Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 110 The Immortal Court is established, the Demon King is angry

There is an immortal island in the East China Sea called Penglai, which stretches for thousands of miles.

The island is filled with immortal air, shrouded in clouds and mist, and there are countless spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

From afar, you can see immortal cranes flying, spirit monkeys playing, immortal pavilions and towers lined up, and the glow and auspicious air are surging.

At this moment, the main island was bustling with people, toasting, and laughing everywhere.

Dong Wanggong sat at the top, looking at the innate sacred in front of him, his eyes full of joy.

Many of them were also the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, but now they all respect him as Dong Wanggong.

Dong Wanggong, who was happy in his heart, said to the Queen Mother of the West beside him: "Fortunately, we have been canonized by the Taoist Ancestor. We should lead the immortals well and never let the Taoist Ancestor down."

The Queen Mother of the West nodded, but she was not as excited as Dong Wanggong.

Although the Queen Mother of the West was very surprised to be canonized as the head of the female immortals by the Taoist Ancestor, she did not care about these.

If it weren't for the invitation from the Eastern King, she would have returned to Kunlun Mountain to practice in seclusion.

At this moment, a rumbling sound came from the crowd below.

"Eastern King! This Penglai Fairy Island is full of spiritual energy, and there are countless Taoist friends in the fairy family. Now that the Taoist Ancestor has granted you the title of the head of male immortals, why not set up a fairy court in the East China Sea to rule the immortals of heaven and earth?"

As soon as the words fell, the noisy environment suddenly became quiet, and exclamations burst out in an instant.

"Not bad, not bad! Taoist friends, this is a great move!"

"Good! Then Di Jun and Tai Yi can set up a demon court, and we can also set up a fairy court."

"The Taoist Ancestor personally selected it to be orthodox, or they have the same merits and merits, and the luck is gathered."

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Not only the people from the original Penglai Fairy Island, but also the innate sacred ones who came with them, also had their eyes moved.

The Taoist Ancestor preached the prehistoric world, and who else was more qualified than the Eastern King to be the head of the male immortals personally selected.

With the support of Daozu in Zixiao Palace, all the immortals in the prehistoric world will surely flock to the palace.

With the convergence of the luck of heaven and earth, they will be the elders of the Immortal Court, and they may have the honor to meet Daozu in the future.

For a while, there were cheers below.

A strange color flashed across the eyes of Dong Wanggong at the top, but his face was very tangled.

On the contrary, the Queen Mother of the West next to her, hearing that the luck of merit was falling, her eyes lit up slightly.

Daozu once said in Zixiao Palace that there are ways to become a saint by beheading the three corpses, and there is also the way to become a saint by merit. The Queen Mother of the West naturally understands the importance of merit.

Seeing the excited crowd, Dong Wanggong quickly stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said helplessly: "The Emperor Jun and Taiyi established the Demon Court, and we established the Immortal Court. I am afraid that they will be unhappy, which is not my wish."

"Brother, this is wrong!"

Pan Wang, who was standing next to him, was immediately unhappy and took the lead to say: "Brother is the head of the male immortals appointed by the Taoist Ancestor. What are Emperor Jun and Taiyi? How can they be compared with brother?"

"That's right! Do Emperor Jun and Taiyi dare to disobey the Taoist Ancestor?"

"Brother Dong Wang Dao leads all the immortals, and Emperor Jun and Taiyi are also among them."

The people below heard the words and immediately echoed loudly.

Although Emperor Jun and Taiyi are amazing and hold the Chaos Bell, the innate treasure, so what?

The Taoist Ancestor Zixiao Palace has sent several innate treasures. What can the two demon kings compare with?

Seeing the scene in front of him, Pan Wang strode out and shouted loudly: "Please establish the Immortal Court and rule the immortals of heaven and earth!"

"Establish the Immortal Court and rule the immortals of heaven and earth!"

Everyone shouted loudly, and the sound shook the whole field and echoed over the entire Penglai Immortal Island.

Dong Wanggong, who stood up, was extremely surprised. He didn't expect that his reputation was so great. Perhaps he underestimated the prestige of Daozu.

Penglai is a famous immortal island in the East, and there are many creatures in the East China Sea.

