Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 63 Kunpeng is willing to be a demon master

In the Thirty-three Heavens, Emperor Jun and Taiyi stood proudly, surrounded by imperial aura.

Several figures stood below, looking up, their faces unable to hide their surprise.

The rotating golden clouds grew larger and larger, almost covering the entire Thirty-three Heavens.

After a long time, in the excited eyes of the crowd, the clouds above shook slightly.

Two huge golden dragons fell and plunged into the bodies of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

In an instant, golden light was thousands of feet high, rolling imperial aura was vented and surging, and two powerful auras surged up.

With the convergence of the luck of heaven and earth, Emperor Jun and Taiyi broke into the peak of Daluo Jinxian together.

Before everyone could exclaim, several petite dragons escaped from the rotating auspicious clouds.

Fuxi and others in the field all shrank their eyes, and then were submerged by the golden light.

Immediately, several waves rose, and without exception, everyone's face was filled with joy.

With the gathering of the luck of heaven and earth, even if there is no breakthrough for the time being, it will be easier to practice in the future.

As the luck of many people fell, the auspicious clouds above the sky slowly faded and were no longer noticed by everyone.

Fuxi and others clasped their hands and greeted respectfully: "Meet the two demon kings!"

The two women standing beside Di Jun also bowed slightly: "Xihe (Changxi) greets the two demon kings!"

"Hahaha, good, good!" Di Jun looked at the imperial aura surrounding him and laughed up to the sky.

Taiyi stood on the side, and there was also a touch of joy on his cold face.

The demon court had just been established, and there was such a great harvest, which was beyond their imagination.

Di Jun looked at the elegant Fuxi below, and he liked him more and more.

It was Fuxi's suggestion to use the power of the Chaos Bell to look down on the prehistoric tribes, but he didn't expect the effect to be so amazing.


"Master Demon King!" Hearing Di Jun's call, Fuxi stepped forward immediately.

Di Jun glanced at Nuwa who was motionless, and then a resounding voice came out: "I am the Demon King, Fuxi, Nuwa, you are also the Demon King, your status is not lower than mine."

The two of them are not weak in Taoism, and they are three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. More importantly, Fuxi is very much to his liking, and Di Jun is not a petty person.

Fuxi was slightly stunned, but did not refuse, and respectfully accepted the order: "Thank you, Demon King!"

Nuwa, who was waiting on the side, saw Fuxi's eyes and had to slowly step out: "Thank you, Demon King!"

Nuwa was also shocked by the scene just now.

Such a huge luck visible to the naked eye is really shocking.

If all that luck is absorbed, it may break the shackles of Daluo and enter a new realm.

Di Jun didn't care about Nuwa's indifference, he liked Fuxi.

Fuxi cupped his hands and proposed loudly: "Master Demon Emperor, when the Demon Court is just established, we should use thunder and lightning to shake the world, so as to gather the hearts of all the tribes in the prehistoric world."

"What does Emperor Xi propose?" Di Jun nodded.

With the approval of heaven and earth, and showing the strength of the Demon Court, all the tribes can submit.

"The three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn!" Fuxi smiled slightly, with a leisurely expression.

The upper Di Jun and Taiyi heard the words, thought about it for a while, and understood the deep meaning.

The dragon tribe controls the scales, the unicorn controls the beasts, and the phoenix controls the birds.

After the Longhan Calamity, the unicorn tribe disappeared, but the dragon tribe still controls the four seas. Although the phoenix tribe has been lonely, the prince of the phoenix tribe is still active in the prehistoric land and is one of the three thousand guests of the Zixiao Palace.

The three tribes are weak, but the remaining power is still there. Take their aura to shock all the tribes to purify the Demon Court.


Di Jun praised loudly, it was indeed his beloved Fuxi.

Outside the Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain, Kunpeng stood in the air with a gloomy face.

