Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 34: The Law of Force and the Manifestation of the Law of Space

In a familiar space, Tianyuan stood on the sacred mountain.

He swept his eyes over the many veins below and flashed to a branch with the most witches.

In the flowing golden rays of light, there were rumbling sounds one after another.

When Tianyuan appeared, the figures that were running wildly around suddenly stopped, and their breathing became heavy.

Wu Man in the crowd not far away also had a sullen face, with uncontrollable anger on his face.

Every time Tianyuan captured a witch, he asked him to explain. At the beginning, it was okay, and the tribesmen who appeared were not as high as his realm.

But in the later period, there were tribesmen in the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and even Taiyi Jinxian Perfection.

They all vented their rage on him, and each time they were beaten black and blue.

This made Wu Man very angry. There were so many witches around, why did he choose him.

After clearing several branches, his strength has greatly increased, so naturally he has some small thoughts.

He just felt helpless when he thought that Tianyuan could even capture a tribesman with Taiyi Jinxian Perfection.

However, when he looked around, Wu Man felt a slight warmth in his heart.

There are several peak Taiyi Jinxian here, maybe they can rush forward together.

Although they have gained a lot of benefits in this space, the pride of the Wu clan will not allow them to lose to a stone man.

Glancing at the people in the distance, Wu Man knew that they also had this plan.

Wu Man and his people did not say anything, but many witches who saw it from a distance roared.

"Stone man!"

"That damn stone man appeared!"

Most witches only knew that they were captured by a stone man after they came here.

For this stone man who had never met before, they hated him so much that their teeth itched.

Now that they saw the stone man appear in the earth veins, they roared angrily and rushed over one by one.

They could lose their lives, but they could not lose the dignity of being descendants of Pangu.

Some witches in the distance heard the movement and rushed over.

Seeing that there were many witches rushing up, Tian Yuan didn't care and just opened his mouth and spit out lightly.

Yellow dust emerged, there was an angry roar, and then a huge figure fell out, shrouded in a faint golden glow.

"Kuai Kuafu!"

All the witches, including Wu Man, were stunned, staring at the burly giant in front of them.

Kuafu was a famous witch in the tribe, an existence they looked up to.

Now even Kuafu was captured by the stone man?

The witch Kuafu was a golden immortal.

The angry and roaring Kuafu was also shocked by the surrounding scene.

It was not the golden spiritual energy flowing around, but the surging blood and qi, which were the tribesmen of the tribe.

"It was those tribesmen who were captured!"

A cold voice sounded, and Houyi walked out of Kuafu's shadow and landed on his shoulder.

The many tribesmen who were already shocked were completely stunned.

Not only Kuafu, but also the great wizard Houyi was captured by the stone man.

Wu Man and others opened their mouths wide and looked at the stone man in the middle, forgetting to greet the two great wizards.


With a huge sound, a wooden stick a hundred feet long was thrown to the ground by Tianyuan.

The slight vibration woke Wu Man and others up, and they hurried forward.

"Meet Lord Kuafu (Houyi)!"

Kuafu waved his hand slightly irritably and looked at Tianyuan.

Houyi didn't say anything, but there was a strange color in his eyes, and he was obviously not as calm as he looked.

There were many great wizards in the Houtu tribe, but the two of them were the leaders and didn't want to be captured by a stone man at the same time.

They could see the astonishment in the eyes of the people around them clearly.

Although the tribesmen captured by Tianyuan were fine, it did not reduce the anger towards Tianyuan in their hearts, especially Houyi.

If it weren't for the other party's strange magic weapon, why was he captured?

Meeting the gazes of Kuafu and Houyi, Tianyuan said softly: "The remaining wizards are in another vein."

Tianyuan looked at the two calmly, but a trace of his mind was on the two stone men in another vein.

The moment he threw Kuafu and Houyi out, the two stone men froze, and a strong law emerged around them.

The law of space, and the familiar law of force.

The two stone men, which were originally yellow-brown, began to flash with silver and white light.

As the realm continued to improve, the skin color of the stone men was gradually turning into silver and white.

I don't know how the pure law of force and the law of space will be against Kuafu and Houyi.

Houyi and Kuafu didn't speak, and looked around frequently.

Just attracted by many tribesmen, they found that the surroundings were abnormal.

Standing in this flowing golden aura, they actually felt warm and very comfortable.

In the flowing aura, there seemed to be an inexplicable energy pouring into their bodies.

That feeling was just like the one that was conceived in Pangu Temple.

This thought flashed through Kuafu's mind, and he immediately turned his head to look at Houyi on his shoulder, but he happened to look at him as well.

From Houyi's eyes, Kuafu saw the same shock as his.

Looking at each other, they couldn't hide their shock, and when they looked into the distance, they were shocked again.

Through the flowing golden aura, a sacred mountain surrounded by Xuanhuang aura stood in the distance.

Although they were so far apart, he could still feel the strong will of the Father God.

Buzhou Mountain?

What on earth is this place?

Tian Yuan did not speak again, just quietly waiting.

The great witches are not ordinary witches, they are not so easy to fool. It is not so easy to get them to dredge the earth veins obediently, and the two stone men are the breakthrough point.

The manifestation of the laws of space and force also takes time.

The two great witches did not move, and the witches around them did not dare to act on their own, and squatted on the side with their heads down.

The field became quiet, and Hou Yi strode out after a long time, saying indifferently: "The battle just now was not enough!"

The indifferent words showed Hou Yi's unwillingness.

If there was no help from the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, even if Tian Yuan was one level higher, he would still be fearless.

Kuafu snorted heavily, and his face was also full of surprise.

He had nothing to say when he was captured by the magic weapon, but he was still unwilling to accept it.

Tian Yuan naturally understood what they were thinking, stretched out his two big palms, and patted them lightly.

Under the shocked gaze of Houyi and a group of witches, two stone men, one white and one silver, slowly rose from the ground.

"The law of force? Impossible!!!"

"How is it possible???"

The stone men had just revealed half of themselves when two surprised voices were heard.

Houyi and Kuafu could no longer remain calm, their faces full of horror.

"These two are my younger brothers. If you want to spar with me, please do as you please." Tianyuan slightly extended his hand to signal.

As if in response to Tianyuan, the white stone man roared, his figure grew taller in the wind, and in an instant he was no different from Kuafu.

The domineering law of force rushed towards him, and Kuafu's eyes widened as big as ten copper bells!

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