Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 32: Capturing the Great Wizard Hou Yi

On Mount Buzhou, Hou Yi and Kua Fu looked up at the Pillar of Heaven.

The vast and monstrous power rolled in, and the two of them looked respectful, but their expressions were mixed with a little weirdness.

After a long time, its power faded and Buzhou Mountain stopped growing.

"Brother, what's going on?" Kuafu looked away and looked at Hou Yi next to him in confusion.

Buzhou Mountain represents the will of God the Father, and it is too late for them to be happy about such a scene.

But in just a few short years, Buzhou Mountain has continued to explode, and its aura has become thicker and richer.

Coupled with the strangeness of the previous thousands of years, Kuafu vaguely remembered that Buzhou Mountain had shaken more than thirty times.

Earlier, everyone thought it was a sign of the great rise of the Wu clan, but now that the Stone Man incident has emerged, it is definitely not that simple.

In fact, Kuafu had a conjecture in his mind, but he was not comfortable saying that conjecture.

Hou Yi did not reply, but shook his head, and a figure also flashed in his mind.

That abominable stone man!

In the past five years, they have been searching for the place where the stone man disappeared, but they have not found any clues.

As for the captured shamans, no traces were seen.

On the contrary, Buzhou Mountain, which stands between heaven and earth, often has shocking phenomena.

After glancing at the many clansmen kneeling at the foot of the mountain, Hou Yi said solemnly: "This matter should be reported to the Ming Zusha!"

The stone man kidnapped millions of tribesmen and had some inexplicable connection with Buzhou Mountain. Things were a bit beyond their capabilities.

Kuafu's expression was strange, and he responded in a deep voice: "The ancestral witch left for Chaos, and I don't know when he will come back."

The Zixiao Palace was in chaos, with wind, water, fire, and thunder in the middle, and they were nowhere to be found.

Moreover, the time of return is unknown, and the Stone Man does not know how many tribesmen will be captured by then.

"Di Jiang and several other adults have returned and are currently meditating in the temple." Hou Yi looked at Kuafu with a somewhat helpless look on his face.

Hou Tu did not come back, otherwise they would not have stayed in Buzhou Mountain for so many years.

Although the various tribes of the Wu Clan are of the same origin, there is also competition among the ancestral witches, and the tribes are no exception.

If it's really a difficult matter, it's just a stone man who has just entered Daluo Jinxian.

If this incident spreads to other ancestral witch tribes, it will not only weaken the face of Houtu ancestral witch, but they will also lose face.

Two Daluo Jinxian, how can they still defeat a stone man?

Kuafu was stunned for a moment and asked a little strangely: "Houtu Zuwu didn't come back?"

Hou Yi nodded and continued: "Go to the temple and report to the ancestral witches. I'll be waiting at the foot of Buzhou Mountain."

The stone man completely lost his trace, and he could only wait at the foot of the mountain.


Kuafu didn't object. His speed couldn't catch up with the stone man, so it was useless to stay.

As for the matter of the twelve ancestral witches, it was not something they could discuss.

The two of them didn't say another word, and within a moment they had arrived at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Just as the two were about to separate, a refreshing laughter came from Buzhou Mountain behind them.

"Hi! You are all here!"

Tianyuan emerged from Buzhou Mountain and looked at the two great witches, one big and one small, with an excited look on his face.

After groping in Buzhou Mountain's consciousness space for more than five years, I originally thought I would have to spend some time looking for them after I came out, but I didn't expect that they were still waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Now that his injuries are all healed and he has entered the middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal, it is really a great opportunity.

Hou Yi and Kua Fu are both very good goals, whether they are used to clear the earth's veins or manifest the Three Thousand Laws.

The great witch Kuafu, the legendary law of power.

Houyi Space and Lei fellow cultivators, but the Law of Thunder is slightly weaker. Even if they cannot be manifested at the same time, there are still laws of space.

The law of space + the law of force, combined with the powerful body, is definitely a nightmare for fellow Taoists.

Hou Yi and Kua Fu turned around sharply, their eyes filled with blazing anger.

Only this time, neither of the two great witches rushed forward in a hurry. It was obvious that once Tian Yuan escaped, they would have no way of detecting him.

"Where are you from? Why are you arresting my people?" Hou Yi asked in a deep voice.

We have seen a lot of alien species in the ancient world, but it is rare to find one as strange as Tianyuan. What made Hou Yi unable to move the most was the relationship between the other party and Buzhou Shan.

Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain is the embodiment of Father God's will, and the one who favors him must be his witch clan.

Tian Yuan, a famous witch from ancient times, would naturally not be as rude to other witches. He chuckled and said, "Just call me Tianyuan. As for those witches, you will see them later."

It may be difficult for ordinary demon clans in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian to capture Hou Yi and the others, but he is different.

After saying that, Tianyuan leaped down and punched towards the tall Kuafu.


Kuafu was speechless. He let out a roar to express the anger in his heart, and swept the huge wooden stick in his hand into the air.

Hou Yi's hand movements were not slow, and with a brush sound, a faint light flashed through.

They didn't want to take action rashly, but Tianyuan took the initiative to attack, so there was no reason not to fight back.

Tian Yuan fell from the air and knocked away Hou Yi's arrow, then punched Kua Fu's wooden staff.


There was a dull sound, and the wooden staff bounced back in the broken void.

Kuafu, who was rushing towards him, was shaken, and the remaining force caused him to retreat continuously.

With a loud rumble, his right leg stepped on a peak tens of thousands of feet, and he stopped his retreat.

"Middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal!" Two people shouted in surprise.

Hou Yi's face was sullen and his expression was extremely solemn.

Kuafu, who was holding the wooden stick tightly, his eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face.

It has only been a long time since Tianyuan broke through to Daluo Jinxian. It has been less than a thousand years, but he has broken through again.

It has been ten thousand years since he entered the Golden Immortal Realm, but there is still no sign of breakthrough. How did Tianyuan do it?

Tianyuan laughed loudly, paused in the air, and pounced on Houyi who was close at hand.

Compared with Kuafu, Houyi mastered the laws of space, and it was much more difficult to catch him. Timing was very important.

Seeing the stone man coming towards him, Houyi rushed out with many arrows and flew forward.

So what if he was in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm? The great witch was still fearless!

Tianyuan was slightly happy when he saw this, as he expected.

These great witches were arrogant and proud. Even if they knew that he had broken through, they would not escape immediately.

Houyi's figure and his arrows arrived almost at the same time, and Tianyuan's huge fist came forward and covered half of his body.

In front of the giant Kuafu, he was just a little guy, but in front of Houyi, he was much more burly.


The silver light bloomed with dazzling khaki, Tianyuan's figure retreated slightly in the air, but Houyi was thrown out.

With a body comparable to that of a great witch, the advantage of the realm was immediately reflected.

"How could it be so?" Houyi's eyes were full of doubts.

This stone man was really in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and his aura was still very steady, not like he had just broken through.

But in the next second, Houyi's face changed drastically, his body shook slightly, and the space around him was broken.

When he was about to escape into the void, a yellow dust emerged and instantly enveloped him, and the silver light was no longer seen.

That top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

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