Ever since Hun Dun came back, he had been following Hong Yun, but he didn't expect that the other party was inseparable from Zhen Yuanzi and never came out after coming to Wuzhuang Temple.

After waiting for hundreds of years, Kunpeng gave up the idea of ​​waiting any longer.

The second lecture of Zixiao Palace was imminent, and more importantly, the luck of heaven and earth gathered in the Demon Court, which made Kunpeng feel very bad.

Looking at the Wuzhuang Temple in the distance with hatred, Kunpeng turned and fled towards Beiming.

He must break into the peak of Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible to prepare for the second lecture of Zixiao Palace.

With a faint silver light flashing around him, his figure flew rapidly in the void.

In the endless void, there was a sudden "clang" sound, the space was broken, and Kunpeng fell out in a mess.

The familiar bell sound, I just heard it, and I even experienced it myself a long time ago.

Kunpeng looked up and saw a figure standing in the air in the distance.

With a slender figure and a stern face, he exuded an aura of dominance that looked down upon the world.

The increasingly fierce aura made Kunpeng's eyes shrink slightly: "Taiyi! What do you mean?"

Kunpeng didn't have a good impression of this person.

He was the eldest son of Yuanfeng. In the early days of Longhan, he had chased and killed the son of Zulong, Dayi Tianlong, under Mount Buzhou, but was injured by Taiyi with the Chaos Bell.

The attack of the innate treasure made him use the cold of ten thousand years of black ice in the North Sea to heal himself, so that he missed the last meeting with Yuanfeng.

"The Demon Court is newly established. You are the former prince of the Phoenix Clan. You can be a demon master!" Taiyi's eyes were half closed, and there was no doubt in his words.

Kunpeng frowned when he heard the words. He knew Taiyi's deep meaning in his heart and took him in to rule the prehistoric birds.

Kunpeng was furious when the cushion of Zixiao Palace was stolen. He was also punched by the stone man on Buzhou Mountain. Taiyi had hurt him before, so he would never agree.

"Kunpeng has no interest in the disputes in the prehistoric world. Goodbye!"

After saying that, Kunpeng turned and left.

The witch clan was fighting for hegemony in the prehistoric world. Dijun and Taiyi established the demon court. The chaos in the prehistoric world had already happened. He didn't want to wade into the muddy water.


A bell sounded louder than before, and Kunpeng stood in the air with a sullen face.

"Taiyi! Don't go too far!" Kunpeng gritted his teeth.

If the other party hadn't been in charge of the Chaos Clock, he, Kunpeng, would have taken action long ago.

Tai Yi stood silently in the air without saying a word. The five-colored light shining on the Chaos Bell hanging above his head, the Holy Power of Chaos rolled out.

"Okay, okay! I, Kunpeng, will learn the power of this innate treasure of yours today!" After all, he was also a three thousand guest of Zixiao Palace, and Taiyi really didn't give him face.

With a loud roar, Kunpeng flew away and turned into a huge divine bird that covered the sky and the sun.

Yin and Yang polar energy surrounded his body, and Kunpeng could only see the rotating chaos clock.

Taiyi did not move, but raised his eyes slightly, followed by a loud sound of bells.

The yin and yang polar energy burst into pieces, Kunpeng let out a scream, and fell directly towards the ancient land.

Before he could stabilize his figure, another bell sounded in the air.

The physical body cracked, the soul trembled, and Kunpeng was horrified in his heart. "Stop! Stop! Kunpeng wants to be a demon master!"

The Chaos Bell suppressed time and space, and even with his extreme speed, he was seriously injured by the sound of two bells before he even had time to expand.

The innate treasure is truly terrifying!

"Good!" Taiyi responded silently.

Not afraid that Kunpeng would regret it, he got up and went straight to the Demon Court.

At the same time, above the sky, a long golden dragon poured down and sank into Kunpeng's body.

Luck gathered, and the injuries in his body healed in a blink of an eye. Kunpeng didn't look happy, but his face became even more ugly.

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