Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 70 Kunpeng Creates Demonic Writings

In the 33rd Heaven Demon Master Palace, Kunpeng's face was livid and his expression was sinister.

Being suppressed by Taiyi, he had no choice but to join the Demon Court and was even promised the position of Demon Master.

Every moment, there were strands of luck gathering between heaven and earth, enveloping him, but Kunpeng was not happy at all.

He was too familiar with this kind of scene.

He was the prince of the Phoenix Clan. When the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn fought for hegemony in the prehistoric world, how strong was the luck that enveloped him.

However, the manifestation and gathering of luck meant the struggle between heaven and earth, foreshadowing a new quantitative catastrophe.

The three innate clans rose in the chaos of fierce beasts, enjoyed the great merits of heaven and earth, and dominated the prehistoric world.

The younger generations of the three clans reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian when they became adults, which was far beyond the current Demon Court, but they were still lost in the crowd.

If the dragon clan had not given birth to so many children, they would probably be the same as the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan.

More importantly, the quantitative catastrophe is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that the quantitative catastrophe is planned by someone.

Kunpeng, with a gloomy face, thought of the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth not long ago.

"Ah! It seems that this is the only way, but it is a bargain for Di Jun and Taiyi!" He has no sense of belonging to the Demon Court at all.

Taiyi invited him to the Demon Court, but it was just to take advantage of the situation.

Kunpeng did not dare to use the luck that enveloped his body rashly, nor did he want to use it.

The more he enjoyed, the closer his connection with the Demon Court was, and the easier it was to fall into the catastrophe.

But luck was entangled, no matter how he avoided it, he could not stay out of it, he needed to prepare in advance.

Kunpeng flew out of the Demon Master Palace, looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly: "I am Kunpeng, I feel that the prehistoric tribes have no written communication and no way to practice. Today, I created three thousand demon texts to let the demon tribe have a written inheritance, to record the laws and regulations of the demon tribe, and write the history of the demon tribe. I hope that the heaven will judge it!"

As soon as the words fell, Kunpeng was surrounded by silver light, and a huge divine bird could be vaguely seen floating in the air.

The divine bird spread its wings, and three thousand dark yellow characters flew out from its wings, one by one in the air.


The heaven and earth shook slightly, and auspicious clouds covered the sky. Fairy music sounded, accompanied by a large group of golden merits falling.

Some of the three thousand demon characters fell in the air, and the rest were poured into Kunpeng's body.

A powerful momentum rose, and Kunpeng successfully broke into the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The three thousand demon characters in the air trembled at the same time, turning into thousands of rays of light and escaping to the prehistoric world.

In an instant, the three thousand demon characters appeared in the minds of countless creatures, accompanied by a cultivation method that led directly to Daluo.

And in the minds of many demon clans, the figure of Kunpeng appeared outside the Demon Master Palace of the 33rd Heaven of the Demon Court.

Kunpeng has profound merits, passed on demon characters, and has the merit of educating all demons. He is worthy of the name of the Demon Master of the Demon Court, and all the prehistoric clans are grateful.

Kunpeng retracted his gaze, feeling the many merits still shrouded in his body, and a touch of joy flashed across his face.

Merits! Far more merits than he had imagined!

Blessed by heaven and earth, and rewarded by heaven and earth, it can not only be used for cultivation, but also for seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster.

If you rashly fight and kill, there will be cause and effect, and a great killing disaster will come.

With this merit to protect yourself, as long as you don't kill and abuse indiscriminately during the disaster, you can be worry-free.

Originally, he planned to return to Beiming to revitalize the Phoenix Clan, but was taken advantage of by the Demon Court.

"Hahaha, good, good! You are worthy of being the demon master of the Demon Court!" A loud laugh came from a distance, and Di Jun led Fuxi and his group slowly appeared.

Everyone's face was filled with surprise and deep joy.

Feeling the sudden surge in the fortune of the Demon Court, Di Jun was really excited.

