Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 67 Have you ever told fortunes for yourself?

Father Mountain? ? ? ?

Fuxi and Nuwa stood there in a daze. What was the relationship?

The gourd vine was a top-grade innate spiritual root. After it was transformed, it became an innate sacred. What kind of existence was enough for the other party to call it the father mountain?

After a little contemplation, the two looked at each other suddenly, and a trace of horror flashed across their eyes.

Chaos Demon God!

Only the Chaos Demon God could be called so by the innate sacred.

When they turned their heads and looked at Tianyuan, Fuxi and Nuwa frowned deeply again.

Countless eons had passed since Pangu opened the sky. The Chaos Demon God must have more than the current Taoism.

Perhaps Tianyuan just practiced for a long time and guarded these spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, so it was reasonable to call him so.

However, in the eyes of the two, the Mount Buzhou under them was more suitable for this title.

The thought flashed through their minds, and the two immediately denied this speculation. Mount Buzhou stood on the ground, carrying all things in the prehistoric world, and there was no possibility of transformation.

Besides, if Mount Buzhou transformed, how could they not know?

Frowning, Nuwa was too lazy to think about it, and looked at the power of creation shrouded in the distance.

The body had already condensed, but there was still so much power of creation left, which was more exaggerated than before.

Fuxi on the side raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of the Chaos Zixiao Palace. He thought of the law of proof that Tianyuan had mentioned before.

And his divination skills could not detect any information from the other party.

Maybe Tianyuan was really a Chaos Demon God.

However, judging from the other party's style of behavior, he was not like a Chaos Demon God at all, and Fuxi was a little confused.

But no matter what, such an extraordinary person should be the Demon King of the Demon Court.

Fuxi looked at the Calabash Doll in Tianyuan's hand, and was amazed and praised in his heart.

His sight passed over her waist, and the belt and gourd were obviously not ordinary spiritual treasures.

He vaguely remembered that this gourd looked like the last purple-black gourd, but it was different when he looked closely.

Looking at the gradually fading power of creation, Nuwa was a little anxious.

The gourd vine had successfully transformed, and these powers of creation were born from heaven and earth, and should return to heaven and earth.

She wanted to go over and feel it, but she felt very rash.

Fuxi saw what Nuwa was thinking, and was about to speak, but heard the sound of "hum" from heaven and earth.

That is, the dark yellow air emerged from the sky, the sky was full of flowers, the ground was full of golden lotus, countless necklaces and beads were hanging down from the sky, and the ethereal fairy music was echoing in the air.

"Heaven and earth are celebrating, but the noise is too big." Fuxi looked at the bottom of Buzhou Mountain.

Wherever he looked, there were strange phenomena, and the whole prehistoric land was stained with a layer of rosy clouds.

Tianyuan was also stunned by the scene in front of him, and then there was a deep joy.

The gourd vine is the person closest to him, and Tianyuan is sincerely happy.

Under the surprised eyes of the three people, a large group of Xuanhuang Qi poured down from the sky, and all of it sank into the body of the gourd baby in Tianyuan's arms.

In an instant, Tianyuan raised his eyes slightly and looked at his feet in surprise.

Will, he felt the will of Buzhou Mountain, which was echoing with the gourd baby.

As he thought, the gourd vine definitely played a very important role for Buzhou Mountain.

Glancing at the distance, Fuxi hurriedly said solemnly: "Brother Tianyuan, the power of creation is about to fade, and it is a great opportunity for my younger sister. How about my brother and sister owe you a favor?"

It has been a while since the robbery cloud disappeared. If these forces of creation return to heaven and earth, they will be wasted.

Hearing this, Nuwa also looked at Tianyuan with eagerness.

Tianyuan did not speak, but looked at the gourd baby in his arms.

"My body is complete and useless to me. Father Mountain will make the decision!" Calabash Brother waved his hand and returned the decision to Tianyuan.

After so many years, he finally took shape, but he still listened to his father Mountain.

Tianyuan pondered for a moment and said softly: "Since that's the case, please do as you please!"

