However, Hongjun was now more concerned about the Treasure Seal that Lin Qing had just sacrificed.

"No wonder Tiandao and I have been searching, how can we not find this human supreme treasure, it turns out that it has long been obtained by this Lin Qing?"

"This person has actually been silent, and this is able to endure!"

"It's a pity, it's not easy to grab, otherwise, you must grab it."

"In this way, my chance of taking away humane creation will be greater."

Gotta think of a way!

Lin Qing seemed to sense something, glanced at Hongjun, and then looked at Fuxi and said, "Congratulations to Fuxi Daoist on his return!" "


Fuxi listened, smiled and shook his head: "Brother Lin's words are bad!" "

The next moment, Fuxi looked stunned, stood up and announced to the entire Flood Barren Heaven and Earth: "From today onwards, there will be no Innate Divine Fuxi, only Terran Emperor Fuxi, heaven and man learn together!" "


As soon as Fuxi's words came out, the wind and clouds changed, and the heavens and the earth roared.

At the same time, it was also at this moment that the entanglement of his identity in his previous life was completely cut off and he became a complete Terran Emperor.

The moment he said this, Fuxi felt as if he had unshackled his soul, and his whole person became extremely transparent.


When Nuwa over there saw it, a trace of gloom flashed in her eyes, but she quickly recovered.

He thought to himself, "Although my brother's words cut off the causal connection with his previous life and completely became a Terran, his relationship with my brother and sister can never be severed!" "

"Moreover, the Terrans are a race created by me, and my blood flows in their blood, so my relationship with my brother still exists and will not be cut off!"

Not to mention that she will preach and become the Lord of humanity in the future, then the relationship will be even more impossible to cut off.

At this time, she is just "eight five seven" with some sentimentality and emotion.

Hongjun was not in such a good mood at this time.

"Human Emperor Fuxi? What a calculation! Nuwa, Lin Qing! "

Hongjun glanced at Nuwa and Lin Qing expressionlessly.

Is this the calculation of the two?

Let Fuxi reincarnate the Terrans and preach.

"It seems that you are also eyeing humanity and want to take control of humanity!" Unfortunately, you won't succeed! Hum! "

Thinking so, Hongjun immediately spoke: "Since the Human Emperor has already preached, then go to the Fire Cloud Cave to suppress the luck of the Terran race; "

"Nowadays, the luck of the Terran race is not stable, and the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth is not stable, as the emperor of the Terran race, you must not move without permission, go to the Fire Cloud Cave! From now on, it will not be immeasurable to calamity. "

Fuxi listened, and his face suddenly changed.

"Daoist friend's words are bad!"

The next moment, Lin Qing directly retorted: "There is a humane treasure seal in my hand, suppressed by the Ren Nation Virgin Nuwa, and the Emperor preached, there will be no problem with the luck of the Terran race!; "

"What is the reason why Daoist friends want to imprison the Terran Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave?"

Do you really think it's still the original timeline?

Do you really think that he doesn't know what purpose Hongjun had in letting Fuxi and them suppress the Fire Cloud Cave?

The three emperors and five emperors of the Terran race are all semi-imprisoned, so that you can control and interfere in the affairs of the Terran and erode the luck of the Terran race?

It's beautiful to think about.

"Good! I don't agree with this either! "

Nuwa nodded with an ugly face.

Even if Hongjun was her nominal teacher, it was impossible for her to agree to this today.

She actually wanted to half-imprison her brother?

What to think?

"Daoist friends misunderstood!"

However, how thick is Hongjun's face?

Not worse than the pick-up pick-up.

He immediately shook his head and sophistically said, "How can it be said that it is imprisonment? I'm also doing this for the good of the Terrans! As the Terran Emperor, what happened to suppressing luck for the Terrans? Shouldn't it? "


Lin Qingdu was almost amused by this shameless remark, and sneered: "Daoist friends can really reverse black and white hats!" "

"Feelings, what I said, did you take it as a wind? It is said that there is a seal of the Terran, and the luck of the Terran does not need to be suppressed, moreover, who said that you must go to the Fire Cloud Cave to self-imprison in order to suppress the luck of the Terran race? "

This statement is really ridiculous! Ridimental! "


When Hongjun heard this bright and humiliating words, his face immediately turned red with anger, and he looked at Lin Qingjian angrily and asked, "Daoist friend, is this going to tear his face with me?" "

Hongjun was so imposing that the creatures within billions of kilometers nearby felt their bodies and minds sink, and they were not uncomfortable.

Lin Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, "Isn't it you who wants to tear your face?" You can try! "

Lin Qing directly counteracted Hongjun's momentum with his own momentum, allowing the living beings to be liberated.

