As soon as the news of Quanzhen Sect becoming the Tomb Sect spread, it caused a shocking uproar!

Quanzhen Sect is not only one of the most powerful martial arts sects in the world.

It is also a Taoist sect.

Moreover, it is one of the most influential Taoist sects in the world, as famous as the Zhengyi Sect of Longhu Mountain.

So-called, Quanzhen in the north and Zhengyi in the south.

The two major Taoist sects each occupy half of the country.

This shows the influence of Quanzhen Sect.

From high-ranking officials to peddlers, there are countless believers of Quanzhen Sect, and its influence is absolutely shocking.

Otherwise, Genghis Khan, who established the Mongol Empire in later generations, would not have valued Quanzhen Sect so much, and would not have invited Qiu Chuji to meet him, and presented him with the"Golden Tiger Card", saying that"all Taoist affairs are handled by the 'immortals'", and let Qiu Chuji take charge of the world's Taoism.

This is all because of the influence of Quanzhen Sect.

Now Quanzhen Sect has suddenly become the Tomb Sect, which shocked not only the people in the world, but also the court, as well as many high-ranking officials and countless civilians.

When they learned that the current head of the Ancient Tomb Sect was actually the female devil"Red Snake Fairy" Li Mochou, they were all shocked.




Not only did the Quanzhen Sect become the Ancient Tomb Sect, but they also let a female devil with a great reputation become the head of the sect.

This is simply absurd!

"How did the Quanzhen Sect become the Ancient Tomb Sect? What is the inside story?"

"How could the seven Quanzhen masters allow a female devil to be the headmaster? This is ridiculous."The whole world was in an uproar, and countless people began to investigate the changes in Quanzhen Sect.

Soon, they found that what happened was actually true.

Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan and other seven Quanzhen disciples are now taking many Taoists to various Quanzhen Sect branches, one by one to carry out rectification and change them into Tomb Sect branches.

These cannot be hidden from the inquiries of those who are interested.

After the news was confirmed, everyone was even more shocked.

What happened that made the seven Quanzhen disciples willingly change Quanzhen Sect into Tomb Sect?

Later, someone found out an incredible thing from the residents of the small town at the foot of Mount Zhongnan.

A few days ago, a miracle actually happened in Mount Zhongnan.

Because everyone in the town saw it, the evidence is conclusive and cannot be faked.

After the news spread, the world was in an uproar again.

"Hiss, this is really incredible. A miracle has happened in Zhongnan Mountain. Even the eyes of the true god surrounded by stars are visible in the night sky."

"I have personally asked nearly a hundred people in the town, and their descriptions are basically the same. It seems that the news is true. God really exists in the world."

"A few days after the miracle happened, the Quanzhen Sect turned into the Ancient Tomb Sect... Moreover, the Seven Quanzhen Sect members and many Quanzhen Taoists were willing to reorganize the various Quanzhen Sect branches into Ancient Tomb Sect branches. Do you think that the changes in the Quanzhen Sect have something to do with the gods?"

"It must be related. Didn't you hear the announcement of the Tomb Clan? The Tomb Clan does not worship the Three Pure Ones, nor the various Taoist gods we know. It only worships the"Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Lord" and calls the Great Heavenly Lord the only true god."

"It seems that the answer is obvious... The change of Quanzhen Sect must be related to the true God."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

When someone analyzed that the change of Quanzhen Sect was related to the miracle and the true God, the whole world could no longer be calm.

God is not a strange word.

However, no one has ever seen God.

Now the true God has actually descended, and has been witnessed by the residents of the entire town. Moreover, the sudden change of Quanzhen Sect to the Ancient Tomb Sect is most likely related to the true God.………This is so shocking!

Countless people thought that the people of the Ancient Tomb Sect might have received the grace of God, and they were envious to the extreme.

A day ago, no one had heard of the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Celestial Lord.

A day later, the name of the Great Celestial Lord was spread all over the world.

Originally, the Quanzhen Sect changed into the Ancient Tomb Sect, and even the gods they worshipped changed, which might have caused a series of bad consequences and the loss of countless believers.

But when they heard that the change of Quanzhen Sect might have received instructions from the true God, the original believers of Quanzhen Sect not only did not leave, but all turned into believers of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and the number was still increasing at an alarming rate.

Countless dignitaries prepared carriages and horses, ready to go to Zhongnan Mountain to pray for blessings.

Even the court was alarmed, and an imperial edict was issued from the palace, and 800 miles of fast horses rushed to Zhongnan Mountain.

Xiangyang City!

Guo Mansion!

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were completely stunned when they received the news that Quanzhen Sect had changed to the Ancient Tomb Sect.

""Rong'er, how did the Quanzhen Sect suddenly become the Ancient Tomb Sect? What is the origin of the Ancient Tomb Sect? What did Taoist Priest Ma and Taoist Priest Qiu think, that they would allow the female devil Li Mochou to be the head of the sect?"

Guo Jing was already in his thirties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a broad chest and a straight waist, and a slight beard on his upper lip. At this moment, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and asked his beloved wife three questions in a row.

He had to be anxious, because Taoist Priest Ma Yu of the Quanzhen Sect had taught him the doctrine in the past. Without Ma Yu, Guo Jing might not be where he is today.

Now that he heard that such a big change had happened in the Quanzhen Sect, how could he not be anxious?

