Most of the little guys gathered in groups of three or five to discuss the details of their sect.

"Sister Ganlan, have you read the introduction to the Hundred Herb Hall? I feel that that is very suitable for us, or we can join the Hundred Herb Hall and help open up the spiritual field and cultivate spiritual medicine and spiritual plants, right? "

"Sister Peony, I also think this is the best!"


"Brother Temu! How about we go to the Scripture Pavilion? There seems to be a large number of exercises and magical powers created by Dao Venerables... or something, when we increase our strength, we can go to the mission hall to take some tasks to get more contribution points, in exchange for more resources to cultivate! "

"I'm okay with that! In addition, I think we can also join the Law Enforcement Hall and help Daozun and Senior Sister Nine Swords manage the sect together, what do you think?" "

"That's good!"


"Brother Chiyan! I'm going to join the Alchemy Hall, do you want to join me?" "

"Ugh! I am more interested in refining, alchemy, is it my strength, you know, my Essence Divine Fire is more violent, it is estimated that it is not suitable for alchemy. "

"Hey! It's a pity! "


"I'm going to join the martial arts arena and be responsible for maintaining order!"

"I'm going to go to the Illusory Realm first! If I guessed correctly, it should be similar to the illusion we experienced when we entered the trial, and the information given by Daozun said that it was a world between virtual and real, and you could increase your experience there, and you could also perform methods, virtual alchemy, refining and so on. "

"Go with you! However, the virtual refining alchemy, the refining hall and the alchemy hall also seem to have this function. "

"Dao Zun is really powerful, and he actually directly created a virtual world for us to experience."


The discussions of these little guys could not escape Lin Qing's eyes and ears, and he just smiled slightly.

Then, with a movement of his mind, he took out the Void Magic Cube and threw it, and the Void Magic Cube flew directly into the air.

Then, Lin Qing raised his hand a little, and a mana submerged into the Void Magic Cube.


The next moment, the Void and Reality Magic Cube was running at full strength, and began to derive an Illusory Realm according to Lin Qing's thoughts.

Lin Qing first created a main continent with the experience of Yingzhou Island and traveling through the flood wilderness.

Then, based on the memories of his previous life, he created countless special fantasy small worlds on the main continent.

There are film, television, anime, and novel worlds from past lives.

Moreover, these worlds will also continue to derive and develop under the impetus of the Void Magic Cube and Lin Qing.

After doing this, Lin Qing waved his hand, so everyone in the door received the information, and at the same time, a green lotus mark appeared on his hand.

By communicating this imprint, they will be able to enter this illusory realm anywhere on Yingzhou Island in the future.

In addition, Lin Qing also added a personal panel, a sect panel, and contribution points to this Green Lotus Mark... And so on features.

There is even a communication function... Wait a minute.

"It's so convenient! This sect mark! "

"Not really! Now, it will be much easier for us to connect in the future! "

"Pick up the task too!"

"Dao Zun is really powerful!"


The crowd of disciples were amazed at the function of the sect mark.

This thing is almost like a personal light brain in the world of technology.

"Master! Master! This sect mark is awesome! So good to win! Hee-hee! "

After Xiao Jiujian received the information about the sect mark and tested it, he couldn't help but exclaim to Lin Qing.


Lin Qing smiled and touched the little girl's head and quipped: "In the future, you will be a master sister, you must learn to be steady!" Arrange for the master to go to the Tibetan scripture pavilion and other places, go and play by yourself! "

"Oh, right! Let's pass on a kendo power for you! It is the Qinglian Kendo that I comprehended in my master's early years, I hope you practice it well! "

Saying that, Lin Qing pointed at Xiao Jiujian's eyebrows, and a stream of light disappeared into the sea of his eyebrows, and Xiao Jiujian suddenly froze in place, closed his eyes and began to receive and digest the information in it.

At the same time, soon, the sword intent on her body began to permeate.

"Good! It is worthy of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass! Unparalleled talent in kendo! "

Lin Qing nodded with satisfaction, and saw the jade bamboo and relaxed eyes on the side, with an envious face, smiled slightly, and also reached out to touch their heads to comfort: "Don't envy!" Yours too! "

"I pass on Cuizhu you Gengjin Kendo, Qingsong you thick earth sword Dao, I hope you understand it well."

The body of the green bamboo is jade golden sword bamboo, and the body of green pine is pentasoil sword pine.

Saying that, Lin Qing frowned at the two of them.

Speaking of which, they all seem to be influenced by Lin Qing's kendo laws and are very suitable for practicing kendo.

Not only them, but one-third of the thousands of people's evolutionary direction is related to kendo.

This may be related to the aura of the law of sword that Lin Qing exuded during his millions of years of retreat practice.

After all, he is a traverser, he likes kendo very much, in the past million years, in addition to improving his cultivation, he has also achieved a huge improvement in kendo, and he has long been more than comprehending the seven-star kendo.

He has innovated and greatly expanded his kendo.

No way, who let his favorite in his previous life be the Sword Immortal!

If nothing else, just one word: handsome!

"Thank you Master for teaching the law!"

Cuizhu and Qingsong quickly thanked each other, and then they both fell into enlightenment.

Lin Qing saw this, waved his hand and laid a defensive prohibition around them, and then came to the Hidden Scripture Pavilion in a flash.

Seeing that there were already many people rushing to this side, he directly moved his heart, and the countless knowledge and Dao rhyme in his mind suddenly turned into a book of exercises and magical powers... and so on, all merged into the Tibetan scripture cabinet.

Then, Lin Qing waved his hand, and the power of creation fell, and he began to further transform and adjust the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

A spiritual core like artificial intelligence or even more powerful was created for the Scripture Pavilion, and the affairs in the Scripture Pavilion were entrusted to the Spirit Spirit.

At the same time, it also connects the spirit of the Tibetan scripture pavilion with the virtual and real Rubik's cube, so that the spirit of the Tibetan scripture pavilion can go to the virtual and real realm, and at the same time, the Tibetan scripture pavilion in the illusory realm can also synchronize with the information of the real Tibetan scripture cabinet.

After that, Lin Qing went to the Alchemy Hall, the Alchemy Hall, the Hundred Herb Hall, and the Mission Hall.... and other areas, these places have been further transformed one by one.

Even the entire Zaohua Mansion has been further adjusted and upgraded.

Laid down a gathering spirit array, a defensive formation... Wait a minute.

It completely turned the Qinglian Creation Mansion into a supreme wonderland.

After doing this, Lin Qing stopped, once again divided a doppelganger to sit in the Creation Hall, and the body returned to the Wudao Tea Tree, took out the Chaos Bead and began to further refine.

Chaos Bead had also refined a prohibition before, far from the level of complete refining, and this time, he was determined to completely refine it.

Not only the Chaos Bead, but also other innate spirit treasures.


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