Today, it is impossible to give in to anything.

He knew it was impossible to fight today.

But Hongjun's state today is obviously wrong, he saw Fuxi preaching, and he showed the seal of Gongxi, some can't sit still, want to test it in advance, right?

But Lin Qing may give in, right?

No way!

It's a big deal to turn the world upside down, and the flood and famine are destroyed.

It's a big deal that he doesn't want to flood the wilderness, anyway, he still has a Chaos Bead world.

At most, it is a small loss, and then the gain is smaller.

He was never afraid to lift the table.


Hongjun suddenly said nothing, he had the intention to directly start a war with Lin Qing in advance, but he felt the momentum that Lin Qing had attracted and thought that Tiandao could not free his hand to help him at this time.

"Hmph! Taoist friends, you will regret it! "

He finally snorted coldly, dropped a sentence and left directly.


Lin Qing pouted disdainfully, he regretted the yarn.

What qualifications does Hongjun have to make him regret?

"Is that all right? Or I'll go to the Fire Cloud Cave to suppress it!" "

Fuxi asked with some concern.

"No need!"

Lin Qing waved his hand and said, "You go to the Nine Heavens of the Inner World and sit down!" I've already created a Cave World for you over there, enough for you and your subordinates to cultivate and grow!" "

"There is no need for you to stay here in the Earth Immortal Realm! It will affect the development of the Terran race and affect the development of the Lieshan clan! "

"You can choose a group of loyal subordinates to leave together, settle in the Nine Heavens of the Inner World, and go there to wander!"

"The Terrans currently have no forces and traces in the Nine Heavens of the Inner World, this is not okay!"

"In the future, although the Earth Immortal Realm will still be the core of the Flood Wilderness, it will continue to deteriorate according to the original route, and the cultivation conditions will gradually deteriorate, and the upper limit will become lower, which is not suitable for the development of the Terran powerhouse."

"Moreover, since the Terrans want to become the protagonists of the Flood Barren World, then the name is justified, but it is far from enough to dominate the Earth Immortal Realm!"

"Let's go to the inner world! That's where you can play bigger! "

This was something that Lin Qing had calculated a long time ago.

In the future, the three emperors and five emperors will each bring their subordinates to sit in a certain important heaven in the world, and let the people continue to fight and expand there;

Gradually become the overlord of the nine heavens of the inner world.

In this way, the future of the Terran will be the righteous protagonist of heaven and earth, which will never be shaken.

Moreover, such a Terran can truly bear the mainstream of humanity, help the recovery of humanity, and compete with the Heavenly Dao and the Tunnel.

Instead of becoming a vassal of both or one or the other, eventually being annexed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Is the ninth heaven of the inner world?"

Fuxi listened, and his eyes lit up slightly: "It turns out that Brother Lin has planned it for a long time?" I understand! I'll go and gather the old ministry, and then prepare to settle in the ninth heaven of the inner world!" "


Lin Qing nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand to the heart of Fuxi's eyebrows, and a small light mass disappeared into Fuxi's eyebrows, turning into a heavenly mark and disappearing.

"This is the key and authority to open the Ninth Heavenly Que Secret Realm, and I have directly given it to you! The relevant information is also passed on to you!; "

"Go! Develop well! Your future can't stop yet, and don't think about just being idle; "

"There are countless Ninth Heavenly Races in the world, and there are many challenges waiting for you! Hehe! "

Other Flood Barren Ten Thousand Races have not lived in vain for so many years, why did the Terran race ride on their heads and become the protagonists of heaven and earth? "

"It's not enough to rely on saints, they need to work their own, fight out one punch at a time, and defeat those races one by one."

Lin Qing did this because he didn't want the Terrans to become a race with no external threat, only infighting and internal decay.

Positive, continuous fighting, in this process, continuous growth, composing a history of heroic struggle belonging to the Terran race is the way it should be.

When the Terrans become the masters of the nine heavens of the inner world in the future, they can also open the heavens and realms, let them continue to work hard!

Life does not stop, struggle does not stop.

"Thank you Brother Lin! I won't let you down! "

After receiving the message, Fuxi hugged Lin Qing happily, then looked at his sister, nodded slightly, and returned directly to the Terran King City.

He began to discuss with the Lieshan Clan about the handover and the matter of the Nine Heavens of the Inner World, as well as the matter of taking away some of the elite of the Terran race.

"Next, the officials and elites under my original command will basically be transferred away, leaving you with a brand new Terran race, how to compose your own brilliance is up to you!"

