Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 43 Young man, are you confused?

"Damn it! How come there are no traces?"

Gonggong's face was solemn, with doubts in his eyes.

He put away the body of the ancestral witch and also restrained his own momentum.

After searching on Buzhou Mountain for so many years, I still found nothing.

Kuafu and the many shamans should have died. There is no problem in Buzhou Mountain hiding these clansmen, but it is impossible not to have any breath.

Glancing at the green python coiled on his shoulder, he hesitated for a moment and hissed continuously.

It was still the same as before, surrounded by the aura of stone people.

He had asked several times, but all he got was this result. Gonggong was very upset.

The witch clan is a group of violent people, and the ancestral witches who have absorbed Kaitian's turbid energy are even worse.

If the lives of tens of millions of tribesmen were not at stake, it would be impossible for him to search in Buzhou Mountain with peace of mind.

Feeling the owner's anger, the green python lowered its head with confusion in its eyes.

It is a companion of the ancestral witches, stained with traces of Pangu's essence and blood, and is an unusual species from ancient times.

There is nothing wrong with having magical powers, so why is this so?


Gonggong, who was looking around, frowned and looked towards the bottom of Mount Buzhou.

Xingtian's breath.

Didn't you let this guy go back? Why did you look for him?

Gonggong, who was agitated and had nowhere to vent his anger, strode toward the foot of the mountain.

Just as he stepped out, his expression changed slightly and he quickly speeded up.

If he didn't hide his aura, the wizard could still sense it within a certain distance.

Now that he has put away his body as a great witch and is still here on Mount Buzhou, it is impossible for Xing Tian to know that he is here.

Moreover, Xingtian's fluctuations were strong and weak, erratic, as if separated by endless space.


Gonggong had just approached the foot of the mountain when he saw a figure emerging from the soil below, heading towards Mount Buzhou.

stone man! It was the stone man he had been looking for for so many years!

On the stone man's chest, Gonggong felt Xing Tian's somewhat unpredictable aura.

This stone man actually captured Xing Tian.


With a roar that shook the sky, Gonggong appeared directly as the body of the ancestral shaman, and surged down with the overwhelming evil energy.

The green python wrapped around his shoulders also hissed constantly, with a fierce light in his eyes.

Tian Yuan, whose face was full of joy, heard a sudden explosion in his ears, and then a huge figure fell above his head.

Shocked in his heart, he immediately looked up.

The man with the head of a python, covered in black scales, with black dragons on his feet and green pythons wrapped around his hands, is Gonggong, the ancestral witch, the violent guy who broke Mount Buzhou.

Gonggong actually came to Buzhou Mountain. It seems that the ancestral witch already knew about the Houtu tribe.

The powerful evil energy coming towards his face was far beyond the comparison of the great witch, and the ancestral witch was truly invincible.

With a slight surprise, he sped up and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

The distance of ten feet, as long as it falls on Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral witch can only look away and sigh.

However, just as his thoughts changed, Tian Yuan's expression changed slightly.

The space around him became thicker, and his falling speed became slower and slower until he stopped in the air.

Tian Yuan was startled and quickly activated the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth in his body.

There is no law of fluctuation, it is the pure suppression of the surrounding space by the body of the ancestral witch.


Tianyuan took a deep breath, unable to hide the look of shock in his eyes.

I was already quite afraid of the ancestral witches, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated them.

Tian Yuan seriously doubted that under such a powerful momentum, ordinary Daluo Jinxian demon clan might not be directly crushed to death.

The pure physical strength can suppress the whole world. The fighting power of the ancestral witch must be so abnormal.

The strong rays of light flickered, and Tianyuan used all his strength to activate the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil in his body.

After doing this, he did not move, and his mind sank.

"Hmph! It's a bit extraordinary!" Seeing that the stone man could still resist, Gonggong was a little surprised.

The body of the ancestral witch is stronger than all the spiritual treasures in the world, and ordinary monsters are simply unable to face his power.

No wonder this stone man can capture many great witches, but he has some skills.

However, it is not enough to break free from the restraints. The power of the ancestral witch is still not something that any demon clan can withstand.

Without any unnecessary movement, Gonggong stepped towards the stone man in front of him.

The green python swam down from the shoulder and also bit the stone man who was still in the air.

This hateful guy made it suspicious of its owner.

"Huh?" Gonggong's big feet weren't even close yet, so he looked around in surprise.

Inexplicably, he felt the Buzhou Mountain beneath him tremble slightly, and a faint consciousness came out, which was the breath of God the Father.

Before Gong Gong could examine it carefully, he noticed that wills were gathering underneath him and shrouding the stone man.


Gonggong's pupils shrank sharply and he looked down in horror.

The stone man, the abominable stone man just disappeared out of thin air.


His fallen body stepped heavily on Buzhou Mountain, and in the swirling dust, there was no trace of the stone man.

The angry green python also fell to the ground and looked around blankly.

Under the body of the ancestral witch, are there any living creatures that can escape? The green python is puzzled!

"How could this happen?" Gonggong had a sullen face and looked up at the towering Mount Buzhou in front of him.

The stone man was obviously imprisoned by him, but he was rescued by Buzhoushan.

Buzhou Mountain is transformed from the backbone of God the Father and represents the will of God the Father.

He is an ancestral witch, a work of the spirit and blood of the Father God, so why didn't Zhoushan help a stone man?

You must know that this stone man not only captured the great witch, but also captured tens of millions of people.

Why? ? ?

Gonggong roared and raged in his heart, and he could not understand it.

The green python, which had searched in vain, fled back and wrapped around Gonggong's arm, making a low hissing sound.

The stone man disappeared out of thin air, and it could not find any trace, but the other party's breath was everywhere.

At this moment, Gonggong had no time to care about the green python, but just stared at the pillar of heaven.

In the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan appeared on the sacred mountain.

"Huh! It's a close call, fortunately this time it's on Mount Buzhou."

Recalling the terrifying power just now, Tianyuan was extremely amazed.

The realm of the ancestor witch was at most the late stage of the Golden Immortal or the perfect, but that power was too domineering.

The strength of the simple flesh made him unable to resist.

The power of the ancestor witch's body was completely beyond his imagination.

If he encountered the other party in the land of the East, he would have to surrender.

Just now, he slightly mobilized the will of Mount Buzhou, which must have been sensed by Gonggong.

Although this day came a little early, Tianyuan didn't care much.

More than 40 branches have been completely dredged and evolved, and Buzhou Mountain is no longer the same as before.

He has also entered the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, and several volumes of powerful laws have been manifested here, so he has some confidence.

Tianyuan, who was thinking in his heart, slowly disappeared.

On the hillside not far from where he met Gonggong, he quietly poked his head out.

From a distance, he saw a huge body standing in the air in a daze, looking at Buzhou Mountain blankly.

Young man, you are confused!

The thought in his mind just turned around, and he immediately met a pair of eyes full of hostility.

Tianyuan disappeared on Buzhou Mountain in a flash. The ancestor witch’s soul was weak, but his perception was so amazing.

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