi is even ahead of the Great Dao!

I have penetrated the mysterious principles of heaven and earth, and

I am the supreme among all gods and demons!"

Suddenly, a magnificent divine sound resounded throughout the Fengyun world.

This divine sound, which was far-reaching, resounded in the hearts of all living beings in this world.

In the hearts of all living beings in this world, an endless majestic and sacred figure emerged.

That figure was huge and boundless, and billions of stars, like pearls, surrounded him.

He came from the depths of chaos, and the great Dao of heaven and earth, the long river of time, were all stepped on by him.

He is the beginning of all things.

And the end of all things.

Wherever he passed, the world was born and the world was destroyed.

Wherever he passed, the gods kowtowed and the demons worshiped him.

He is supreme!

And supreme!

Above all living beings

""The Great Celestial Lord of Central Hunyuan Taiyi!"

At this moment, all the creatures in the Fengyun World, whether human, beast, bird, fish... or even the most insignificant insects, instinctively knew the name of this great being.

All the creatures instinctively prostrated themselves on the ground, worshipping the great being in their hearts.

"What a great existence this is? Is this the true God?"At this moment, some old antiques who have lived for a long time in the Fengyun World were all shocked.

Some of them had lived for more than 4,000 years.

But now they could not control their bodies and could not help but kneel down to that existence.

"It turns out that my god is such a great existence."

Xiongba and the people of Tianxiahui also saw an endless and majestic figure in the depths of their hearts. They were all excited.

At this moment, purple air suddenly rose ten thousand miles above Wushuang City, golden flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses grew on the ground.

Various grand visions appeared one after another.

"My God is coming……"

Xiong Ba and the people of Tian Xia Hui were all excited.

"Gods, there really are gods... Could it be that the great being just now was the god worshipped by Xiongba?"

Although Dugu Yifang and others were frozen in time, their minds were still functioning.

At this moment, they thought that the great being that just appeared in their minds might be the god worshipped by Xiongba and others, and they couldn't help but feel deep despair in their hearts.

Xiongba and others actually believed in such a great being.

And they wanted to be Xiongba's enemy.

Isn't this courting death?

"……So, Xiongba believed in this great existence?"

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were also shocked.

They laughed at Xiongba for being ignorant.

It turned out that it was not Xiongba who was ignorant, but they were ignorant.

They only believed in what they had seen, touched, and understood.

But there were some existences that they could not touch or understand.

""Hahahaha, it turns out there are such things in the world. I don't have much time left. If I can know that there are such things in the world before I die, I will die without regrets!"

The Sword Saint laughed happily.

If I hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening!


The sky shook, and a shadow appeared. In an instant, boundless immortal light spread across the world.

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