In fact, Lin Qing could also not suppress it, and directly let Fuxi completely integrate the cultivation of the two lifetimes when his merit was complete, fuse the humane saint Dao fruit, and become a true humane saint.

Let humanity recover early.

But it's not necessary!

This can lead to huge variables.

At that time, they will certainly not sit idly by and watch the rise of humanity.

They will definitely start on the other three emperors and five emperors, and try to use them as a springboard to seize the authority and luck of humanity... Wait a minute.

In the end, the goal of dividing up humanity and suppressing humanity is achieved.

This is not what Lin Qing and Nuwa want to see.

It is true that in this process, Lin Qing and they can also fight back and stop.

But when the time comes, the pressure you need to face will be much more expensive.

It is clear that as long as it is suppressed and delayed for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, it can easily allow humanity to rise.

If the humanitarian situation is thoroughly determined, why not choose an easier approach?

You can't eat hot tofu if you are in a hurry.

"Is that so?"

Nuwa listened and immediately nodded: "I understand!" In fact, I have recently grasped the opportunity to preach! With the blessing of the realm brought by the Heavenly Dao Holy Position, I walked quickly and smoothly in the path of mixed elements! "

"Give me 50,000 years, and I should be able to preach the mixed element!"

When I believed that Lin Qing was still a Heavenly Dao Saint, this step was undoubtedly the right step.

The blessing of the Saint Realm on her to comprehend the Dao Law was too great.

It was equivalent to her comprehension power in the realm of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Realm, and she turned her head and comprehended the Dao Law of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal Realm again.

It's like junior high school students turning their heads to learn elementary school knowledge, and the difficulty has been reduced by not a little.

The speed is naturally faster.

In the past ten or hundreds of thousands of years, the improvement she has obtained is much greater than the improvement she has obtained in the past thousands of years and hundreds of millions of years.

There are also people who feel the same as Tongtian, Houtu, Dijiang and others.

They are all in a similar situation.

"That's it!"

Lin Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Then you should hurry up and cultivate!" Just leave the matter on the Terran side to me! It won't be a problem! "


Nuwa nodded and immediately withdrew this divine thought doppelganger.

Lin Qing's heart moved, took out the Zheng Seal, and looked at the massive Terran and Humane Qi Luck that was put away and hidden.

The corners of Lin Qing's mouth turned up slightly: "Fortunately, I have been prepared for a long time, and I have been quietly collecting the accumulation of humanitarian luck, otherwise, things will only be more troublesome!" "

The Terran and Humane Qi Luck are too prosperous and huge, and they will only attract the attention of Hongjun and Heavenly Dao more and more.

Get their alarm ahead of time.

Therefore, over the years, Lin Qing has been relying on the Humane Supreme Treasure Seal to quietly collect part of his humanitarian luck.

Let the human luck look not so powerful, this can make Tiandao and Hongjun always feel at ease.

Let them think that everything is still under their control.

I don't know...

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed,

Fuxi had grown into a young man at this time.

From the age of 5, he began to learn cultivation and various knowledge with Jiujian.

Fuxi is very intelligent and has a very high level of understanding, which makes it easy for the Nine Swords to teach.

"All right! You've learned almost everything! Next, it's time for you to go back to the tribe, take over the Huaxu tribe, and start practicing while learning! "

"Only by applying what you have learned and combining the knowledge you have learned with specific things can you truly comprehend this knowledge and turn it into something useful to the Terrans, understand?"

Nine Swords instructed Fuxi.

"Yes! Master! "

Fuxi saluted respectfully, and then asked with some reluctance: "Then Master, won't I be able to come here in the future, nor can I continue to receive your teachings?" "

There is no doubt that he must be reluctant.

As a teacher, Jiujian is very qualified, and he is the person Fuxi feels closest to and most respected besides his mother.

After more than ten years of getting along, he has become accustomed to coming to learn and practice with teachers.


Jiu Jian listened, and shook his head funny: "Naturally not!" The Master will continue to carry it here until the day your merit is complete; "

"You have questions, you can come here to look for me at any time, please call me!"

Fuxi listened, and his eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

"In this way, I am relieved! That Master, I quit! "

Fuxi simply got up and saluted Jiujian.

As long as Master didn't leave him now, then he was much more relieved.

To be honest, he felt that he had not learned enough, and he had not done much concretely.

