Chaos does not count the years,

In the Flood Barren World, there are three islands in the vast and boundless East China Sea, which are shrouded in the Innate Chaos Array, and because of the particularity of the Great Array, even the Heavenly Dao cannot see it.

Yue Penglai, Yue Abbot, Yu Yingzhou.

In the center of Yingzhou Island, there is a lotus pond that is 50 square meters in size and no deeper than 2 meters

In the lotus pond, a twelve-grade creation green lotus that exudes endless divine light grows in it.


Suddenly, there was a fluctuation of consciousness in that Creation Green Lotus.

"Who am I? Where am I? What is my situation? "

As if endless years had passed, and as if only a moment had passed, Lin Qing felt that he had woken up from the endless darkness.

His brain was a little cloudy at this time, but soon, his consciousness became clear, and he felt that his state was very peculiar, and his soul and spiritual power seemed to have received endless nourishment, and they were rapidly improving and growing.

In the process, his memories of the past, his experiences... When everything starts to become clear.

Even, even things from childhood, books I used to read... And so on, it became clear.

He had never felt so sober and energetic.

"Yes! I'm dead! So, am I crossing this now? "

Lin Qing remembered the situation in his previous life, and wanted to move his body with such thoughts, but found that he actually had no hands and feet, but he had roots, branches, petals, and a lotus?


So, I'm not human anymore?

"Twelve Pins Creation Green Lotus? I actually crossed into this? So, this is the flood world? "

Lin Qing's eyes widened, and his still rapidly growing soul made his brain particularly good, and he could easily reason clearly about his current situation and the world he was in.

"Of course, it may not be the Flood World, but this one is the most likely!"

Lin Qing thought to himself.

At this moment, a voice and subtitles appeared in his head:

[True Spirit awakened you were paid attention to by the Dao, the Dao cast a gaze, this glance is a great blessing, you have been favored by the Dao, the original quasi-saint level of qi luck has been raised to the Mixed Yuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal level, your understanding has been greatly improved, upgraded to the anti-heaven level. ] 】

"Huh? Boulevard? "

Lin Qing was stunned suddenly.

He was actually paid attention to by the avenue?

And directly obtained the Qi Luck of the Mixed Yuan Infinite Luo Golden Immortal level? Also obtained the anti-heaven level understanding?

And what are this sounds and subtitles?

System? Goldfinger? Or something else?

Lin Qing's brain was a little dizzy when the sudden jackpot smashed.

This was followed by ecstasy: "Haha! That's great! Am I starting with heaven? "

If he remembered correctly, in those novels in his previous life, the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal was about equal to a saint, how could the Mixed Yuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal be considered an existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm, right?

With this luck, as long as you can suppress this luck, and then you don't die, it is possible to grow to the Heavenly Dao Realm without hindrance.

Of course, it is only possible.

This is potential.

But this is enough for Lin Qing now.

The key is that he also gained the anti-heaven-level understanding.

At this time, he clearly felt that his mind had become hundreds of thousands of times clearer?

Originally, he felt that he contained immeasurable mysteries in his body, and at this time, he began to understand the meaning and composition of these mysteries as if he had an epiphany...

If understanding these mysteries before was like looking at high numbers, now it is as simple as elementary school mathematics.

Bow your head.

This is the difference between learning from scumbags and learning from God.

[You have comprehended the law of creation contained in yourself, you have an epiphany, and you have comprehended the thirty-six changes and mediation of Tiangang. 】

When Lin Qing came back from his epiphany, a voice sounded in his mind again, and subtitles appeared.

At the same time, a complete mediation and divine power practice and some of the mysteries of divine powers also came to mind.

"Is this mediation? Not bad! Hey! "

This is the great power that Nuwa Niangniang used to create people in the future.

Lin Qingxiao narrowed his eyes, and at the same time, began to study the voices and subtitles that appeared twice in his mind.

After some exploration, with the soul power that was countless times stronger than the original, he still did not find the source, which seemed to be the ability of his heavenly god.

Instead, he found that there was actually a gray bead floating in his soul.

Lin Qing carefully touched the bead with his thoughts, and some more information suddenly came out of his mind.

"This is actually the Chaos Bead?"

