Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 82 Pangu's Heart Enters My Body

"I'm afraid only the witches can bear this world!"

Feeling the blood rushing around, Tianyuan was not nervous at all.

A faint breath overflowed from the body surface, and the blood that was originally eroding became soft in an instant.

They surrounded Tianyuan and flowed back and forth like a naughty child.

Tianyuan ignored it and plunged to the bottom of the blood pool.

Feeling the increasingly strong call from the depths of his heart, Tianyuan's eyes became more and more expectant.

After a while, there was a "dong dong dong" sound echoing in the blood below.

And as he continued to dive in, the faint vibration sound became clearer and clearer.

The blood pool looked small, but it was another world in it. I don't know how long it took to fly, Tianyuan heard a clear heartbeat.

Sensing carefully, he could also detect the faint ripples in the blood around him. He was close to the source.

Finally, under a slightly rapid vibration sound, Tianyuan saw the originator of the sound.

A dry heart, still hundreds of feet in size, with dry blood vessels exposed in the dark brown unknown tissue.

They are soaked in blood, and every vibration releases weak energy.

Feeling the appearance of Tianyuan, the heart beats a little hurriedly, and the blood vessels are swaying in the air, as if welcoming Tianyuan's arrival.

There is no doubt that this is Pangu's real heart.

"The Wu clan is a bunch of prodigals!" The almost exhausted energy in the heart made Tianyuan couldn't help cursing.

It is true that the blood pool can breed the Wu clan, but it is obvious that the ancestor witches only use it to create the Wu clan in addition to practicing.

During the Wu Lie Calamity, the Wu clan continued to fall, and several ancestor witches must have been more crazy to create the Wu clan, so that the energy in the heart was completely dried up.

The blood pool cannot give birth to witches anymore, and the Wu clan has low fertility. No wonder they later advocated intermarriage with the human race.

The remaining energy in Pangu's heart was wasted by several ancestor witches like a waste of heaven's resources.

With great expectation, Tianyuan walked forward slowly, stretched out his right hand, and gently pressed on the beating heart.

A familiar breath came to Tianyuan's face, giving him a strange sense of intimacy.

In the Pangu Temple, this was what he desired most.

Just as Tianyuan was thinking about how to take the heart away, he saw the heart in front of him tremble slightly, then quickly shrank, and turned into the size of a human head floating in front of him.


Tianyuan took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart. This trip was much smoother than he had imagined.

Just as Tianyuan was about to hold the heart, he saw it turn into a blood light and directly sink into his chest.

A hot feeling flowed, a bang, and a strong heartbeat came.

Tianyuan trembled all over, and an indescribable sense of comfort spread throughout his body.

At the same time, with the influx of a strong breath of law, he could instantly feel the existence of three thousand laws.

Tianyuan was stunned in place, his eyes wide open.

Stretch out your hands, and the laws can be seen everywhere, flying around your hands.

Tianyuan can also clearly feel their emotions, excitement, joy.

This change is completely beyond his imagination. At this moment, Tianyuan feels as if he has transformed into the primitive world, and the whole world is getting close to him.

Just as Tianyuan was shocked, there was another "boom" sound in his chest.

A surge of blood and qi poured in, and dense residues and gravel overflowed from the surface of the body and disappeared in the blood.

The burly body that was originally ten feet tall shrank directly to six feet in size.

Pangu Heart roughly tempered his body, and the color of his body surface also tended to be dark yellow.


Before Tianyuan could get excited or happy, another heartbeat sounded.

From the chest, a mysterious aura floated out, quickly spreading to Tianyuan's whole body until it enveloped him.

As the aura sank into the body, a domineering aura dissipated from Tianyuan's body.

Tian Yuan widened his eyes and exclaimed in a low voice: "The body of the ancestor witch! I actually have the body of the ancestor witch!"

He had personally felt this kind of power from Gong Gong and several other ancestor witches, and it was definitely not wrong.

This. This.

Tian Yuan stood there in a daze, staring at his chest in a daze.

Sneaking into Pangu Temple to steal the heart was just a temporary idea, and he didn't expect to have such a great fortune.

The first vibration deepened the fit with the three thousand laws, which meant that practicing the laws in the future would be twice as effective with half the effort.

The second sound once again tempered his body.

The last sound directly gave him the body of the ancestor witch.

Tian Yuan's body today will not be weaker than any ancestor witch.

The body of the ancestor witch is not only manifested in the strength of the body, but also more like a great trend recognized by heaven and earth, a power of control that is above all things.

At this moment, Tian Yuan inexplicably felt that the prehistoric world belonged to him alone, and no one could take it away.

No wonder the ancestor witches did not worship the heavens or the earth, but only respected Pangu, which was really true.

After only three vibrations, Pangu's heart was silent, not even a beat.

Tianyuan gently touched his chest and could still feel a warmth.

Tianyuan swallowed his saliva and whispered: "What the hell am I?"

Tianyuan used to think that he was just a stone man, who had a heaven-defying fortune and possessed the Buzhou Mountain as his clone.

But in this situation, how could he be as simple as a stone man?

That was Pangu's heart, and ordinary creatures could hardly get close to it, let alone press the heart against their bodies and vibrate it three times inside their bodies.

If it were any other innate divine being, they would have exploded and died, but he did not feel any discomfort.

