Although, these things, with Lin Qing's cultivation and ability, can be done in a single thought.

But he still left the opportunity to the doorman, which can be regarded as giving them more opportunities to experience and more opportunities to contribute.

"Wow! Daozun has released a new mission! Dao Zun actually created more than ten real small worlds in the Illusory Realm. "

"Daozun YYDS! Walk around! Go pick up the task! This is not to be missed! "

"In other words, create a real world in the illusory realm, and then let us use the illusory body to go to the real small world to engage in construction? It always feels a bit round! "

"Isn't that normal? How can we understand the realm of Dao Venerable? For Dao Zun, the void is just a thought! Don't think about it, hurry up and take the task, otherwise it's all gone! "



"Huh! These little guys! "

Putting these little guys' comments into his ears, Lin Qing also smiled and shook his head lightly.

Then, Xiao Jiujian was summoned, as well as Cuizhu and Qingsong.

After checking their recent cultivation, Lin Qing gave instructions to the three, and then left Yingzhou Island in a flash.

Again appeared somewhere in the East China Sea.

"Huh? Who are you? How come I haven't seen you? "

At this time, a voice sounded in Lin Qing's ears.

Lin Qing looked down at the little red dragon with a head emerging from the sea, and thought speechlessly: "What kind of luck am I?" How can you meet the dragon clan when you come out twice? Before I came out, I sensed it, and I didn't find the existence of dragons nearby? "

Not to mention, this red dragon looks cute and cute.

"Naa Why don't you talk? Can't you speak? "

At this time, the little red dragon flew up from the sea, circled around Lin Qing twice, glared at the dragon, and asked Lin Qing in that crisp loli voice.

Obviously, this is a female dragon who has not been involved in the world.

However, Lin Qing saw that she had nine claws on all four limbs, and knew that the bloodline of this little female dragon was not simple.

"Nine Claws, I'm afraid it's not the existence of the daughter and granddaughter of the ancestral dragon, right? But why a red dragon? "

Lin Qing thought with some doubt.


At this time, the little red dragon saw that Lin Qing did not speak, and couldn't help but lean over to Lin Qing's side, and suddenly smelled the smell of Lin Qing's body, and felt very good.

Can't help but not be attracted, put his nose on Lin Qing's clothes, and said with a look of intoxication: "You really can't speak?" So pathetic! But what does it smell like on you? Why does it smell good? "

The corner of Lin Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and he reached out and flicked on the little female dragon's brain door and reprimanded: "You little guy is really not afraid of heaven and earth?" Aren't you worried that I'm a bad person? Dare to come close to me like this? Watch out for me to arrest you! "

That is, looking at the little female dragon is innocent and cute, and he is not deeply involved in the world, otherwise, with his grudge with Dragon Ball, he would not be so good-natured.

"Hee-hee! It turns out that big brother you can talk! "

The little female dragon listened, smiled happily, and lovingly arched Lin Qing's chest with her head and replied: "No!" I feel like you're not a bad person! It can't smell so good on the bad guys! "

"I'm very powerful, grandpa praised me for my talent, good people and bad people can't hide my talent!"

The baby female dragon is confident.


Lin Qing raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, reached out and scratched the chin of the little female dragon, making the little female dragon giggle: "Talented? Can you tell the difference between good and evil? No wonder! "

At this time, the little female dragon looked at Lin Qing curiously and asked, "Big brother, my name is Ao Yu, what is your name?" "

Lin Qing replied with a smile: "My name is Lin Qing, of course, you can also call me Qinglian Daoist!" "

"I'm leaving! You better go back early! It's dangerous outside! Not everyone is like me! "

With that, Lin Qing was ready to leave.

"Don't! Don't leave! If you want to go, take me with you! I'm going to follow you! I feel that it is right to follow you! "

Thinking about it, Ao Yu directly bit Lin Qing's corner with a dragon kiss, and hurriedly said.


Lin Qing was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "Feeling? Is this also your talent? "


Ao Yu nodded repeatedly: "Yes!" My feelings are accurate! That's right, my choice is all right! As long as I follow the feeling, I can get benefits every time! Hee-hee! "

Lin Qing was surprised to hear this.

Isn't this similar to my cue tone talent?

Of course, Ao Yu's talent is obviously not as strong as his prompt sound talent.

But it's already pretty good.

I didn't expect that this little red dragon was still a treasure dragon.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? Are you sure your family can agree? "

Lin Qing's heart moved slightly, and he asked.

This little girl's heels and talents are good, and it would be good if she could be accepted as a disciple.

Obviously, Lin Qing moved the heart of love.

"Uh-huh! I'm sure! "

Ao Yu nodded repeatedly: "My grandfather and parents have told me a long time ago!" In the future, my decisions will be based on my feelings, and they will not interfere. "

Obviously, her grandfather and parents knew what her talent meant, and naturally they would not stop her.

"Is that so? Then you will follow me from now on! "

Lin Qing nodded clearly.


Ao Yu listened to the happy circle around Lin Qing a few times, and cheered: "Ahhh! That's great! I'm so happy! Big brother, you are so good! "

Then, she shrunk her figure, fell on Lin Qing's shoulder, rubbed Lin Qing's cheek with her head, and stayed on Lin Qing's shoulder and did not want to leave.

"You little girl!"

Lin Qing reached out and touched the little girl's head funny, raised his hand and said at the center of her eyebrows: "Just in case, I have to deal with your problems!" "

A green lotus mark bloomed at the heart of Ao Yu's eyebrows, and then disappeared.

Lin Qing then carried out the law of cause and effect, and countless causal lines appeared in his sight.

He saw a lot of causal lines in Ao Yu, of which three were the thickest.

Obviously, this is the causal line between his grandfather and parents and her.

"Great Cause and Effect, Cause and Effect Annihilation!"

The next moment, Lin Qing waved his hand, using the law of cause and effect as the knife, and the great causal technique as the medium, and swung the knife directly on those causal lines between Ao Yu and the dragon clan.


In an instant, except for the three thickest causal lines, all the other causal lines were cut off.

"Can't you? Then try it with Chaos Beads! "

Seeing this, Lin Qing's brows frowned slightly, and he directly mobilized the Chaos Bead, and once again condensed a blade with the law of cause and effect.

"Great causation! Chop! "

Again slashed at these three causal lines.


This time there was no accident, and the three causal lines were directly cut off cleanly.


At the moment when all the causal lines with the dragon clan were cut off, Ao Yu raised his head to look at Lin Qing with some doubt and asked, "Big brother!" What did you do? How do I feel so relaxed? It seems that something good has happened, but I don't know why, I have a reluctance, an urge to cry? Why is that? "

Ao Yu's eyes were full of confusion.


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