On weekdays, he used some of the knowledge he learned to begin to change and improve the situation of the Huaxu tribe.

The Huaxu tribe has become stronger and richer over the years.

But Fuxi felt that this was not enough.

The goal set for him by the teacher was to lead the entire Terran race in the future, tens of billions of people.

That would be a huge challenge.

"Hmm! Go ahead! "

Jiujian nodded, thought for a while, flipped his hand and took out a dragon scale armor, and a phoenix feather sword was given to Fuxi: "These two innate spirit treasures are no longer used for masters, so I will give them to you for self-defense!" Stay safe! "

"Thank you, Master!"

Fuxi took two things with emotion, then left the dojo on the side of the Nine Swords, returned to the Huaxu tribe, and took over the position of the tribal leader from the old leader.

"Good work! You have to believe in yourself! You are the future sage of the Terrans, you will definitely be able to! "

The old leader saw that Fuxi was full of ambition at this time, and at the same time very apprehensive, he immediately smiled and patted Fuxi's shoulder to comfort him.

"I'll try to do a good job!"

Perhaps it was the words of the old leader that encouraged him, and Fuxi let go of the apprehension in his heart, officially accepted the Huaxu tribe, and began to fully put what he learned into practice.

He made book deeds to tie the knot;

nets to teach tenant fisheries;

raise six animals to fill the kitchen;

building houses and improving living rooms;

make piano and music;

As time went by, the more he did, the more prosperous the Huaxu tribe became.

His reputation also began to spread among the Terrans, and there was a tendency to expand to the entire Terran tribes.

At the same time, seeing that the Huaxu tribe was surviving better and better, the nearby tribes also began to learn from Fuxi for advice.

It has also been better developed.

Even, simply merge the tribe into the Huaxu tribe.

Gradually, the Huaxu tribe became stronger and stronger.

However, in hundreds of years, the Huaxu tribe has become the premier super tribe among the Terrans.

The population exceeds 100 million.

At the same time, over the years, Fuxi's reputation has become more and more famous among the Terrans.

Basically, the Terrans already know that the Huaxu tribe has produced a great sage of the Terran race, leading the Huaxu tribe to rise continuously and become one of the top great tribes of the Terran race.

During this period, Fuxi did not stop learning, and would spend some time every year returning to the ancestral land of the Huaxu tribe, asking the teacher Jiujian about the accumulated problems, and at the same time, learning more new knowledge.

In addition, his cultivation began to improve rapidly over time.

Not to mention that the talent of his own body is not bad, plus he has contributed to the Terran race over the years, and he has gathered a lot of human luck.

Under the blessing of this huge qi luck, his cultivation is even more like divine help;

However, in just a few hundred years, he has successfully walked through the realm under the immortal path, broken through the earth immortal, stepped into the heavenly immortal, and become a true Xuan immortal.

This speed, to say is simply terrifying.

In a flash, tens of thousands of years have passed.

At this time, through continuous efforts, Fuxi had already unified all the human tribes and became the common master of all the human tribes.

His cultivation had also reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection, and he was one step away from being able to preach Daluo.

How horrible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The humanitarian luck gathered in the body is even more incalculable.

At this time, under his hands, the Terrans had gone further after tens of thousands of years of development;

Talents and strong people continue to emerge, and the population has skyrocketed again, climbing to more than 100 billion.

However, as the population grows, many contradictions begin to emerge.

One of the most serious problems is that food is starting to run short again.

In the wild near many tribes, as the population grows and hunting increases, the prey becomes less and less, and the problem of food shortage inevitably arises.

On this day, Fuxi encountered a problem again.

I don't know why, in recent years, where they live, the environment and climate have become more and more harsh and changeable.

There are also natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.

Every time, it brought great disasters to many tribes of the Terran race, and the deaths and injuries were not counted.

In addition, because climate change cannot be well measured and controlled, the Terrans cannot avoid these disasters.

In addition, the Terrans lacked clear legislation because the timing could not be accurately located.

Fuxi was very distressed about this and thought of many ways, but he could not solve the problem.

In the end, he had no choice but to return to the ancestral land of the Huaxu tribe, find his master, tell his problems, and ask for help.

Jiu Jian listened, and suddenly a trace of understanding arose in his heart.

Just at this moment, Master's voice Lin Qing sounded in her mind: "Give him the River Tuluo Book, he will know what to do himself!" "

"Yes, Master!"