Although Buzhou Mountain is his clone, there is no reason why it is so loved by Pangu Heart.

Tianyuan was too lazy to think about things that he could not figure out, anyway, there was no harm now.

This trip to Pangu Temple was definitely a great fortune.

Just after coming here, his strength has changed dramatically.

Pangu Heart has been completely calm, and it is obvious that the other party is not looking for a body.

Even if he wants to move to another place, it is most likely Buzhou Mountain, which is also the original intention of Tianyuan to come here.

With a whoosh, Tianyuan escaped from the blood pool.

Glancing at the blood pool in front of him, Tianyuan stepped out of the temple.

Without the energy source, if the several ancestors of witches do not cherish it, the blood pool will not last long.

But these have nothing to do with him. Perhaps it will not be long before the ancestors of witches can reunite in the earth veins.

With great expectations, Tianyuan came out of the valley, and the breath of Gonggong in the sky remained unchanged.

"A bunch of silly and cute guys!" Tianyuan touched his chest and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

When he reached Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan's figure disappeared and he had already arrived at the consciousness space.

Tianyuan, who had just appeared, felt a heat in his chest before he had time to observe the surroundings, and Pangu's heart slowly flew out.

Sure enough!

The dry heart grew in the wind and turned into the size of hundreds of feet when they first met.

It began to float upward until it stopped at the top of Buzhou Mountain.

At the same time, Buzhou Mountain under him trembled slightly, and the Xuanhuang Qi covering the mountain body rushed out.

They surrounded the heart floating on the top of the mountain, turned into energy blood vessels extending towards Buzhou Mountain, and then pierced into the mountain body.

More and more blood vessels condensed, connecting Pangu's heart with Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan could clearly see that there was energy in Buzhou Mountain, flowing upstream and pouring into the heart.

The heart floating in the air began to slowly sink, as if it was going to drill into the Buzhou Mountain.

The remaining blood and qi in the heart attracted many free wills in the air.

Before Tianyuan could make a move, he saw the heart above his head shook slightly, and an invisible wave of air swept away.

A piercing roar sounded, and the chaotic wills in the area of ​​​​ten thousand miles were all crushed to pieces.

The remaining wills all fled madly in all directions, accompanied by screams of fear, and never dared to get close again.

Tianyuan widened his eyes, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

He was overjoyed in his heart, and slowly calmed down his mind.

After a while, he opened his eyes, full of excitement.

Just as he thought in his heart, Pangu's heart wanted to merge with Buzhou Mountain.

Pangu's heart borrowed from his body, but it only shook three times, and it had such a great fortune.

When it merges with Buzhou Mountain, it will definitely be a great fortune for this world.

For him, it was also a heaven-defying harvest. Tianyuan was looking forward to the heart of Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan was no longer afraid of the witch-lich catastrophe. What he wanted was to purify and repair all the earth veins, and then manage his own prehistoric world.

Tianyuan had a vague feeling that the repair of the other three earth veins was inseparable from Pangu's heart.

Retrieving Pangu's heart was far more worth celebrating than purifying the earth veins.

In the earth veins, several great witches such as Kuafu all looked up and looked at the sky in confusion.

At some point, a large group of dark yellow air enveloped the top of the bright mountain, like a dark yellow gem, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

After taking a closer look, Kuafu turned his head and looked at Houyi not far away: "Houyi, what was the fluctuation just now?"

Just now, he seemed to feel the call of the father god, but it was gone in a flash.

Houyi shook his head with a blank look in his eyes. As a great witch, he also noticed it.

But Mount Buzhou did not move. It was because the ground veins had not been cleared. What was that huge mass of Xuanhuang Qi?

He flew out of the ground veins and could only see countless Xuanhuang Qi dripping down, covering the entire mountain top.

As for what was inside, it was impossible to see clearly.

However, when looking at Mount Buzhou, which exuded the vast will of the Father God, Houyi always had a strange feeling, and he couldn't tell for a while.

At this moment, Xingtian's surprised voice came from the side: "The will of the Father God seems to be alive."

Houyi was shocked, and the golden light in his eyes suddenly became bright.

He hurriedly looked at Mount Buzhou carefully. Yes, it was this feeling. At this moment, Mount Buzhou seemed to have life.

Earlier, Mount Buzhou exuded an ancient and thick atmosphere, but lacked a trace of spirituality.

And now, the towering Mount Buzhou in front of him has brought a trace of spirituality.

Mount Buzhou is going to take shape? How is this possible?

Houyi opened his mouth wide, his expression a little dazed.

Then, without any hesitation, Houyi flew up and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

Xingtian in the air scratched his head, somewhat unable to understand Houyi's actions.

After seeing Kuafu and the others flee, he immediately followed.

Many great witches stood at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. Houyi reached out and touched Buzhou Mountain, and vaguely felt a weak pulse.

But when he carefully sensed it, he did not notice anything, as if it was just an illusion.

Houyi, who was shocked, turned his head and looked at Kuafu and the others beside him.

But he saw that they were just looking at the sacred mountain devoutly, without any abnormality.

Houyi knew the personalities of several friends, and without his carefulness, they must have felt nothing.

At this moment, Houyi just wanted to know where Houtu was.

In addition to Tianyuan, perhaps only this ancestor witch could explain it to him.

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