"This is really..."

Houtu calculated this, and he was a little crying and laughing: "It is also the negligence of the brothers that will ignore the situation of these people who are mixed blood, which led to the development of this situation!" "

At that time, the Wu tribe was more decisive and faster when they migrated to the tribe.

In addition, there are many things, and the Wu clan is relatively straightforward, and they don't think about it so much at all.

In fact, it is also a little difficult to handle.

It's impossible to take everyone from the Witch Half-Blood Tribe as well, right?

Not to mention that it is impossible for the high-level of the Terran to agree, and those Human-witch half-blood tribes themselves cannot agree.

A considerable number of them recognized their own Terran doppelgängers.

Hundreds of thousands of years of development, even if the number of human-witch mixed tribes was small at the beginning, it was constantly expanding under the accumulation of time.

It has now exceeded 100 million.

Lin Qing chuckled and said, "If the Wu Clan hadn't broken off its connection with these Wu Mixed Blood Tribes, and could regularly come and take away those clansmen who chose to become the Wu Clan, it wouldn't have been like this!" "

But those who were obviously obsessed with it had forgotten about it.


Houtu also nodded helplessly, and continued: "Moreover, I didn't expect that the two methods created by you Second Uncle were actually used by them in this way, and there would be such drawbacks when they cultivated at the same time. "

I really don't know what to say!

"There are indeed drawbacks!"

Lin Qing nodded with a smile: "But in fact, if the problem of refinement can be solved, then for those who choose to take the path of the Terran race, it is not a path that can continue to accelerate and become stronger." "

After all, in this way, he could rely on his own continuous improvement and providing the bloodline of the Wu Clan to increase the cultivation of the Adult Emperor Forging Body Method.

The problem now is that those who can cultivate at the same time have chosen the direction of development of the Wu clan, otherwise, they cannot use the bloodline inheritance to obtain the ancestral witch blood refining method, and it is even more difficult to cultivate.

If you choose the direction of development of the Terran race, take the Human Emperor Forging Body Method as the main cultivation, and also cultivate the Ancestral Witch Refining Blood Method, the problem will be smaller.

But there will still be the problem of refinement.

In the final analysis, it was the reason why the growing and improving Wu bloodline and the Terran bloodline began to clash.

If this problem can be solved, then in addition to the consumption will be greater and the cultivation resources required will be more, this method of simultaneous cultivation is a good way to accelerate cultivation.

With this inspiration, Lin Qing even began to deduce part of his mind.


Houtu's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Use the human emperor forging method to absorb and refine its own Wu bloodline, because there is a steady stream of Wu bloodline transformed; "

"As long as you control the amount of refining within the specified time, then you can continuously improve your Terran bloodline level and essence in this way, and improve your forging speed and talent!"

"The Terrans are truly extraordinary! I actually thought of this way to find another way! "

"It's just that in this way, the Wu Clan will suffer some losses, which will lead to the loss of talents among the human-witch hybrid who choose the Wu Clan route."

This is good for the Terrans, but not necessarily for the Witches.

"Huh! Who made yourselves forget about these half-bloods? Who is to blame for this? "

Lin Qing couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Have you forgotten that you are not allowed to choose the Terrans?

Isn't all this the Wu Clan's own pot?


Houtu shook his head with a wry smile: "Is the second uncle here to let the Wu Clan side re-follow the path of the past human-witch hybrids, or is it for the Terran to kill and rob?" Or both? "

"Naturally, it's both!"

Lin Qing nodded: "Let Dijiang send witches to contact the co-masters of the Terran race and discuss the selection and contact of the follow-up human-witch hybrids."

"Now, what is more important is the matter of Terran killing and robbery!"

"The Renwu tribe has been robbed here, since the matter was caused by the negligence of the Human-Wu tribe and the Wu tribe, then the Wu tribe will also come out to rob this time to help solve this matter, so that the emperor can successfully preach and complete the merit, what do you think?"

Houtu nodded: "Then I don't know what the Wu Clan needs to do here?" "

Lin Qing thought for a moment and said, "Let Qianyou, Punishment Heaven, Jiufeng... Wait for the reincarnation of the Great Witch to go back to the Jiuli Tribe of the Terran Race and take the initiative to participate in the Great Tribulation! "

"Just take this opportunity to completely solve the problem that the Terran tribe cannot integrate into the Terran race;"

"I will seal their cultivation and strength in this life in advance, and when their deeds are complete, they will not only be able to restore the body of the Great Witch and obtain all the cultivation bloodlines of their previous lives, but also superimpose the strength and merit after reincarnation!" Perhaps, he can take the opportunity to break through and become an ancestral witch. "

"Of course, the premise is that they will listen to the command at that time and do not come nonsense, otherwise, not only will they have no merit, but they will also be punished!"

