Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 100: The Netherworld, the Intercourse of the Six Paths of Reincarnation

The flowing golden innate spiritual energy is full of densely packed strange stones.

They are strangely shaped, firmly attached to the air, emitting halos of various colors, and look very out of place.

When you get closer, you can clearly feel their erosion of the earth veins.

And in this densely packed strange stone, a group of witches are working hard.

There are ordinary witches, and there are also many powerful witches, but the state of those witches looks a little weird.

Seeing Tianyuan appear, all the witches around stopped their actions, all of them looked angry, and there was an undisguised murderous light in their eyes.

Although they glared at each other, no witch came forward, and the witch stood still.

"Let's go! Go and see the earth veins purified by the demon clan!"

Tianyuan said, and a faint will rose up, covering Nuwa and the two.

As for the attitude of the witches in the field, Tianyuan didn't care at all, it was enough to provide value.

In a blink of an eye, they came to another earth vein, and Fuxi also saw the captured people from the demon court.

Like the previous witch tribe, they were all working hard to purify the earth veins, and many of them were very happy.

The only difference was that these demon tribes had more tools in their hands.

Among the ten demon saints, the famous Chitie was also on the list, and he was the most active among them.

Looking at those figures, Fuxi's face became more and more ugly.

The two demon kings, including himself, cared about the captured demon tribe very much.

I didn't expect that these guys had no resistance after being captured by Tianyuan.

Although Gonggong's appearance also shocked Fuxi, it was not a long time, and it was unreasonable for him to be so at ease.

If he was not trapped at this moment, Fuxi would definitely go forward to beat these guys up.

"Hello, Senior Tianyuan!" The three blood dragons saw Tianyuan appear and immediately stepped forward to greet him respectfully.

Fuxi, who was already angry, was about to spit fire in his eyes when he saw the three demons who were somewhat flattering in front of him.

The Demon Court was established not long ago, and during this period, some big demons came to surrender. He didn't know every big demon.

He just thought that these three demons succumbed to Tianyuan's tyranny and defected so quickly.

Feeling Fuxi's gaze, Xue Jiao looked sideways, and a strange flash flashed in his eyes, but he didn't care.

The layers of gold circles surrounding Fuxi were enough to explain his identity.

Being captured by Senior Tianyuan, it was right to be angry, and it was reasonable to be angry. It would be normal after a while.

Xue Jiao's indifferent glance made Fuxi stunned in place.

He seemed to have misunderstood. These three demons didn't know him at all. Tianyuan was still catching demons in the prehistoric land?

Chi Tie and others in the distance also saw Tianyuan and others, and they all looked at Nuwa and Fuxi in shock.

"Emperor Xixi, Emperor Nuwa?" Chitie was stunned, and the corners of his mouth were pulled to the back of his ears.

Fuxi and Nuwa are both demon kings, and they are the leaders of the demon court.

When he saw Gonggong being captured earlier, Chitie was frightened. Unexpectedly, it has not been a while, and Nuwa and Fuxi have been captured.

Chitie was stunned in the field, wondering whether he should go up and say hello now.


Fuxi just snorted coldly after seeing everyone's expressions.

He himself was captured, so what qualifications did he have to complain about these subordinates? He simply turned his head aside.

Nuwa didn't have so many thoughts as Fuxi. She strode to a strange stone and slammed it casually.

There was a loud bang, and Nuwa was stunned in place, with astonishment in her eyes.

With her strength, she couldn't shake a small stone in front of her?

The surprised Nuwa punched again, and there was a deafening sound, but the stone remained motionless.

"Use this!" Tianyuan casually threw a pickaxe.

Sure enough, only the witches could easily remove the strange stones in the prehistoric land, and the rest of the creatures, even if they were innately sacred, were no exception.

Unless they could contact the existence of the will level, at least the Nuwa in front of them could not do it.

Nuwa took the pickaxe and her eyes lit up. This pickaxe seemed to be transformed by the will of Buzhou Mountain.

She swung the pickaxe down, and with a clang, the strange stone trembled slightly. Another time, it exploded in the air and disappeared in a flash.

In an instant, Nuwa felt a faint energy surge.


Nuwa turned her head to look at Tianyuan, and she understood why the two tribes of witches and liches were still scrambling to clear the earth veins even though they were extremely angry.

Not to mention whether this move would bring merit, the harvest in front of her could not be refused.

Being captured by Brother Tianyuan and brought here was completely the first shocking fortune.

Nuwa turned around, staring at the sky with her beautiful eyes, and then flew out of the earth veins at a rapid pace.

A towering sacred mountain stood in front of them, shrouded by endless Xuanhuang Qi, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

That wave was Buzhou Mountain!

Just now, the few people turned their backs, and Nuwa was attracted by the scene in front of her and didn't pay attention to her back.

Nuwa's weirdness also made Fuxi stand there. What on earth is this place?

At this moment, the sacred mountain in front of him suddenly trembled slightly, and the Xuanhuang Qi wrapped around it surged and whistled, accompanied by an inexplicable will.

Tianyuan was startled and flew up quickly.

Before Tianyuan could check carefully, an inexplicable will emerged, accompanied by a long-lost voice.

"Brother Buzhou!"