Conquering Kunpeng was just to establish power, but he didn't expect such an unexpected gain. He is worthy of being the prince of the Phoenix Clan.

Thinking about it, Di Jun looked at Fuxi next to him. This was all thanks to his suggestion.

If he had been a step late, and waited until Kunpeng created the demon text before conquering it, how could the demon court have such a strong fortune.

"The demon court is destined to be the demon court, and this is the blessing of the demon king!" Fuxi cupped his hands and looked leisurely.

All these were just his divination skills.

Fuxi was still very confident in his magical powers, but he couldn't help thinking of what Tianyuan said in his mind. Has he ever predicted it for himself?

Di Jun admired Fuxi's indifference. He strode forward and said solemnly: "The demon master has taught all the demons and benefited all the tribes in the prehistoric world. Congratulations!"

After that, many female demons behind him brought countless spiritual fruits and natural treasures.

Kunpeng didn't even look at it, and replied calmly: "Kunpeng thanks the demon king!"

As for Fuxi next to him, he ignored it.

After arriving at the Demon Court, Kunpeng realized that Taiyi had subdued him completely by following Fuxi's suggestion.

Being dragged into this vortex for no reason, Kunpeng had no good feelings towards Fuxi.

As for the other demon saints, they were not in his eyes.

Fuxi didn't care. Everything he did was for the Demon Court. Instead, he took the initiative to say: "The actions of the demon master are of immeasurable merit. The prehistoric races should remember it in their hearts!"

As one of the four emperors of the Demon Court, Fuxi could naturally feel the changes in the fortune of the Demon Court.

Kunpeng created the demon text, which can be said to have doubled the fortune of the Demon Court.

This means that their practice has become easier. Next, more great demons will come to join them, and the unification of the prehistoric world by the Demon Court is just around the corner!

"Emperor Xi is too flattering." Kunpeng nodded, still looking very cold.

Sensing Kunpeng's anger, Di Jun hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "The demon master has blessed the world, which is an unprecedented achievement. We should prepare a banquet to celebrate!"

Kunpeng is quite powerful and one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. Di Jun will naturally not ignore his feelings.

The second brother Donghuang Taiyi is cold and arrogant, and doesn't like to talk, but he is different.

He was in charge of almost all matters in the Demon Court. Taiyi spent most of his time in meditation in the Sun Palace and rarely walked around the Demon Court. It was natural for him to take care of his emotions.

After saying that, he pulled Kunpeng outside without waiting for his reaction.

Kunpeng felt helpless, but he could only follow behind.

On Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan, who was in meditation, opened his eyes and looked at the large group of merits falling from the sky with a little envy.

Merits are like a panacea in the prehistoric world.

He has cleared and purified so many branches, but he has not gained any merits.

The rosy clouds flashed, and three thousand demon characters floated faintly in front of him, each exuding a lively breath.

"No wonder, no wonder! This Kunpeng is really extraordinary!"

Tianyuan muttered. He had thought about creating characters before, but it was useless.

It turned out that these three thousand demon characters were innate characters. How could ordinary people create them? Kunpeng also had great luck.

Speaking of the many innate powers in the prehistoric world, Tian Yuan still admires Kun Peng.

He repeatedly entered the Dragon Han Tribulation and the Demonic Tribulation, and he was not an ordinary person, but he was able to escape unscathed in the end. It was indeed a great fortune.

No matter how good his cultivation and Taoism are, surviving is everything.

Unlike a guy who lives in the sea of ​​blood, he has cultivated 480 million clones of the Blood God.

The two swords Yuan Tu and Abi, the accompanying spiritual treasures, kill people without any cause and effect. He wants to prove his Taoism by killing, but he shrinks in the sea of ​​blood for a lifetime, and finally is bullied by a Ksitigarbha to his doorstep.

His sight passed by, and the three thousand demon texts dimmed. Tian Yuan closed his eyes and continued to practice the law of power.

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