"When my people are gone, after you become a co-master, the resistance to governing the Terran will also be greatly reduced, I hope you will not disappoint me, I am waiting for you in the Nine Heavens of the Inner World to continue to fight side by side in the future and further develop the Terran race!"

Fuxi said, patted the shoulder of the Shennong Lieshan clan, and said encouraging..........

"I understand! You won't be disappointed by the Emperor! "

Shennong nodded heavily.

For the next ten years, the Terran side was in handover time.

A large number of elites who grew up during the Fuxi period were drawn together to form a new army.

In addition, Fuxi also taught innate gossip, stargazing, calendars, and all of these in this process.

Twenty years later,

The preparations on Fuxi's side were finally completed, and he led millions of Terran elites to drive flying boats and chariots, leaving the Earth Immortal Realm and rushing to the ninth heaven of the inner world.

In the Zixiao Palace,

When Hongjun saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is this your purpose?" Nine Heavens, corresponding to the three emperors and five emperors? No! There is one less person, what exactly do you want to do? "

In this way, the Terrans will indeed become stronger, and likewise, humanity will become stronger.

He kind of understood why Nuwa reacted so violently.

Not only because of Fuxi, but also because of the luck of the Terrans.

Obviously, in Hongjun's opinion, Nuwa, who occupies seventy percent of the luck of the Terran race, tasted the benefits brought by the luck of the Terran race.

Naturally, he hoped that the stronger the Terrans, the better.

Thinking of this, Hongjun sneered: "Hehe! If you don't listen to my advice, the Lord of Falsehood, you will regret it! "

"Of course, if you do this, you can indeed make the Terran race develop better and become stronger, but the dispersion of the three emperors and five emperors also gives me more opportunities to operate;"

"It's still a long time, and who will kill the deer in the future is not certain!"

"Aren't you trying so deliberately to strengthen the Terrans and humanity, just to awaken humanity? Really think I can't guess at all? "

"It seems that the people and emperors of the Sub-Saint Realm can't satisfy you yet, you want Fuxi and them to accumulate more luck and humanitarian merit by conquering the Nine Heavens, and become a true humane saint!"

"It's a good calculation!"

Hongjun's eyes showed a cold light: "But the premise is that everything develops according to your plan!" Everything is under your control! "

It is impossible for him to sit idly by and watch Lin Qing control humanity and the Terran race step by step and promote the awakening of humanity.

Humanity must belong to him.

Even Tiandao didn't want to snatch it from him.

Funiu Mountain,

Seeing Fuxi preaching the Terran Emperor and achieving Yashen;

Looking at Lin Qing's sacrifice, Tai Shang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Unexpectedly, this human supreme treasure actually fell into his hands, damn it!" "

He always had the feeling that the seal should have been his.

But now it was in Lin Qing's hands, thinking of a long time ago, he faintly felt that he had lost several opportunities.

"Could it be that one of the first chances was this Zheng Yin? It was secretly intercepted by that False Dao Venerable who didn't know what means? "

Thinking of this, too much hatred.

If it weren't for 5.5 being Lin Qing's chance to cut off him, a large part of the luck of the Terran race would be his!

Even, when he wanted to establish a religion with the Terran race, with the seal of Terran, even if Nuwa did not agree, Taishang could in turn threaten and even forcibly establish the Terran race.

Now, everything is gone.

"I won't just leave it at that! The Terrans must have my piece of the pie in the future! "

Tai Shang thought with a gloomy face.

West, Mount Meru,


He saw that Fuxi relied on the merits of humanity and the merit of the Heavenly Dao to actually achieve the Emperor Dao Fruit and achieved Yashen.

Immediately I could see that something was wrong with the Terrans.

Jun Ti looked at the guide and said, "Senior brother, this Terran seems to be the protagonist of heaven and earth!" What a life! "

"The teacher and the Lord of Reality are actually competing for the luck of the Terrans, and if we want to carry forward the Western Sect in the future, the Terrans must also intervene!"

He mainly looked at the increasingly terrifying luck of the Terran race, as well as the merits of humanity and the merits of the Heavenly Dao.

In addition, he also found that there were many talents among the Terrans.

It is completely possible to gather some and join them in Western religion.

Further strengthen the Western religion!


He also nodded: "At present, there is no good means to intervene, so I can only secretly send some disciples to preach, spread my interpretation, and develop believers and disciples; "

"Wait for the Five Emperors period, it is the time for us to make a big move and erode the Terran race, junior brother, don't forget, we still have the fourth place of the Five Emperor Master in our hands!"

"At that time, you can completely use the identity of the Five Emperor Masters to make a big move to spread the Dao among the Terrans."

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