Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 88 Unlucky Hongyun Zhen Yuanzi

"This guy is really abominable!"

Tian Yuan got out of Buzhou Mountain and looked at Gong Gong in the distance with a little anger.

When he saw the pit, he was very satisfied with the power of Buzhou Mountain at the moment.

The angry blow of the ancestor witch only made Buzhou Mountain tremble slightly.

After so many years of dredging and purification of the earth veins, there have been obvious results.

How could Buzhou Mountain, which was formed by Pangu's spine and stood tall and upright, be broken by a mere ancestor witch.

At present, not even one main vein has been dredged. If one main vein is purified, it will be difficult to shake Buzhou Mountain.

Tian Yuan did not see how to move, and suddenly saw the surrounding rubble gathered and filled the pit in a flash.

Glancing at the sky in the distance, Tian Yuan disappeared again. Among the twelve ancestor witches, Di Jiang was obviously still somewhat sober, which saved him a lot of trouble.

If these ancestor witches were crazy and wrecking Buzhou Mountain, he really couldn't solve it.

Gonggong, who was running rampant in the distant mountains, was furious when he saw Tianyuan filling up the big pit he had knocked out.

This abominable stone man has completely regarded Buzhou Mountain as his personal property.

Roar, roar, roar!

The roars and hisses resounded through the sky. Gonggong crushed mountains one after another and finally landed at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

All the tribesmen under the jurisdiction of the ancestor witch gathered together, and he didn't need to take care of them. Gonggong planned to wait here.

Whether it was to block Tianyuan or wait for the emergence of the great witch in the blood pool.

In the mountains outside the Pangu Temple, dense figures fell, stretching for thousands of miles.

With the continuous appearance of the ancestor witches, more and more witches were put down, and there was no end in sight.

Although many witches were confused, no one questioned the decision of the ancestor witch, and the witches who appeared first had already begun to build various buildings.

At this moment, Tianyuan, after throwing the captured witch into the ground vein, immediately came to Buzhou Mountain.

From a distance, he saw that the east of Buzhou Mountain, the direction of Pangu Temple, was emitting thick blood.

The evil spirits intertwined by many witches dyed the entire sky dark and blood red.

The power that gathered together made people feel inexplicably depressed after taking a closer look.

"Father Mountain! So many witches have gathered, let's go and catch some back." Seeing the shadows in the distance, Calabash Brothers suggested.

Touching Calabash Brothers' head, Tianyuan smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

In the monstrous bloody evil spirit, Tianyuan saw stone pillars that pierced the sky, and there was a mysterious aura shrouded on them.

The ancestor witches could not stop him with human power alone, and the witches also had their own formations.

The Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation is one of the top formations in the prehistoric world, and the witches certainly cannot have only this volume of formations.

The witches advocate strength and prefer to attack in battle, but it does not mean that there are no means of defense.

Now, in order to guard against him, the ancestor witches will definitely pick up these fallen things.

It is highly unlikely that the gourd boy would run away by a surprise attack.

In just a short while, Tianyuan saw that there were more stone pillars rising in the blood evil.

Some stood in the middle of the tribe, and some were inserted outside the tribe. There were obviously many more near the Buzhou Mountain.

"Father Mountain, my treasure gourd is powerful!" The gourd boy was eager to try.

Tianyuan smiled and did not refuse.

Pangu Temple is not far from Buzhou Mountain. He can clearly see the densely packed witch tribe and is not worried about the safety of the gourd boy.

Seeing Tianyuan's agreement, the gourd boy jumped out and disappeared at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan felt the breath of the gourd boy flying away. After a few breaths, the stone pillars in the distance had array patterns rising.

The thick blood evil gas gushed out and quickly expanded to the surroundings, instantly covering the sky, and the witch tribe could no longer be seen.

At the same time, several burly figures escaped, emitting violent fluctuations.

After a while, Calabash Brothers came back angrily. "Those stone pillars are so weird that they can actually block the treasure gourd."

"Let's go! Let's practice well first and break into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal as soon as possible!" Glancing at Gonggong running from a distance, Tianyuan disappeared with Calabash Brothers.

He has now completed the initial accumulation. Although there are still two main veins that are empty, as long as he breaks into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal one step ahead of the Ancestral Witch.

The many witch tribes entrenched under Mount Buzhou are the labor force he can reach.

Tianyuan guessed that Dijiang must have some hidden backhand, but he didn't care.

The fortune given to him by Pangu's heart, plus the clone of Mount Buzhou, his speed of practice is definitely not comparable to that of the Ancestral Witches.

Although Calabash Brothers was depressed, he had no objection to Tianyuan's proposal.

These two trips down the mountain, he has clearly witnessed the power of the Ancestral Witch.

If he doesn't improve his realm, he will drag down the father mountain.

Calabash Brothers was meditating on Mount Buzhou while Tianyuan came to the consciousness space. He planned to look for Houtu before practicing.

It had been thousands of years, and no one knew where Houtu had gone.

At this moment, in the chaos of the prehistoric border, figures crossed over and plunged into the starry sky.

After the second lecture of Zixiao Palace, the group of innate saints returned to the prehistoric world again.

This time, the lecture was about the Dao after Daluo, and many people benefited a lot.