Lin Qing was surprised.

It turned out that the reason why he crossed was because of this Chaos Bead.

In addition, this Chaos Bead was in a broken state at this time, although it still maintained the grade of innate supreme treasure, but because it had been floating in the endless void chaos for countless years, and took Lin Qing's soul to this point in time, it temporarily exhausted its strength, fell into a deep sleep, and passively absorbed the chaos qi through the void to self-repair and repair.

Lin Qing's cultivation was now too low, and he couldn't even do the preliminary refining of its prohibition.

Not to mention the drive and chaos beads that even helped them absorb the chaos qi to recover.

However, this Chaos Bead is not useless.

At least, because its essence is extremely high, now it can also suppress Lin Qing's luck and help Lin Qing cover up the cause and effect of the heavenly machine, even if it is a saint, I am afraid that he will not be able to spy on and calculate his fate.

"Good baby! I hope you can recover as soon as possible. "

Lin Qing touched the Chaos Pearl with emotion and muttered.

The Chaos Bead shook slightly, as if in response to Lin Qing's words.

As for the subtitles and prompt sounds, Lin Qing searched for many times but still did not know the source, and it had nothing to do with the Chaos Bead, it could only be attributed to his own talent.

This may also be the reason why Chaos Bead chose him.

"Judging from the previous two reminders, the level of this talent is probably very high, at least it is also the level of the Dao, right?"

Lin Qing boldly speculated.

It's developed!

In any case, he wished that the more his talent became, the better.

After all, this is the flood world, the future golden immortal is not as good as the dog, the big Luo walks all over the place, the quasi-saint can barely protect himself, only the saint can shake.

Moreover, the flood famine can be called many disasters, repeated disasters, and incomparably terrifying.

If you don't have a talent against the sky, want to survive and gain a foothold in this world?

It's harder than climbing to the sky.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing suddenly had a sense of urgency.

If you don't want to become cannon fodder and die in the future, you have to work hard.

Only by preaching the Dao mixed yuan Da Luo can we have a sense of security.

"Forget it! Now is not the time to think about these messes, but to start cultivating and improving hard, and then turn into a form as soon as possible! "

Lin Qing calmed down after cheering for a while, and secretly made up his mind.

There is no point in thinking too long-term.

He doesn't know what point in time the flood is in.

"I just hope it's not too late! Otherwise, if someone finds out, I won't even have the opportunity to take shape. "

His current body is a twelve-grade Creation Green Lotus, which can be called walking Tang monk meat.

If you are discovered, there will definitely be no good ending.

Look at the meritorious golden lotus or something, isn't it all extracted and turned into an innate spirit treasure?

It wasn't what he wanted.

With such a thought, Lin Qing began to immerse himself, while carefully comprehending the creation laws contained in the ontology creation green lotus, while also comprehending and analyzing the process of absorbing the innate aura of his own body.

With the help of his heaven-defying understanding, he soon entered a state of extremely deep understanding.

[You comprehend the process of absorbing innate spiritual qi by yourself, and you have a slight understanding, and you have comprehended the thirty-six changes and nine breaths of Tiangang. 】


[You comprehend your own ontological creation law, combine your own characteristics, combine the nine breaths of qi, and deduce the Da Luo-level fundamental cultivation method "Green Lotus Creation Technique" that suits you. 】


That's 500 years.

Lin Qing comprehended the thirty-six changes and nine breaths of Tiangang in the 10th year;

However, it took 490 years to deduce the Da Luo-level "Green Lotus Creation Technique";

Of course, in this process, his soul, spiritual power... and so on are improving rapidly;

Xiuwei also began to soar;

Nine Breaths of Serving Qi exerted a powerful effect in this process, and every moment could help him absorb a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to nourish his body, worthy of one of the great powers of Tiangang.

So far, Lin Qing's cultivation has been upgraded to the late stage of the True Immortal, and he has the confidence to give him a few hundred years, and he can almost break through to the Golden Immortal level.

In addition, he has also gained a lot in the creation of the cultivation, the law of creation has been introduced, the mediation of the creation has also been cultivated to a certain extent, and the nine breaths of qi have reached a proficiency level.

Each swallow can absorb and digest a large amount of pre-weather.


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