Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 12 The Witch Clan's Mission

After unblocking the two earth veins, Mount Buzhou looked even more majestic and vast.

Tianyuan, holding the Wu Clan, plunged into the mountain and came to the consciousness space.

In a vein that had not yet been purified, Tianyuan threw the Wu Clan on the ground.

The Wu Clan was burly, three feet tall. Except for the extra giant arm on the chest, it was still roughly human.

However, after a closer look, Tianyuan also found many strange places.

There were fine scales on the cheeks, with a green and red hue, and the soles of the feet were round, each with ten fingers, and the instep was covered with earthy yellow hair.

Although the Wu Clan was a tribe, they looked strange. Even if they were from the same tribe, the father and son had their own appearance.

Tianyuan shot out a magic power in his hand, and the Wu lying on the ground moved slightly.

Wu Tie, who woke up faintly, naturally raised his hand to touch the back of his head, but just as he raised his arm, his movement froze.

In his sight, he saw the hateful stone man, and thought of the scene just now.

He, a member of the Wu clan, was knocked unconscious and taken away by this stone man, and in front of all the people.


With an angry roar, Wu Tie shot up and raised his hand to punch fiercely.

Tianyuan was not surprised at all.

The Wu clan is not like those demon clans. They do not respect heaven and earth, and they will not respect you as a senior just because you are a high-level Taoist.

It is not so easy to make them surrender and comb the earth veins obediently.

The Wu clan is extremely simple, respects Pangu, and is keen on fighting.

I believe that defeating them in the physical strength that they are proud of will definitely make these guys more obedient.

Facing Wu Tie who was angry, Tianyuan did not move, but straightened his chest.

His physical body is not weak, he is still in the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and this guy is only in the late stage of Jinxian, which is far worse than him.

He also ate a lot of natural materials and treasures on Mount Buzhou.

It is a good opportunity to try how strong his physical body is.

Tian Yuan's contempt made Wu Tie in front of him furious, and there seemed to be flames in his eyes.

"Roar!" The roar shook the sky, and there was a surge of murderous energy, gathering on his fist.

Tian Yuan, who was standing still, narrowed his eyes and looked at the back of Wu Tie in shock.

There was a very small piece of miscellaneous stone there, which actually trembled slightly under Wu Tie's roar just now.

For so many years, he had also dredged and purified the earth veins, so he was naturally familiar with these miscellaneous stones.

There was no other way except to shake it with will. Now Wu Tie, who was in the late stage of the Golden Immortal, just roared and made the miscellaneous stone tremble.


Tian Yuan took a deep breath, and his eyes were shining.

The sound could shake the miscellaneous stones. Does this mean that they can directly remove impurities in the earth veins, and even have miraculous effects?

The mission of the Wu clan is really to comb the earth veins. Tian Yuan is very much looking forward to it.

Buzhou Mountain is his greatest reliance. If so, it means that the time to dredge the earth veins will be greatly reduced.

Tianyuan was excited, and Wu Tie, who was coming towards him, was already furious.

This abominable stone man not only despised it, but also lost his mind and didn't take him seriously at all.

On the huge fist, the muscles were like a dragon, and the murderous aura on it was also thicker.


With a dull sound, Tianyuan's body shook slightly, and a smile climbed on his honest face.

The opponent's full-strength attack didn't shake him, and even didn't knock off a bit of gravel.

This witch was still a little weak. He should have caught a guy in the Taiyi Jinxian realm.

He remembered that there seemed to be a Taiyi realm witch in that small tribe.

Tianyuan was thinking in his heart, and Wu Tie in front of him was dumbfounded.

Although he was only in the late Jinxian, the monsters in the Jinxian realm were not his opponents at all. Even the monsters in the Taiyi realm didn't dare to withstand his full-strength punch.

In the prehistoric land, no one could compare to their witches in terms of physical strength.

Now, this ordinary stone man, not to mention that he took a punch, was still motionless.

Wu Tie looked at Tianyuan's chest, where there was still a murderous aura, he really didn't hold back.

How could this happen?

What happened in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Just when Wu Tie was at a loss, the stone man in front of him flashed and rushed to the side.

Wu Tie was stunned, and was overjoyed in his heart. This stone man must not be as calm as he seemed.

His punch could break mountains and rivers, and break stars. The other party couldn't be unharmed.

The stone man must have been injured, but he used unknown means to cover it up.

In the tribe, his brain has always been good, it must be like this.

Thinking of this, Wu Tie roared, stepped towards the stone man, and punched him hard again.


This punch missed, and the hateful stone man dodged.

Haha, there is indeed something fishy, ​​this guy may be strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Damn stone man, when I capture you, I will smash your body into pieces and keep your head as a bench.

Wu Tie was a little excited, he knew that no one in the prehistoric land could have a body better than their Wu clan.

The excited Wu Tie did not notice that his missed punch just happened to smash a piece of gray miscellaneous stone.

The miscellaneous stone shattered in the field and turned into a gray airflow attached to his fist.

Tian Yuan, who fell next to him, had a bright light in his eyes.

He avoided this attack just to see if Wu Tie's attack would work on these foreign objects.

The result in front of him was completely beyond his imagination.

The rocks were easily shattered, and did not disappear in the gray light, but were directly absorbed by Wu Tie.

This undoubtedly further confirmed his guess that the mission of the Wu Clan was to sort out the prehistoric earth veins.

The earth veins are the meridians and blood vessels of the prehistoric world, and the Wu Clan is the immune cells in the blood, disinfecting all alien species.

Looking at Wu Tie running up, Tian Yuan dodged again, and a piece of rock behind him was easily smashed again.

"Hahaha" Tian Yuan felt comfortable and couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

He was in a good mood, very good, and even the Wu Clan felt cute.

After being avoided twice, coupled with Tian Yuan's unscrupulous smile, Wu Tie guessed that he might be wrong.

This stone man is teasing him!

He is a dignified Wu Clan, but he is treated as a clown?

Wu Tie gnashed his teeth, and there was a rolling murderous aura in his seven orifices.

With no way to vent his anger, only Wu Tie's earth-shaking roar remained in the earth veins.

Except for the punch at the beginning, he never hit the opponent again. Although his figure was as burly as his, he was as agile as a monkey.

Tianyuan dodged repeatedly, and almost no rocks could withstand Wu Tie's punch.

Finally, a strange stone with ten suction cups attached did not break under Wu Tie's blow.

Tianyuan strode forward and found that many suction cups on it were shaking slightly, and it was obvious that they were loose.

After catching Wu Tie's punch again, Tianyuan threw it away.

He was very happy!

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