When the witch clan was raging in the prehistoric land, many monsters also came to avoid the chaos.

The entire Penglai Immortal Island, together with the creatures of many affiliated islands around it, is also not a small number.

Now that a group of innate sacreds have joined, Penglai Immortal Island is also a big force in the prehistoric world.

Dong Wanggong, who was excited, turned and looked at the Queen Mother of the West beside him.

The other party was the head of the female immortals appointed by Daozu, and the establishment of the Immortal Court was indispensable to the consent of the Queen Mother of the West.

"Since it is the general trend, the Immortal Court should be established!" Meeting the gaze of the Eastern King, the Queen Mother of the West nodded slightly.

She had no intention of fighting in the prehistoric world, but no one could ignore merit and luck.

Hearing this, the Eastern King was instantly overjoyed, but nothing could be seen on his face.

Turning around, he glanced at the figures of Pan Wang and others, and then his expression became solemn.

"I, the Eastern King, am not talented, but I was appointed as the head of the male immortals by the Taoist Ancestor. Every time I think of it, I am extremely terrified.

Now the prehistoric world is in chaos, and all races are suffering. I should stand up and pacify the world. Now I will establish the Immortal Court on Penglai Island, and I hope that the Heavenly Dao will see it!"

The sonorous words of the Eastern King echoed on the Eastern Penglai Island and quickly expanded towards the East China Sea.

Without the blessing of the innate treasure, the voice of the Eastern King failed to spread throughout the prehistoric world, but it also covered the entire East China Sea.

As soon as the words fell, there was a buzzing sound from the heaven and earth, and merits fell from the sky.


Seeing the golden merits falling, Dong Wanggong breathed a sigh of relief.

Pan Wang and others in the field cheered loudly.

Daozu has united himself with the Tao, and now the heaven and earth have responded, and merits have fallen, which means that the Immortal Court has been recognized by Daozu.

The three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace who were a little nervous also cheered thoroughly at this moment.

In the prehistoric world, Daozu's approval is absolute orthodoxy.

A large group of golden merits fell, split into two, and sank into the bodies of Dong Wanggong and Xi Wangmu.

In almost an instant, a strong aura surged from the body of the Eastern King, and then everyone saw a figure with the same appearance as him striding out.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist!" The Taoist cupped his hands and congratulated the Eastern King loudly.

Looking at the Taoist who looked exactly like him, the Eastern King was overjoyed.

With the help of the merits of heaven and earth, the Eastern King cut off his own corpse.

He cupped his hands and quickly responded: "You and I are one, why should we be so polite."

But the expression on his face fully revealed the joy in the heart of the Eastern King.

In the early stage of Quasi-Saint, he successfully broke through the realm of Daluo Jinxian with the merits of Li Xianting.

After the three lectures in Zixiao Palace, only Laozi, the head of the Three Pure Ones, cut off a corpse on the spot, and many of the rest were still at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Among the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, he had already reached the forefront.

The Taoist smiled slightly, said no more, and stepped out into the body of the Eastern King.

At the same time, Dong Wanggong clearly felt that there was a gathering of luck between heaven and earth, covering him.

"Hahaha" Dong Wanggong couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Merit is indeed the most precious thing in the world.

The Queen Mother of the West next to him also had a happy look on her face. Although the merits she had lost were far less than Dong Wanggong, she still gained a lot.

The shocked people came to their senses and were extremely excited.

With the approval of the Taoist Ancestor, so many merits were given, and a corpse was successfully cut off. It was indeed the destiny.

"Meet the Immortal Emperor!" Pan Wang stepped out, happy to express his joy!

He and Dong Wanggong have always been good friends, and he has invested in Penglai Fairy Island early. Now that the Fairy Court has been established, he is the third person in the Fairy Court.

The excited many immortals of Penglai Island also came forward to congratulate.

"Meet the Immortal Emperor!"

The sound shook the four fields, the Xuanhuang Qi fell from the nine days, and the rich luck golden dragon roared out, roaring in the sky, and then plunged into Penglai Fairy Island.

Almost instantly, all the innate saints in the field felt the convergence of luck between heaven and earth.