This big drama, without the addition of the witch is obviously incomplete.

This is the reason why Lin Qing came to find Houtu.

"Qiuyou, are they tortured? OK! "

Houtu listened and nodded: "It just so happens that they are idle on the side of the witch world, and recently they always want to go outside the witch world to break out and fight, so I'm afraid they will go!" I'm sure they'll be willing! "

Immediately, Houtu summoned Qianyou, Punishment Tian, Jiufeng and others over the air.

"I'll wait to see Houtuzu Wu, Erzu!"

As soon as they came over, Qian You and the others saw that Lin Qing was actually there, and quickly saluted.

Then, Chi You touched the back of his head and asked puzzledly: "Houtuzu Wu, Erzu, I don't know if you asked us to come here for us to do something?" Despite the arrival, we would love to. "

"Huh! Very good! "

Lin Qing listened, smiled and patted Qianyou's shoulder, and said with a smile: "I like your momentum!" "

"This time I called you here, there is indeed something very important for you to do;"

"Do a good job, not only heaven and earth are rewarded, but the second ancestor and my side also have additional rewards!"

"Here's the thing...."

Saying that, Lin Qing completely told Qian You, Xing Tian and the others about the matter.

"Reincarnated to the Human-Witch Tribe? Still want to compete with the next Terran Emperor for the position of co-master of the Terran race? "

"That's pretty fun! Hey! "

The eyes of the few people listened to it.

They have been idle in the witch world all these years.

Be! They can go to the Nine Heavens of the Flood Barren World.

However, there are also personnel restrictions on entering and exiting the witch world.

The ancestral witches made a rule that only 5 witches could go out every hundred years.

Rotate after a hundred years.

Where is this enough for them?

Row down, it would be good to go out once in 10,000 years.

Now I hear that I can go to reincarnation and play for a while, and I can continue to be their great witch after returning, why not?

As for reincarnation, will it be dangerous?

Chi You and the others were not worried at all.

The Six Realms of Reincarnation is the territory of Houtu Niangniang and the land reserved by their Wu Clan.

There are also two ancestors on the side to give guarantees, what are they worried about?

When did the second ancestor pit their Wu clan?


If it weren't for the second ancestor, their Wu clan would definitely not have the current scenery and prosperity.

"However, Erzu! If... I mean if ha! "

Chi You rubbed his hands a little itchy, and asked embarrassedly: "If I really lead the people of the Renwu tribe to defeat the future human emperor by then, will I become an emperor?" That wouldn't be a problem, would it? "

He didn't want to really be a Terran, wouldn't he be a witch?

With the ancestral witch refining blood method, he felt that if he cultivated for millions of years, it would not be a problem to break through and become a new ancestral witch. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He was proud and proud of himself as a witch.

If it weren't for the little cubs on the side of the Renwu tribe who might join the witch tribe, he wouldn't have gone.

"Of course... No way! "

Lin Qing looked at Qian You speechlessly and said, "I asked you to help the Terran Emperor to cross the calamity, not really to block the Terran race!" "

"You are a great witch, the future ancestor witch, are you really ready to become a personal emperor?"

"Believe it or not, Erzu, I cut you?"

When Qian You listened, the sweaty hair on his back stood upside down, his neck shrunk, and he said, "Hehe! Where is the second ancestor, I just say! It's just talk, but it's not really about it! "

"I'm still very measured!"

"Isn't it to accompany the next human emperor to perform a big drama for the position of co-lord, and by the way, let the Wu tribe completely integrate into the human race? No problem! Leave it to me! "

"Make sure things are done beautifully!"

Chiu slapped his chest and clammed.

Lin Qing looked at him speechlessly, and then looked at Punishment Tian, Jiufeng and the others and instructed: "I can't believe this, you guys go with you, remember to watch him when the time comes, don't cause me trouble!" "

"Otherwise, I will throw you all to the eighteen hells for a hundred thousand years and experience the life inside!"

When Xing Tian, Jiufeng, Qianyou and the others listened, they suddenly felt a chill, and nodded their heads again and again in response: "Yes!" Be! We definitely won't mess around! "

Houtu also looked at Qian You and the others with a smile at this time and said: "Over there in the eighteenth hell, there have been many ancient demons and fierce spirits imprisoned over the years, and they need the Great Witch to clean up; "

"If you don't obey, then it's time to use waste, I think the second uncle's punishment is too light, add 900,000 years, make up a whole number!"

"Just help me solve some problems!"

Chiu: "....."

Punishment day: "....."

Jiufeng: "..."

God is too light.

God makes up a whole number.

Did you make it up like that?

"On ruthlessness, or Houtuzu Wu, you are ruthless!"