Huang Rong was also twenty-five or twenty-six years old, but she still looked like she was about eighteen years old, with a beautiful face and a pair of extremely lively eyes.

"Brother Jing, calm down. I just heard the news and don't know the inside story. You asked me three questions in a row. How can I answer them?"

Huang Rong rolled her eyes at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing's face froze and he apologized quickly:"Rong'er, I was too impatient. However, you also know that Quanzhen Sect has been very kind to me. Now that Quanzhen Sect has undergone such a big change, I can't help but care about it."

Huang Rong hesitated for a moment, thought carefully, and said:

"Brother Jing, don't worry. The situation is not as serious as you think. Didn't you see that Taoist Priest Ma, Taoist Priest Qiu and others are still fine? Moreover, it seems that they have taken the initiative to transform the various Quanzhen Sect branches into the Ancient Tomb Sect branches."

"It seems so, maybe I am too impatient. Guo Jing sighed:"……However, no matter what, I have to find out the cause of the accident, so that I can feel at ease."

"Now the Mongols are ready to make a move. I cannot leave Xiangyang. I can only ask my master for help and ask him to help me go to Mount Zhongnan to check the situation."

Soon after, Guo Jing handed a handwritten letter to a Beggar Gang disciple in Xiangyang City and asked him to pass it to Hong Qigong.

Half a month later!

Under a snowy mountain, Hong Qigong received Guo Jing's handwritten letter.

He opened the letter and was shocked.

"I didn't expect that after an old beggar like me had been searching for delicious food in the snowy mountains for a few days, the Quanzhen Sect would have such a big change, and it turned into the Ancient Tomb Sect, and it was related to the gods."

Hong Qigong murmured to himself.

He naturally didn't believe in gods or anything like that.

Even if the handwritten letter said that the residents of the town at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain had all seen the miracle.

Hong Qigong still didn't believe it.

But he couldn't ignore the changes in the Quanzhen Sect.

In addition to Guo Jing's commission, there was also the relationship between Wang Chongyang and Zhou Botong.

Besides, he was worried that a sect with such a huge influence like the Quanzhen Sect would be in charge of Li Mochou, the notorious female devil.

"It seems that I have to go to Zhongnan Mountain.……"

Hong Qigong patted his butt to get rid of the ice and snow on his butt, then used his Qinggong to rush towards Zhongnan Mountain at full speed.

When Hong Qigong arrived at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, he was stunned to see three old friends.

"Lord Duan, Old Naughty Boy, and Huang Lao Xie, you are all here! Hahaha, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still alive, it's really good."

Seeing his three old friends, Hong Qigong couldn't help but laugh and drank a sip of wine happily.

"Qigong, I have said it many times, I have been a monk for many years, my Buddhist name is Yideng, I am no longer Prince Duan. Master Yideng said helplessly

"It's all the same, all the same!" Hong Qigong waved his hand casually, then looked at Huang Yaoshi and said,"Huang Laoxie, listen to what I say to my beloved disciple. You have been wandering outside all these years, and it seems that you are not very close to Peach Blossom Island. Could it be that my disciple has made you unhappy? Tell me, I will help you teach him a lesson!"

Huang Yaoshi glanced at Hong Qigong indifferently and said,"My family affairs do not need you, an old beggar, to interfere."

Thinking of his relationship with his son-in-law Guo Jing, Huang Yaoshi felt a little complicated. He couldn't say that he hated Guo Jing, but Guo Jing's old-fashioned character was really not to his taste.

As for Guo Jing's master Ke Zhen'e who liked to preach... he was even less likable to him.

Therefore, he spent most of these years wandering around outside, trying to avoid seeing it.

On the other hand, Zhou Botong, who always liked to joke and play around, was rarely quiet at this moment, looking at the direction of the former Chongyang Palace with a complicated expression. The

Quanzhen Sect that his senior brother Wang Chongyang had worked so hard to establish was gone just like that.

Also, why did Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji and others agree to such a ridiculous change?

""Botong, don't think too much. We'll find out what happened once we go up and check."

Master Yideng looked at Zhou Botong, who was rarely silent, patted Zhou Botong on the shoulder and comforted him.

At this time, Hong Qigong's expression also became solemn:"Everyone, I guess the reason you came here is similar to mine. Do you really believe that there is a true God appearing?"

"Humph, what true god appearing? It's probably some tricks to deceive people. However, Li Mochou can control the Quanzhen Sect, it seems that she is quite capable, this time I am here to meet her."

Huang Yaoshi said disdainfully. He has traveled all over the country in these years, what has he not seen? He has even seen mirages in the desert more than once.

He guessed that what was shown by both sides of Zhongnan Mountain that day was probably a mirage-like vision, which was regarded as a miracle by those ignorant small town residents.

"Huang Lao Xie's thoughts are the same as mine, an old beggar. There is no such thing as a god in this world. They are all just tricks to deceive people. Let's go up the mountain and find out the truth."

Hong Qigong said

"Son, my son, where have you been?"

"Son, don't be afraid. I have obtained the Nine Yin Manual and my martial arts are the best in the world. With me here, no one can hurt you.……"

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed past Hong Qigong and the other three, leaving behind a sound of gibberish.

Hong Qigong and the other three were startled, and immediately saw the figure walking upside down.

The figure was extremely fast, leaving a trail of afterimages, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed up the mountainside along the mountain path.

"It's the old poisonous creature!"

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