Everyone stared blankly at the spider-web-like space cracks in the void, the Jingnian Zen Temple that turned into a tiankeng, the collapsed mountains not far away, and the river with water backflowing...


Is it still the power that humans possess?

At this moment, everyone was confused. What they just witnessed did not seem to be a contest between top martial arts masters.

Instead, it was a battle between gods and demons.

This kind of power that shattered the void, destroyed mountains and cut off rivers.

It has completely exceeded everyone's understanding of martial arts power.

Even grandmaster-level masters such as Zhu Yuyan, Bi Shouxuan, and Wen Caiting were also at a loss at this time.

They are also grandmasters.

But the power they possessed, and the power that Qianqian and Song Que had just erupted... are completely two levels, the gap between earth and heaven.

Especially the power that Qianqian showed at the end.

That is simply... unimaginable.

Zhu Yuyan and the others couldn't help but look at the gradually descending Xianxian with doubtful eyes, as if asking: How can you be so powerful?

Xianxian met the gazes of Zhu Yuyan and the others, and understood their doubts. She smiled and said,"Master, and all the elders, you don't have to be confused. The last thing I used was a trace of great power that my god placed in the divine mark.————This is not my power, but God's power!"

""So that's it!"

Zhu Yuyan and the others were relieved immediately.

But the others were boiling with excitement after hearing what Qianqian said.

"The power of God, it turns out that she used the power of God at the end, no wonder it was so terrifying!"

"It has been rumored that she is a messenger of the gods, and now it seems to be true"

"Song Que’s death was not unjust... Although his Heavenly Sword technique was powerful, how could it be compared with the power of the gods?"

"That’s right, no matter how strong a mortal is, he can never compete with a god!"

"This kind of power is so enviable... I heard that Yang Guang has recently been calling on the people of Luoyang and Chang'an to worship the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable. I wonder if I can also become a believer of the Great Heavenly Venerable."

After learning that Xianxian finally used the power of the gods, the powerful men did not calm down, but became more excited. Almost all the people who came here to watch the battle were warriors, and they all had a paranoid pursuit of powerful strength.

Now seeing that Xianxian had become so terrifying after borrowing the power of the gods, they could not help but be full of yearning.

They also wanted such power.

They also wanted to believe in the Great Heavenly Venerable!

The powerful men from all walks of life had fiery eyes.

Some people even knelt down quietly, silently chanting the name of God in their hearts, and secretly praying to the Great Heavenly Venerable.

The disciples of the Yinkui Sect and the five thousand Xiaoguo Army showed pride and pride on their faces when they saw the fanatical eyes of the powerful men from all walks of life.

They had long become believers of the Great Heavenly Venerable!

They even got huge benefits from the"Taiyi Visualization Method" bestowed by the Great Heavenly Venerable.

This made them feel a little superior.

Of course, there were also people who were very desperate at this moment.

"Dead... The leader of the Song family is actually dead!"

"We are finished with Jingnian Zen Temple and Cihang Jingzhai.

Liaokong, many monks in Jingnian Zen Temple, and all the female practitioners in Cihang Jingzhai, were filled with despair at this moment.

They knew that no one could save them anymore.

""Master, these people believe in false gods. Let's destroy them."

Kankan glanced at Lekong and the others, a hint of coldness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

To her, Lekong and other"false god" believers were more annoying than Song Que... because the existence of these"false god" believers would hinder her from promoting the belief in the Great Heavenly Venerable.


Zhu Yuyan and others, upon hearing what Qianqian said, did not hesitate to start a massacre of the people from Jingnian Temple and Cihang Jingzhai.

Five thousand brave soldiers, and even many people in the martial arts world who decided to believe in the Great Heavenly Venerable in the future, also chose to take action.

Faced with the joint stranglehold of so many people, Jingnian Temple and Cihang Jingzhai had no power to resist at all. In just a moment, they were killed cleanly.

Since then, Jingnian Temple, which has appeared in the Middle Earth since the Han Dynasty and has always been a holy place of the White Dao, has completely disappeared.

A day later, Zhu Yuyan and others killed into the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai, where only two or three big cats and kittens were left, and completely destroyed Cihang Jingzhai.

The witch Qianqian, borrowed the power of the gods, killed Tiandao Song Que with one blow, shattered the sky, destroyed the mountains, and cut off the rivers.

The destruction of Jingnian Temple!

The destruction of Cihang Jingzhai!

These pieces of news quickly spread throughout the world, causing a great earthquake.

The two great holy places of the White Dao were destroyed just like that.

This is simply a horrifying thing.

However, what is even more shocking is the divine power that Kankan had displayed in the past.

Many people in the martial arts world who witnessed the battle, after leaving, told others vividly about the natural disaster-like power that Kankan had erupted with the help of divine power, causing an extremely huge sensation.

When many people first heard about it, they did not believe it and went to the ruins of Jingnian Zen Temple to verify it in person.

When these people saw the Jingnian Zen Temple that had become a tiankeng, and the collapsed mountains nearby, they were completely stunned.

Afterwards, these people quickly became believers of the Great Heavenly Venerable.



Li Clan!

Ever since the 150,000-strong army of the Li Clan was defeated outside the city of Chang'an, the atmosphere of the Li Clan has become extremely tense.

Every member of the Li Clan has been on edge during this period, and every day feels like a year!

They are all afraid that Yang Guang will lead his army to kill and completely wipe out their Li Clan.

On this day, when the above news reached the Li Clan, many of the Li Clan members collapsed directly.

Li Yuan also collapsed.

"Jingnian Zen Temple was destroyed, Cihang Jingzhai was also destroyed, and even Song Que was killed by that witch who borrowed the power of the gods... Why? Why did it happen like this?"

"Why would the gods favor the Yinkui Sect, why would the gods favor Yang Guang...but not our Li Clan?"

In the hall, Li Yuan roared with bloodshot eyes.

Deep in his eyes, there was a deep fear.

Li Yuan, as the head of the Li Clan, was the weakest one among the four major clans. He was timid, lustful, and greedy for enjoyment.

If it weren't for the full persuasion of Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin, who even used a lot of strategies to force Li Yuan to choose to rebel, he would not have taken this path of rebellion.

If the situation was good, Li Yuan could still hold on.

In the original book, he successfully took advantage of the chaos in the troubled times and eventually established the glorious Tang Dynasty.

But now, the situation is bad, and the road to rebellion seems to have completely failed. He may be caught and beheaded by Yang Guang soon.

When he thought of this, Li Yuan's inner cowardice was completely exposed.

He also collapsed completely.

He was afraid of death! He didn't want to die!

"Father, now we should think about how to relocate the whole family as soon as possible. We can't delay any longer." Li Jiancheng sighed, trying to remain calm.

"Even if we want to relocate our entire family... will Yang Guang give us a chance? No matter how fast we are, we can't outrun the Yinkui Sect's pursuit."Li Xiuning frowned and said with worry in his heart.

"No! There is a way, and there is another way... As long as the Turkic army suddenly invades the Central Plains at this time, Yang Guang and the Yinkui Sect will have no time to pay attention to us."

Li Yuan suddenly said, with a hint of madness in his bloodshot eyes.

"Father...are you going to lead the Turkic army to invade the Central Plains? This...will kill many innocent people.……"Li Xiuning was shocked

"I can't care about so many things. Now our Li family can't even protect ourselves, so how can we care about the lives of others?……"

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