In an instant, their minds became clear, and they had a clearer idea of ​​the future.

How could such substantial benefits not make everyone happy?

With the deafening sound, Dong Wanggong was full of vigor and ambition.

He swept everyone in the field and ordered loudly: "The establishment of the Immortal Court should be celebrated by all the spirits in the East China Sea!"

The ancestor witch was raging in the prehistoric land, and the demon race was in its heyday. Dong Wanggong planned to watch the fire from the other side of the river.

Although he had confidence in the Immortal Court, he was still afraid of the power of the ancestor witch and Donghuang Taiyi who held the innate treasure.

Penglai Fairy Island was far away in the East China Sea, and there was just enough time to integrate the forces of the East China Sea.

As Dong Wanggong's words fell, a group of plant and wood elves came out with various spiritual fruits and fine wines in their hands.

And on the sea in the distance, figures came quickly.

A huge figure broke out from under the sea. It was a dragon clan warrior. They flew on the clouds and headed straight for Penglai Fairy Island.

It didn't take long for the already bustling fairy island to be filled with people and joy.

In the thirty-third heaven of the prehistoric starry sky, the Sun Palace.

Di Jun listened to Bai Ze's report beside him with doubt in his eyes.

After returning from Zixiao Palace, he immediately asked about the situation of the witch clan.

But to his surprise, the ancestor witches had not made any moves in the past few thousand years, and all of them were meditating in the Pangu Temple.

Frowning, Di Jun asked again: "Is there anything strange about the stone man in Buzhou Mountain?"

The matter of Fuxi must not be revealed, and the many demon saints captured by Tianyuan must also be rescued.

The three lectures in Zixiao Palace have ended, and it's time to find the stone man to settle the cause and effect.

"I've never seen Buzhou Mountain!" Bai Ze shook his head.

He once sent the demon clan to Buzhou Mountain, but the other party was elusive.

The power of Mount Buzhou is increasing day by day. Ordinary demons cannot go deep into it and have not found any information about Tianyuan.

At this moment, a powerful wave rose from the depths of the Sun Palace, and Di Jun stood up immediately.

Looking at the surging golden flames of the sun in the distance, Di Jun shouted: "Good, good, good!"

Taiyi, it is the breath of his second brother Taiyi.

Taiyi has just returned to the prehistoric world, and he has actually broken through.

"The power of the East Emperor is unparalleled, which is a blessing for the demon court!" Bai Ze cupped his hands, his face full of joy.

The demon master Kunpeng, who was waiting on the side, was shocked, with joy in his eyes and a hint of solemnity.

Under the gaze of several people, a domineering figure strode in from the depths of the Sun Palace, and Di Jun immediately greeted him.

"Congratulations to my second brother for killing a corpse and entering the ranks of quasi-saints!" Feeling the sharp fluctuations on Taiyi, Di Jun was very happy.

Taiyi smiled upon hearing this, but he whispered, "Brother, don't fall behind in your cultivation."

The two brothers were in charge of the Demon Court, and he was almost always in meditation. Dijun was in charge of the affairs of the Demon Court.

Donghuang Taiyi believed that as long as Dijun calmed down and practiced, he would be able to break through soon.

Dijun laughed and was about to speak, but he was shocked and immediately turned his head to look towards the East China Sea.

Taiyi, who was originally smiling, had a cold look, and there was a trace of murderous aura.

"Good Dong Wanggong, you really want to die!" Dijun looked up at the top of the Demon Court, his face a little gloomy.

Just now, he inexplicably felt that some of the luck of the Demon Court was lost.

This was something that had never happened since they established the Demon Court.

After a little sense, the two of them knew about the East China Sea.

The Dong Wanggong was named the head of the male immortals, and they were too lazy to care about it. Now he actually wanted to establish the Immortal Court.

"Brother, you are in the palace, I will go there!" Donghuang Taiyi closed his eyes slightly, and spoke calmly, as if he didn't take Dongwanggong seriously at all.

Breaking into the ranks of quasi-saints, the power of the Chaos Bell increased greatly!

"Good!" Di Jun thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Taiyi broke through, and he, who commanded the demon court, also had to kill a corpse as soon as possible.

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