The figures passing through the sky did not stop, and all fled to their respective caves.

With the new realm and the gains from listening to the Dao, they all had to retreat and practice.

"Zhen Yuanzi, shall we go to Mount Buzhou?" Hongyun spoke just after escaping into the prehistoric world.

Before going to listen to the teachings, he planned to meet Tianyuan on his way back, thank him, and congratulate the gourd vine on its transformation.

Zhen Yuanzi, who was thinking about something, came to his senses and did not object. "Okay!"

Tianyuan did not go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings at all, just as he said last time.

The Taoist ancestor did mention the law of the other party, but this time he only talked about the method of beheading the three corpses, and he hadn't finished yet, so Zhen Yuanzi wanted to ask Tianyuan.

The two of them didn't hesitate and went straight to Buzhou Mountain.

When they got close, they looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise.

It has only been thousands of years since they left the prehistoric world, and Buzhou Mountain is even more powerful.

With their realm, if they look at it for a few more times, they will be covered by the overwhelming power.

"Brother Tianyuan is really extraordinary!" Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaim loudly.

Tianyuan protects many innate spiritual roots, and the changes in Buzhou Mountain are definitely related to him.

Hongyun nodded repeatedly and asked curiously: "Zhen Yuanzi, what do you think of Brother Tianyuan's origins?"

The stone man they saw must be just an appearance.

Hongyun didn't believe it at all. Tianyuan must not be just a stone man. He must have a more exaggerated origin.

"How can I tell you easily about my origins!" Zhen Yuanzi replied helplessly after glancing at Hongyun.

Seemingly worried that Hongyun would mess up, he whispered again: "You are too free and easy. Don't ask about such things, so as not to annoy Brother Tianyuan."

Hongyun laughed and said: "Brother Tianyuan is generous and will definitely not be angry."

Hongyun, who said that, flew quickly towards Buzhou Mountain without waiting for Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and could only follow behind with a wry smile.

Sometimes, he really had no way to deal with his good friend.

"Brother Tianyuan! Brother Tianyuan!" Hongyun shouted loudly before landing on Buzhou Mountain.

After calling several times and seeing no response, Hong Yun was not angry, but raised his voice.

Just as Hong Yun was about to land on Mount Buzhou, his face suddenly changed and his body retreated.


The void exploded, and a burly, violent figure stepped out, carrying a fierce murderous intent.

Hong Yun recognized this person, Gonggong, one of the twelve ancestor witches.

He frowned and said angrily: "Fellow Daoist Gonggong, what do you mean?"

He loved making friends all his life, but he had no intersection with the ancestor witches. Why did this guy have a murderous look on his face?

Zhen Yuanzi behind him quickly caught up, also puzzled.

The twelve ancestor witches were famous under Mount Buzhou, but except for the ancestor witch Hou Tu, the others were all alone and rarely interacted with them.

Why is he so angry now?

"Daoyou, we have never had any grudges, why do you do this?" Feeling the manic breath on Gonggong, Zhen Yuanzi was also secretly surprised.

More importantly, there was an inexplicable oppression in the surrounding void, and the circulation of the mana in the body was somewhat stagnant.

Although he had long known that the ancestor witch was powerful, this was the first time he faced it directly.

Gonggong panted, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded: "What is your relationship with Tianyuan?"

Ever since the stone man of Buzhou Mountain appeared, he has been holding a lot of anger.

The key is that this stone man is always hiding here and there, never letting him vent his anger.

He was even more furious after guarding at the foot of Buzhou Mountain for such a long time.

Just now, he suddenly heard someone shouting "Brother Tianyuan", how could this not make Gonggong excited.

If you can't find Tianyuan, can't you still deal with your friend?

Hearing Gonggong's words, Zhen Yuanzi knew the whole story. Just as he was about to speak, Hongyun's voice sounded beside him.

"We are close friends, how do you treat us?" After saying that, he looked at Gonggong with a bad face.

Because of Tianyuan, he did not cut off the path of the gourd vine, so he did not rashly form a big cause and effect.

Hongyun has always remembered Tianyuan's kindness in his heart.

Zhenyuanzi's face trembled, and he sighed repeatedly in his heart.

The ancestor witch has a bad temper, and it is not easy to explode. The key is that this is at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

If he was besieged by more than ten ancestor witches, Zhenyuanzi's scalp would be numb.


Sure enough, Gonggong roared, carrying a crazy momentum and rolling over, covering the two.

Hongyun was also furious, and a purple divine thunder fell with his backhand.

The thunder came in an instant, and Gonggong didn't pay any attention to it.

The flesh body hit it roughly, and Hongyun's eyebrows jumped in the distance.

He is now at the peak of the Golden Immortal, and the flesh of the ancestor witch is really abnormal.

Without thinking, Hong Yun raised his hand again, but before he could use his magic or spells, Zhen Yuanzi pulled him away.


Hong Yun wanted to struggle, but when he glanced at the distance, his rough face froze slightly, and he didn't say anything.

The void shattered, and several figures wrapped in evil spirits emerged and ran towards them.

One Gonggong didn't matter, but so many ancestor witches jumped out, which was a bit too much.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun fleeing, most of them stopped, only Gonggong and Zhurong chased them closely.

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