Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 59: Do you want to sneak attack, knock him out and take him away?


Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other. They had never heard of this strange name before.

Anyone who could cultivate to the level of Daluo Jinxian would have some reputation in the prehistoric world. Now it was too strange.

Nuwa wanted to ask about the Nine Heavens Xirang, but she thought that they had no relationship.

The key point was that the stone man had cut off her opportunity some time ago, so she didn't know how to start.

Fuxi knew what his sister was thinking. He stepped forward and said with emotion: "We brothers and sisters have been practicing in Buzhou Mountain for a long time, but we have never heard of the name of Taoist friends."

I had never heard of it before, and the divination technique had no effect. The other party seemed to have suddenly jumped out.

"I practiced hard all day long, so I was not told by outsiders." Tianyuan smiled and responded to Fuxi's gaze.

Fuxi looked gentle and elegant, and there was a feeling of spring breeze in his words.

After hearing Tianyuan's words, Fuxi did not continue to ask, but looked at the bitter bamboo in the distance.

"Daoyou has such a spiritual root, why don't you use it to refine a spiritual treasure. This kind of innate spiritual root can be tempered a little bit, and it will become a top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

He has a free and easy mind and doesn't like fighting, but with such a spiritual root in front of him, he can't help but be moved.

A top-grade innate spiritual treasure can not only be used for attack. The immortal spiritual light contained in it is also very beneficial to cultivation. Fuxi really finds it difficult to understand Tianyuan's behavior.

Nuwa next to him also has doubts on her face.

Many innate gods in the prehistoric world like to travel to Buzhou Mountain, looking for those spiritual roots.

Meeting the eyes of the two, Tianyuan looked solemn: "The spiritual root has not yet opened its wisdom, or because the time has not come. Taking its body and cutting off its way is really against the will of heaven."

There are several top-grade innate spiritual roots on Buzhou Mountain, and the remaining natural materials and treasures are countless.

If they were all taken, why did he only have Jiutian Xirang, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure?

In Tianyuan's view, whether it is the gourd vine that gave birth to spiritual intelligence, or the bitter bamboo and banana tree, they all have their value of existence, rather than being roughly refined into spiritual treasures.

Once the source is cut off, the other party's chance of transformation will be completely cut off.

Tianyuan, who has transformed into Buzhou Mountain, will never do such a thing of drying up the pond to catch fish.

Moreover, although the spiritual treasure is strong, it is ultimately an external thing, and the strength of oneself is the foundation.

Before Nuwa and Fuxi responded, a high praise came from a distance: "Good! Brother Dao's reasoning is deeply in line with my heart!"

The visitor wore a purple gold crown, with fairy spirit, three strands of beautiful beard, and a childlike face. He had no weapons in his hands, only a jade dust whisk that swung lightly in the air.

There was also a person behind him, with a rough face and wearing a fiery red Taoist robe. It was Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun who were searching for treasures on Buzhou Mountain together.

"I, Zhen Yuanzi, greet you, fellow Taoist!"

"Hong Yun greets you, fellow Taoist!"

The two fell from the sky, their eyes sparkling, especially Zhen Yuanzi.

The ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang Temple is his original body. Although it has lost its origin due to the transformation, it is still a spiritual tree. He has never thought of refining it into a spiritual treasure.

Zhen Yuanzi knows the difficulty of spiritual roots transforming into a spiritual treasure. Not only are there the shackles of heaven and earth, but more importantly, there are other creatures coveting it.

The whole body of the innate spiritual root is a treasure, and the origin and the flesh are even more coveted by countless innate sacred beings.

Tian Yuan's remarks can be said to have touched Zhen Yuanzi's heart.

There is no better confidant in life than this!

"Tian Yuan greets the two Taoists!" Seeing the two people in front of him, Tian Yuan cupped his hands, and there was also a fiery look in his eyes.

Although the Wu clan is responsible for the mission of purifying the earth veins, Zhen Yuanzi has mastered the earth book.

This kind of heaven and earth spiritual treasure is absolutely very suitable for combing the earth veins.

Hongyun cupped his hands and said, "Daoyou Tianyuan, I apologize for offending you in the matter of spiritual roots."

He was generous by nature. At first, he thought Tianyuan had taken away their opportunities. He didn't expect that the other party was so kind. Hongyun admired him very much.

If it were him, he would definitely not be able to resist this temptation.

Previously, it was the gourd vine, and now it was the bitter bamboo. This Daoyou Tianyuan was worthy of his deep friendship.

Tianyuan was stunned and couldn't help but look at Hongyun more. This Hongyun acted really free and easy.

No wonder the futon in Zixiao Palace was given away, it didn't matter.

It's a pity that Huoyun Cave was related to the fate of humanity, and finally ended up with a situation of death.

"Then I will accept the gift on behalf of the gourd baby." Tianyuan nodded.

In his heart, he was thinking, seeing that Hongyun was heartless, should he find an opportunity to sneak attack and knock him out and throw him into that space, which would be considered saving his life.

Zhen Yuanzi, who had just greeted Nuwa and Fuxi, was shocked when he heard this and asked hurriedly: "Has the gourd vine awakened its spiritual wisdom?"

Hongyun and the other three people beside him were also surprised.

When the formation was revealed, they could see clearly that the gourd vine did not seem to have spiritual wisdom.

Although everyone longed for spiritual treasures, if the spiritual roots had spiritual wisdom, it was a fellow Taoist, and they would not rashly cut off its path.

Tian Yuan glanced at a certain direction of Buzhou Mountain and did not hide it: "It will take a while to transform."

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes lit up, but he immediately turned serious and looked at Hongyun next to him.

Nuwa and Fuxi in the field looked at each other, and their expressions were also solemn.

"I don't know either!" Hongyun shook his head, and naturally understood what Zhen Yuanzi meant.

The best innate spirit is loved by heaven and earth. It is about to transform, so how could heaven and earth cut off its path?

Fuxi touched his chin, his eyes full of confusion.

Nuwa would definitely not lie to him, and Tianyuan naturally had no reason to deliberately lie. After all, the transformation of such an innate spiritual root would cause a lot of noise. Could it be that the way of heaven was manifesting.

Fuxi's eyes suddenly shrank, a flash of horror flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then turned into a deep confusion.

He took in the expressions of several people, but Tianyuan was calm.

When his eyes swept behind him, his brows frowned slightly, and his figure disappeared from the scene.

He appeared beside the bitter bamboo and punched into the void.


With a dull sound, a figure flew out and turned into a sinister middle-aged man.

The other party glared at Tianyuan fiercely, and his figure turned into a faint light and disappeared into the sky.

Hongyun saw the man and shouted loudly: "It's Kunpeng!"

Zhenyuanzi had a gloomy face. He didn't know whether Kunpeng came to find them or heard the noise just now.

However, with the other party's personality, the matter of Zixiao Palace might be difficult to resolve, but Hongyun didn't take it seriously at all.

"That Kunpeng has profound Taoism. You beat him back with just one punch. It's really amazing." Fuxi walked forward and praised loudly.

Tianyuan's physical strength is probably not inferior to that of the ancestor witch.

Tianyuan smiled and replied casually: "Your divination skills are at the pinnacle. Tianyuan also admires it."

He knew that Kunpeng would appear around him. He didn't move, so he didn't bother to pay attention. Who knew that he would try to take away the bitter bamboo? He was not polite.

Fuxi, who had a calm face, was shocked.

He was good at divination. In addition to his sister Nuwa, only the two demon kings knew it. Tianyuan also knew it.

Because he just deduced the other party, he was seen through by him?

Fuxi took a deep breath and felt that the stone man in front of him was not simple.

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