Tianyuan was very clear about his own situation. It had only been a few breaths, and the power of creation had faded visibly with the naked eye. Even if it had passed, it would have been useless.

If Calabash Brother understood the law of creation, he could also practice in Buzhou Mountain when the law was manifested in the future.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Calabash, thank you, brother Taoist Tianyuan!" Nuwa was overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly.

Then she jumped forward and plunged into the thin power of creation.

Immediately, the power of creation that was about to dissipate began to slowly converge towards the center.

"Fuxi would like to thank you two here. If you need Fuxi in the future, just let me know." After speaking, Fuxi bowed deeply. He knew his little sister's situation very well.

The laws are everywhere, but it is a great opportunity for Nuwa to see them so directly before her eyes.


Tianyuan waved his hand, looking indifferent. He only wanted to study Calabash Brothers now.

As for the favors of Fuxi and his sister, the only thing he could do to them was to knock them out and take them away.

"If nothing else, Taoist friend, we'll leave!" Tianyuan said, and was about to leave with Calabash Brothers.

Calabash Brothers will definitely bring him a lot of laws, and the relationship between Calabash Brothers and Buzhou Mountain also made Tianyuan look forward to it.

Hearing this, Fuxi hurriedly shouted: "Brother Tianyuan, wait a moment!"

Tianyuan turned his head, looking puzzled, and Calabash Brother, who was still holding Tianyuan's arm, also looked at him curiously.

Fuxi walked forward quickly and said solemnly: "Brother, now that the Demon Court has been newly established and recognized by heaven and earth, I came to invite you to be the Demon King of the Demon Court and share the luck of heaven and earth!"

Tianyuan was stunned and looked at Fuxi strangely.

This guy came looking for him, and actually wanted to invite him to join the demon court.

The chaos in the prehistoric world has already happened, and the war between the witches and the liches is inevitable. People with a discerning eye can't avoid it.

In the final analysis, it is the temptation of luck. The gathering of luck from heaven and earth is indeed very beneficial to cultivation.

Tianyuan did not answer, but asked curiously: "Has Daoyou ever divined for yourself?"

During the witch and demon calamity, Zuwu, Dijun, and Taiyi died in the final decisive battle, but there is not much introduction to the person in front of him.

Fuxi and Nuwa are both one of the four emperors of the demon court, and they are important figures in the entire demon court.

But we only know that he fell in the witch and demon calamity, and was later rescued by Nuwa and reincarnated as Tianhuang, one of the three emperors of the human race.

As for the specific process of his fall, there is no description at all.

A person who is extremely good at divination must know how to avoid danger and seek good fortune better than ordinary people.

"This" Fuxi was stunned. Tianyuan's sudden question made him a little confused.

The art of divination is to steal the secrets of heaven, to divine the heavens and the earth, but not to divine oneself.

Looking at the stunned Fuxi, Tianyuan smiled: "I hope we can meet in a new environment next time."

Tianyuan said, and disappeared in front of Fuxi with the Calabash Brother.

Fuxi came back to his senses and called out: "Brother! Brother!"

It was quiet around, and there was no trace of Tianyuan and Calabash Brother.

Fuxi was disappointed, but he just recalled what Tianyuan had just said, and his heart was puzzled again.

New environment?

"What does Brother Tianyuan mean?" Fuxi scratched his head and fell into deep thought.

Tianyuan seemed to know a lot of things, giving him a feeling of being in a fog.


A slightly happy voice woke Fuxi up.

Turning around, he saw Nuwa standing behind him with an excited face.

"But did you get a big harvest?" Fuxi looked up and down at Nuwa, and his face was also happy.

Nuwa nodded heavily, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Tianyuan left?"

Fuxi sighed, and said with a little regret: "He left so fast that I couldn't keep him."

As for Tianyuan's strange words, he didn't tell Nuwa.

"That's perfect!" Nuwa nodded heavily.

She didn't want her brother to involve Tianyuan in the demon court for no reason, but she was a little regretful that she couldn't thank the two of them in person again.

Fuxi shook his head and didn't dwell on this topic anymore. Then the two of them turned into long rainbows and fled.

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