Qian You and the others couldn't help but secretly complain in their hearts.

"All right! Without further ado! It's time for you to hit the road! I hope you don't disappoint me! "

Saying that, Lin Qing waved his hand and directly sealed the cultivation of Qian You and the others into the depths of their true spirits, leaving a few soul true spiritual light groups in place, which were directly handed over to Houtu.

Houtu directly communicated with the six reincarnation discs and sent several people into reincarnation.

"I'll go first! Remember to let Di Jiang go to the Terran King City as soon as possible to agree on the introduction of those young children who want to choose the path of the Wu Clan among the human-witch hybrids. "

"Whoosh! These two teleportation arrays are for you! When the time comes, it will be handed over to Dijiang, one can be arranged in the Terran and Wu tribe, and the other can be uncomfortable in the witch world. "

"This teleportation array is set up, only the witch clan can pass through, it should be able to help you solve a lot of problems!"

Saying that, Lin Qing casually condensed two teleportation array marks, handed them to Houtu, and left directly in a flash.

"Thank you Second Uncle! Congratulations to the second uncle! "

Houtu took the mark and bowed slightly to the place where Lin Qing left.

He directly called Di Jiang, told him the matter, and handed him the two teleportation array marks: "Big brother! Take a trip now! So as not to have more problems with long dreams at night! "


Di Jiang put away the teleportation array imprint, touched the back of his head a little hao, and said, "Hey! This is also something we forgot! Otherwise, there would not be such a big mistake! "

"However, regarding those who cultivate both the Ancestral Witch Refining Blood Method and the Human Emperor Forging Body Method, and there is a problem of refinement, can the second uncle leave a solution?"

Houtu shook his head: "Not for the time being!" It is estimated that the second uncle will also need some time to deduce the creation! "

"With the understanding of the second uncle, it should not be long before you go to the Terran side to discuss, you can try to contact the second uncle to see if the second uncle has created it!"

This kind of thing may be a difficult problem for others, but that person definitely does not include their second uncle.

"Good! So be it! I'll go too! "

Di Jiang nodded, and immediately resolutely opened a spatial passage, left the Netherworld Mansion, and rushed towards the Terrans.

illusory world,

Half a day later,

[You used the ancestral witch blood refining method and the human emperor forging body method, combined with the situation of human witches, and deduced and created the human witch forging body method. 】

[Human Witch Forging Body Method]: Based on the human emperor forging body method, supplemented by the ancestral witch blood refining method, the supreme humane method created by perfectly integrating the effects of the two;

Cultivation can improve the quality and quantity of the Wu bloodline in the human witch body through continuous condensation, and use this method to absorb and transform part of the Wu bloodline to enhance its human bloodline, and improve the cultivation speed and talent of the human emperor forging body method.

"It's done!"

Lin Qing opened his eyes and said with a slight joy on his face.

This method is not difficult for him.

"Let's go directly into the blood of the human witch!"

Thinking so, Lin Qing directly raised his hand and condensed a light mass, which contained the detailed content of the human witch forging body method and the conditions for inducing the inheritance of this method.

It is still necessary for the Terran to choose to become a Terran to obtain it.

He separated a little, and the light mass directly tore through the void and entered the long river of human witch blood.

At the same time, those who had already chosen the Witch Dao, but also cultivated the Human Emperor Forging Body Method, and hoped to become a Terran Race, those people and witch hybrids also gained this inheritance at this moment.

But considering the problem of the next military disaster, this inheritance did not appear for the time being, but was sealed in their souls.

It is necessary to wait for the military disaster to pass, and the human emperor Xuanyuan becomes the co-master, before it will be unsealed.

At that time, it is just right for these people to transfer to this practice and completely turn into a human race.

Similarly, the next newborns will not directly obtain this practice inheritance for the time being, and they will also have to wait until the day when Xuanyuan becomes the co-master.


During this period, Di Jiang was discussing this matter with the three elders of the Terran race.

Because Shennong was not in the royal city at this time, but went out to taste hundred herbs, and he has not returned.

I can only consult with the three elders of the Terran race.

It's about the same anyway.

Di Jiang received the message transmitted by Lin Qing at this time, and was suddenly slightly stunned.

"What's wrong?"

The Flintstones couldn't help but ask.


Di Jiang shook his head: "In short, when the three emperors of the Terran race appear, I will deploy the teleportation array again to completely solve this matter!" "

"At that time, I will also ask the Void True Dao Venerable to completely solve the problems of those Terrans who have become abnormal because they both cultivate the Ancestral Witch Refining Blood Method and the Human Emperor Forging Body!"

When they heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In this case, then please ask the Dijiang Saint and the Void Dao Venerable!" "

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