The voice was light and full of joy and excitement, as if it was a long-lost relative reunited.

But compared to the last time, it sounded very weak.

Tian Yuan, who was shocked, immediately calmed down and a picture slowly appeared before his eyes.

In the dark void, the earth was desolate and there were ruins everywhere.

In the deepest part of the collapse, a half-broken wheel lay diagonally in the void, emitting a milky white halo.

There were faint yin and yang energies rising from the wheel, blending and disappearing in the void.

Not far from the wheel, a graceful figure stood slowly, it was the long-lost ancestor witch Hou Tu.

As if feeling the gaze of Mount Buzhou, the wheel trembled slightly, and the voice just now sounded again.

"Brother Buzhou, you are finally here."

Six Paths of Reincarnation, that is the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the voice he heard earlier actually came from the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

But this voice was even more depressed than before, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation disk was very weak at this moment.

Tianyuan was surprised and suspicious. He thought it was a mountain calling him earlier, but it turned out to be the six reincarnations of the netherworld.

The underworld has not been opened, and the netherworld is in ruins. How can the Six Paths of Reincarnation disk already exist?

In the original novel, the witch and the demon measured the disaster and turned Hou Tu into a reincarnation, and then opened the underworld.

It seems that Hou Tu did not turn into a reincarnation at all, but completed the six reincarnations with her body.

This may be the real reason why Hou Tu could not set foot in the prehistoric world again after turning into a reincarnation.

Hou Tu is the six reincarnations, but the six reincarnations are not Hou Tu.

The six reincarnations are related to the reincarnation of the prehistoric creatures, so naturally they cannot appear in the prehistoric land.

But the six reincarnations have evolved long ago, why is it damaged?

The netherworld fell under the Western world. Could it be that it was broken in the battle between the demons?

Another point, why does the six reincarnations have consciousness?

Like him? Or is it just a unique life in the prehistoric world like Buzhou Mountain?

If so, then what about the Sun Star, the Moon Star, and the Fire Cloud Cave, the place of human destiny, will have their own consciousness?

In the prehistoric world created by Pangu, in addition to the myriad races living in the heaven and earth, there are also a group of special beings other than the wandering creatures?

In the picture, he can clearly sense the six reincarnations and see the figure of Houtu.

But Houtu, who was standing in the netherworld, just looked at the six reincarnations strangely and did not know his existence.


Tianyuan took a deep breath, and before he could make any move, he saw Houtu waving his hand.

An ancient gray stone bridge stretched out and quickly fled towards the top of his head.

It didn't take long before a blood river running through the void emerged, which was the Wangchuan River.

The stone bridge did not slow down, and it crossed directly and landed at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

The stone bridge derived from Houtu connected Buzhou Mountain with the netherworld.

There was an inexplicable rhythm, and Tianyuan knew the origin of the stone bridge. Naihe Bridge, it turned out to be the legendary Naihe Bridge.

At this moment, Tian Yuan understood why the Naihe Bridge needed to be guarded by Hou Tu's incarnation, because it was the only way to the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Almost at the moment when the ancient stone bridge fell, a will gushed out from Buzhou Mountain and rushed to the netherworld.

The reclining Six Paths of Reincarnation disk also trembled slightly, and an extremely weak will emerged, quickly rushing towards Buzhou Mountain.

The two wills met and merged on the Naihe Bridge, and immediately an indescribable feeling came, making Tian Yuan couldn't help but groan.

At the same time, Tian Yuan could clearly feel the emotions of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, with great pleasure in comfort.

Tian Yuan:.

A strange idea flashed in his mind, and as the two wills intersected, Tian Yuan found that the will of Buzhou Mountain was getting stronger.

In the depths of the netherworld, the milky white halo covering the Six Paths of Reincarnation also became brighter.

The will of Buzhou Mountain was repairing the Six Paths of Reincarnation disk, and he himself also benefited greatly.

Tianyuan was overjoyed, but he quickly regained his mind. That feeling was too weird.

Although he hadn't explored it in detail, Tianyuan had already understood that the will emerging from the six reincarnation disk was definitely the will of the earth, and Houtu was indeed the destined master of the earth.

It is very likely that the final mission of the witch clan is to guard the netherworld.

In the depths of the netherworld, Houtu looked at the slightly vibrating six reincarnations, with deep joy in her eyes.

Not only because she found her own way, but also found the destination of the witch clan.

In addition to dredging and purifying the earth veins, the witch clan belongs to the netherworld.

Looking at the six reincarnations that had been shrouded in a rich milky white halo, Houtu jumped up and stepped onto the quaint stone bridge.

It had been a while since she came down, and Houtu was a little worried about the brothers of the prehistoric land.

At this moment, Houtu was more determined in her decision. She wanted to help Tianyuan bring all the witch clan in.

As soon as her figure fell, she saw the dark light surging, and Houtu came under the earth veins.

"What kind of existence is Brother Tianyuan?" Hou Tu whispered softly, feeling the will of copulation on the Naihe Bridge.

Without Tianyuan, she would never have such an opportunity.

She had a stunning fortune, but Hou Tu knew more about Tianyuan's extraordinaryness.

Looking at the direction of the netherworld, she appeared in the earth veins and met Tianyuan's gaze.

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