Jiujian echoed in his heart, then turned his hand and took out the River Tuluo Book and handed it to Fuxi: "Take this to the shore of Weishui to enlighten, I believe you will get the answer you want!" "

"Yes! Master! "

Fuxi took the River Tuluo book excitedly, just holding the River Tuluo book, he felt that his understanding had skyrocketed countless times, as if his brain was much more flexible, and many problems in the past seemed to have been figured out at this moment!

And, countless inspirations began to spring to my mind.

Immediately, Fuxi took his leave of the Nine Swords, came to the bank of Weishui, held the River Tuluo Book, and directly fell into an epiphany.

The rhyme on his body emerged, showing a shocking vision.

And Fuxi's realization is hundreds of years.

During this period, the Terrans could almost be said to have lost Fuxi, the co-master, and the development of the Terran King City had stagnated.

Illusory Realm, on this day, Lin Qing pinched his fingers, and calculated that it was not very far from the time of Shennong's incarnation.

After thinking about it, he immediately summoned the roll.

"You should already be clear about the matter of the three emperors of the Terran race, right?"

When the roll came, Lin Qing asked directly.


Rolling nodded repeatedly: "I know!" Master and Master Sister have told me something, over the years, Master Sister has not come back much because of this matter, then Fuxi is Master Sister's disciple; Master, what's wrong? "

I don't know why, there is always a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Qing looked at Rolling with a smile and said, "It's good to be clear!" There is a great opportunity for the teacher, and great merit will be given to you! "

Rolling listened, and suddenly the foreboding feeling became stronger, and he directly said: "What, Master, can I refuse?" Chance merit or something, why am I not very interested! "

His biggest dream is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat;

It's enough to study food every day.

Lin Qing listened, and immediately looked at him speechlessly, and said with a straight face: "Of course not!" This matter has already been decided by the division, so you can't refuse! "

"I think you have already guessed something when it comes to this!"

"For the teacher, let's be straight! I want you to go to the Terran Jiang tribe, wait for 156 years, take a child born with a vision from heaven as an apprentice, teach him knowledge and practice, help him grow, and finally make him the co-master of the Terran race and lead the Terran race further! "

"These are relevant information and knowledge, you should digest it first!"

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand a little, and passed on the relevant information, including the specific place of birth of Shennong and the information of many spiritual plants and herbs.

Then he flipped his hand and took out a top-grade innate Lingbao-level medicine basket, and handed over an ochre whip of top-grade innate Lingbao to Rolling Dao: "Just give these to your future disciples at the time you see fit!" "

"Go! Don't let Wei Shi down! "

Saying that, without waiting for Rolling to respond, Lin Qing waved his hand and sent Rolling back to the Three Immortals Island.

Roll: "......."

"What is this called?"

Roll and cry without tears.

The master was too domineering, and he didn't even give him the opportunity to refuse, and forcibly sent the task.

But what can he do if Master has already decided?

No matter how lazy you are, you can only respond.

Immediately, he found Ao Yu and called a group of junior brothers and sisters to tell them the news.

"That's a good thing! Congratulations to the third senior brother! Hee-hee! "

Bixiao congratulated with a smile.


Yunxiao, Zhao Gongming, Kong Xuan and others congratulated Rolling One after another: "Congratulations Senior Brother!" "

Ao Yu also looked at the rolling meaningfully, reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Congratulations junior brother!" Next time, you will not only be able to harvest an excellent disciple, but also gain a great merit in the future! You earn big! "

"Second Senior Sister!"

Rolling looked at Ao Yu speechlessly: "Can you not chill me?" Can you not know that I don't like this kind of trouble? "


Ao Yu suddenly became happy and ridiculed: "Don't be upset!" This kind of good thing, others can't ask for it! Master thought of you for the first time, indicating that it is good for you? If you are still not satisfied, this is very undeserved! "

Of course, she knew that her third junior brother was a tired person.

But isn't that more interesting!

"I guess Master can't stand it, you continue to raise fat and hide lazy!" I arranged this transaction for you! You can go with peace of mind! "

"Leave it to us at home! Hahaha! "

In the end, Ao Yu couldn't help it at all and laughed loudly.

The others listened and cheered.

Roll: "......."

"Forget it! I regret summoning you! I'm leaving! "

After speaking, Rolling directly dodged away from Sanxian Island, locked the direction, waved his hand to open the space, and rushed towards the Terran tribe.

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